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Parallel Passages:
Book of Kells: A page of the Eusebian Canons (upper section).

Passage Psg Revised Standard Version 1 2 3 4
The Genealogy of Jesus ChristMt.1.1-17|Mt.1.1-17| →Lk.3.23-38
The Birth of Jesus ChristMt.1.18-25|Mt.1.18-25| →Lk.2.1-7
- Behold, a virgin shall conceiveMt.1.23|Mt.1.23| →Is.7.14 Is.8.8
The Visit of the Wise MenMt.2.1-12
- And you, O BethlehemMt.2.6|Mt.2.6| →Mic.5.2
The Flight to EgyptMt.2.13-15
- Out of Egypt have I called my sonMt.2.15|Mt.2.15| →Hs.11.1
The Slaying of the InfantsMt.2.16-18
- A voice was heard in RamahMt.2.18|Mt.2.18| →Jr.31.15
The Return from EgyptMt.2.19-23
The Preaching of John the BaptistMt.3.1-12|Mt.3.1-12| →Mk.1.1-8 Lk.3.1-9 Jn.1.19-28
- The voice of one crying in the wildernessMt.3.3|Mt.3.3| →Is.40.3
The Baptism of JesusMt.3.13-17|Mt.3.13-17| →Mk.1.9-11 Lk.3.21-22
The Temptation of JesusMt.4.1-11|Mt.4.1-11| →Mk.1.12-13 Lk.4.1-13
- Man shall not live by bread aloneMt.4.4|Mt.4.4| →Dt.8.3
- He will give his angels charge of youMt.4.6|Mt.4.6| →Ps.91.11-12
- You shall not tempt the Lord your GodMt.4.7|Mt.4.7| →Dt.6.16
- You shall worship the Lord your GodMt.4.10|Mt.4.10| →Dt.6.13
The Beginning of the Galilean MinistryMt.4.12-17|Mt.4.12-17| →Mk.1.14-15 Lk.4.14-15
- The land of Zeb'ulun.Mt.4.15-16|Mt.4.15-16| →Is.9.1-2 Is.42.7
The Calling of Four FishermenMt.4.18-22|Mt.4.18-22| →Mk.1.16-20 Lk.5.1-11
Ministering to a Great MultitudeMt.4.23-25|Mt.4.23-25| →Lk.6.17-19
The Sermon on the MountMt.5.1-7.29
The BeatitudesMt.5.3-11|Mt.5.3-11| →Lk.6.20-23
Salt and LightMt.5.13-16|Mt.5.13-16| →Mk.9.50 Lk.14.34-35
Teaching about the LawMt.5.17-20
Teaching about AngerMt.5.21-26
Teaching about AdulteryMt.5.27-30
Teaching about DivorceMt.5.31-32|Mt.5.31-32| →Mt.19.9 Mk.10.11-11.12 Lk.16.18
Teaching about OathsMt.5.33-37|Mt.5.33-37| →Lv.19.12 Nu.30.2 Dt.23.21
- But I say to you, Do not swear at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God,Mt.5.34|Mt.5.34| →Is.66.1
Teaching about RetaliationMt.5.38-42|Mt.5.38-42| →Lk.6.29-30
Love for EnemiesMt.5.43-48|Mt.5.43-48| →Lk.6.27-28 Lk.6.32-36
Teaching about AlmsgivingMt.6.1-4
Teaching about PrayerMt.6.5-15|Mt.6.5-15| →Lk.11.2-4
Teaching about FastingMt.6.16-18
Treasure in HeavenMt.6.19-21|Mt.6.19-21| →Lk.12.33-34
The Light of the BodyMt.6.22-23|Mt.6.22-23| →Lk.11.34-36
God and MammonMt.6.24|Mt.6.24| →Lk.16.13
Care and AnxietyMt.6.25-34|Mt.6.25-34| →Lk.12.22-34
Judging OthersMt.7.1-6|Mt.7.1-6| →Lk.6.37-38 Lk.6.41-42
Ask, Seek, KnockMt.7.7-12|Mt.7.7-12| →Lk.11.9-13
The Narrow GateMt.7.13-14|Mt.7.13-14| →Lk.13.24
A Tree Known by Its FruitMt.7.15-20|Mt.7.15-20| →Lk.6.43-44
I Never Knew YouMt.7.21-23|Mt.7.21-23| →Lk.13.25-27
The Two FoundationsMt.7.24-29|Mt.7.24-29| →Lk.6.47-49
The Cleansing of a LeperMt.8.1-4|Mt.8.1-4| →Mk.1.40-45 Lk.5.12-16
The Healing of a Centurion's ServantMt.8.5-13|Mt.8.5-13| →Lk.7.1-10 Jn.4.43-54
The Healing of Many PeopleMt.8.14-17|Mt.8.14-17| →Mk.1.29-34 Lk.4.38-41
- He took our infirmitiesMt.8.17|Mt.8.17| →Is.53.4
The Would-be Followers of JesusMt.8.18-12|Mt.8.18-12| →Lk.9.57-62
The Calming of a StormMt.8.23-27|Mt.8.23-27| →Mk.4.35-41 Lk.8.22-25
The Healing of the Gadarene DemoniacsMt.8.28-34|Mt.8.28-34| →Mk.5.1-20 Lk.8.26-39
The Healing of a ParalyticMt.9.1-8|Mt.9.1-8| →Mk.2.1-12 Lk.5.17-26
The Calling of MatthewMt.9.9-13|Mt.9.9-13| →Mk.2.13-17 Lk.5.27-32
- I desire mercy, and not sacrificeMt.9.13|Mt.9.13| →Hs.6.6
The Question about FastingMt.9.14-17|Mt.9.14-17| →Mk.2.18-22 Lk.5.33-39
The Ruler's Daughter and the Woman who Touched Jesus' GarmentMt.9.18-26|Mt.9.18-26| →Mk.5.21-43 Lk.8.40-56
The Healing of Two Blind MenMt.9.27-31
The Healing of a Dumb ManMt.9.32-34
The Compassion of JesusMt.9.35-37
The Mission of the TwelveMt.10.1-4|Mt.10.1-4| →Mk.3.13-19 Lk.6.12-16
The Commissioning of the TwelveMt.10.5-15|Mt.10.5-15| →Mk.6.7-13 Lk.9.1-6
Coming PersecutionsMt.10.16-25|Mt.10.16-25| →Mk.13.9-13 Lk.21.12-17
Whom to FearMt.10.26-31|Mt.10.26-31| →Lk.12.2-7
Confessing Christ before MenMt.10.32-33|Mt.10.32-33| →Lk.12.8-9
Not Peace, but a SwordMt.10.34-39|Mt.10.34-39| →Lk.12.51-53 Lk.14.26-27
- and a man's foes will be those of his own household.Mt.10.36|Mt.10.36| →Mic.7.6
RewardsMt.10.40-42|Mt.10.40-42| →Mk.9.41
The Messengers from John the BaptistMt.11.2-19|Mt.11.2-19| →Lk.7.18-35
- the blind receive their sightMt.11.5|Mt.11.5| →Is.35.5-6 Is.42.18 Is.61.1
- I send my messenger before thy faceMt.11.10|Mt.11.10| →Mal.3.1
Woes to Unrepentent CitiesMt.11.20-24|Mt.11.20-24| →Lk.10.13-15
- if the mighty works ... had been done in SodomMt.11.23|Mt.11.23| →Jn.3.7-8 Is.14.13-15
Come to Me and RestMt.11.25-30|Mt.11.25-30| →Lk.10.21-22
Plucking Grain on the SabbathMt.12.1-8|Mt.12.1-8| →Mk.2.23-28 Lk.6.1-5
- I desire mercy, and not sacrificeMt.12.7|Mt.12.7| →Hs.6.6
The Man with a Withered HandMt.12.9-14|Mt.12.9-14| →Mk.3.1-6 Lk.6.6-11
The Chosen ServantMt.12.15-21
- Behold, my servant whom I have chosenMt.12.18-21|Mt.12.18-21| →Is.42.1-4
Jesus and BeelzebulMt.12.22-32|Mt.12.22-32| →Mk.3.20-30 Lk.11.14-23 Lk.12.10
A Tree and Its FruitsMt.12.33-37|Mt.12.33-37| →Mk.8.11-12 Lk.11.29-32
- Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whaleMt.12.40|Mt.12.40| →Jn.1.17
The Return of the Unclean SpiritMt.12.43-45|Mt.12.43-45| →Lk.11.24-26
The Mother and Brothers of JesusMt.12.46-50|Mt.12.46-50| →Mk.3.31-35 Lk.8.19-21
The Parable of the SowerMt.13.1-9|Mt.13.1-9| →Mk.4.1-9 Lk.8.4-8
The Purpose of the ParablesMt.13.10-17|Mt.13.10-17| →Mk.4.10-12 Lk.8.9-10
- You shall indeed hear but never understandMt.13.14-15|Mt.13.14-15| →Is.6.9-10 Ez.12.2
The Parable of the Sower ExplainedMt.13.18-23|Mt.13.18-23| →Mk.4.13-20 Lk.8.11-13
The Parable of the Weeds among the WheatMt.13.24-30
The Parables of the Mustard Seed and the LeavenMt.13.31-33|Mt.13.31-33| →Mk.4.31-32 Lk.13.18-21
The Use of the ParablesMt.13.34-35|Mt.13.34-35| →Mk.4.33-34
- I will open my mouth in parablesMt.13.35|Mt.13.35| →Ps.78.2
The Parable of the Weeds ExplainedMt.13.36-43
Three ParablesMt.13.44-50
Treasure Old and NewMt.13.51-52
The Rejection of Jesus at NazarethMt.13.53-58|Mt.13.53-58| →Mk.6.1-6 Lk.4.16-30
The Death of John the BaptistMt.14.1-12|Mt.14.1-12| →Mk.6.14-29 Lk.9.7-9
The Feeding of the Five ThousandMt.14.13-21|Mt.14.13-21| →Mk.6.30-44 Lk.9.10-17 Jn.6.1-14
Walking on the WaterMt.14.22-33|Mt.14.22-33| →Mk.6.45-52 Jn.6.15-21
The Healing of the Sick in GennesaretMt.14.34-36|Mt.14.34-36| →Mk.6.53-56
The Tradition of the EldersMt.15.1-20|Mt.15.1-20| →Mk.7.1-23
- Honour your father and your motherMt.15.4|Mt.15.4| →Ex.20.12 Dt.5.16 Ex.21.17
- This people honours me with their lipsMt.15.8-9|Mt.15.8-9| →Is.29.13
The Canaanite Woman's FaithMt.15.21-28|Mt.15.21-28| →Mk.7.24-30
The Healing of Many PeopleMt.15.29-31
The Feeding of the Four ThousandMt.15.32-39|Mt.15.32-39| →Mk.8.1-10
The Demand for a SignMt.16.1-4|Mt.16.1-4| →Mk.8.11-13 Lk.12.54-56
The Leaven of the Pharisees and SadduceesMt.16.5-12|Mt.16.5-12| →Mk.8.14-21
Peter's Declaration about JesusMt.16.13-20|Mt.16.13-20| →Mk.8.27-30 Lk.9.18-21
Jesus Foretells His Death and ResurrectionMt.16.21-28|Mt.16.21-28| →Mk.8.31-9.1 Lk.9.22-27
The Transfiguration of JesusMt.17.1-13|Mt.17.1-13| →Mk.9.2-13 Lk.9.28-36
The Healing of a Boy with a DemonMt.17.14-21|Mt.17.14-21| →Mk.9.14-29 Lk.9.37-43
Jesus again Foretells his Death and ResurrectionMt.17.22-23|Mt.17.22-23| →Mk.9.30-32 Lk.9.43-45
Payment of the Temple TaxMt.17.24-27
The Greatest in the KingdomMt.18.1-5|Mt.18.1-5| →Mk.9.33-37 Lk.9.46-48
Temptations to SinMt.18.5-9|Mt.18.5-9| →Mk.9.42-48 Lk.17.1-2
The Parable of the Lost SheepMt.18.10-14|Mt.18.10-14| →Lk.15.3-7
A Brother who SinsMt.18.15-20|Mt.18.15-20| →Lk.17.3
- confirmed by the evidence of two or three witnessesMt.18.16|Mt.18.16| →Dt.19.15
The Parable of the Unforgiving ServantMt.18.21-35
Teaching about DivorceMt.19.1-12|Mt.19.1-12| →Mk.10.1-12
- he made them male and femaleMt.19.4|Mt.19.4| →Gn.1.27 Gn.5.2
- and the two shall become one fleshMt.19.5|Mt.19.5| →Gn.2.24
- a certificate of divorceMt.19.7|Mt.19.7| →Dt.24.1
Little Children BlessedMt.19.13-15|Mt.19.13-15| →Mk.10.13-16 Lk.18.15-17
The Rich Young ManMt.19.16-30|Mt.19.16-30| →Mk.10.17-31 Lk.18.18-30
- You shall not killMt.19.18|Mt.19.18| →Ex.20.12-16 Dt.5.16
- Honour your father and motherMt.19.19|Mt.19.19| →Lv.19.18
The Workers in the VineyardMt.20.1-16
A Third Time Jesus foretells His Death and ResurrectionMt.20.17-19|Mt.20.17-19| →Mk.10.32-34 Lk.18.31-34
The Request of James and JohnMt.20.20-28|Mt.20.20-28| →Mk.10.35-45
The Healing of Two Blind MenMt.20.29-34|Mt.20.29-34| →Mk.10.46-52 Lk.18.35-43
The Triumphal Entry into JerusalemMt.21.1-11|Mt.21.1-11| →Mk.11.1-11 Lk.19.28-38 Jn.12.12-19
- Tell the daughter of ZionMt.21.5|Mt.21.5| →Is.62.11 Zch.9.9
- Hosanna to the Son of DavidMt.21.9|Mt.21.9| →Ps.118.26
The Cleansing of the Temple.Mt.21.12-17|Mt.21.12-17| →Mk.11.15-19 Lk.19.45-48 Jn.2.13-22
- My house shall be called a house of prayerMt.21.13|Mt.21.13| →Is.56.7 Is.60.7 Jr.7.11
- Out of the mouth of babes and sucklingsMt.21.16|Mt.21.16| →Ps.8.2
The Cursing of the Fig TreeMt.21.18-22|Mt.21.18-22| →Mk.11.12-14 Mk.11.20-24
The Authority of Jesus QuestionedMt.21.23-27|Mt.21.23-27| →Mk.11.27-33 Lk.20.1-8
The Parable of the Two SonsMt.21.28-32
The Parable of the Vineyard and the TenantsMt.21.33-46|Mt.21.33-46| →Mk.12.1-12 Lk.20.9-19
- the kingdom of God ... given to a nation producing the fruitsMt.21.43|Mt.21.43| →Ps.118.22-23
The Parable of the Marriage FeastMt.22.1-14|Mt.22.1-14| →Lk.14.15-24
Paying Taxes to CaesarMt.22.15-22|Mt.22.15-22| →Mk.12.13-17 Lk.20.20-26
The Question about the ResurrectionMt.22.23-33|Mt.22.23-33| →Mk.12.18-27 Lk.20.27-40
- 'If a man dies, having no childrenMt.22.24|Mt.22.24| →Dt.25.5
- 'I am the God of Abraham, and the God of JacobMt.22.32|Mt.22.32| →Ex.3.6 Ex.3.15
The Great CommandmentMt.22.34-40|Mt.22.34-40| →Mk.12.28-34 Lk.10.25-28
- You shall love the Lord your God with all your heartMt.22.37|Mt.22.37| →Dt.6.5 Jos.22.5
- You shall love your neighbour as yourself.Mt.22.39|Mt.22.39| →Lv.19.18
The Question about David's SonMt.22.41-46|Mt.22.41-46| →Mk.12.35-37 Lk.20.41-44
- The Lord said to my LordMt.22.44|Mt.22.44| →Ps.110.1
The Denouncing of the Scribes and PhariseesMt.23.1-36|Mt.23.1-36| →Mk.12.38-40 Lk.11.37-52 Lk.20.45-47
The Lament over JerusalemMt.23.37-39|Mt.23.37-39| →Lk.13.34-35
- Behold, your house is forsaken and desolate.Mt.23.38|Mt.23.38| →1Kgs.9.7-8 Jr.22.5
- Blessed is he who comes in the name of the LordMt.23.39|Mt.23.39| →Ps.118.26
The Destruction of the Temple ForetoldMt.24.1-2|Mt.24.1-2| →Mk.13.1-2 Lk.21.5-6
The Beginning of the WoesMt.24.3-14|Mt.24.3-14| →Mk.13.3-13 Lk.21.7-19
The Great TribulationMt.24.15-28|Mt.24.15-28| →Mk.13.14-23 Lk.21.20-24
- For then there will be great tribulationMt.24.21|Mt.24.21| →Dn.12.1 Jl.2.2
The Coming of the Son of ManMt.24.29-31|Mt.24.29-31| →Mk.13.24-37 Lk.21.25-28
- then will appear the sign of the Son of manMt.24.30|Mt.24.30| →Zch.12.10-14
The Lesson of the Fig TreeMt.24.32-35|Mt.24.32-35| →Mk.13.28-31 Lk.21.29-33
The Unknown Day and HourMt.24.36-44|Mt.24.36-44| →Mk.13.32-37 Lk.17.26-30 Lk.17.34-36
The Faithful or the Unfaithful ServantMt.24.45-51|Mt.24.45-51| →Lk.12.41-48
The Parable of the Ten MaidensMt.25.1-13
The Parable of the TalentsMt.25.14-30|Mt.25.14-30| →Lk.19.11-27
The Judgment of the NationsMt.25.31-46
The Plot to Kill JesusMt.26.1-5|Mt.26.1-5| →Mk.14.1-2 Lk.22.1-2 Jn.11.45-53
The Anointing at BethanyMt.26.6-13|Mt.26.6-13| →Mk.14.3-9 Lk.12.1-8
Judas' Agreement to Betray JesusMt.26.14-16|Mt.26.14-16| →Mk.14.10-11 Lk.22.3-6
- they paid him thirty pieces of silver.Mt.26.15|Mt.26.15| →Zch.11.12
The Passover with the DisciplesMt.26.17-25|Mt.26.17-25| →Mk.14.12-21 Lk.22.7-14 Lk.22.21-23 Jn.13.21-30
The Institution of the Lord's SupperMt.26.26-30|Mt.26.26-30| →Mk.14.22-25 Lk.22.14-23 1Cor.11.23-26
Peter's Denial ForetoldMt.26.31-35|Mt.26.31-35| →Mk.14.27-31 Lk.22.31-34 Jn.13.36-38
The Prayer in GethsemaneMt.26.36-46|Mt.26.36-46| →Mk.14.32-42 Lk.22.39-46
The Betrayal and Arrest of JesusMt.26.47-56|Mt.26.47-56| →Mk.14.43-50 Lk.22.47-53 Jn.18.3-12
Jesus before the CouncilMt.26.57-68|Mt.26.57-68| →Mk.14.53-65 Lk.22.54-55 Jn.18.13-14 Jn.18.19-24
- hereafter you will see the Son of manMt.26.64|Mt.26.64| →Ps.110.1 Dn.7.13
Peter's Denial of JesusMt.26.69-75|Mt.26.69-75| →Mk.14.66-72 Lk.22.56-62 Jn.18.15-18 Jn.18.25-27
Jesus Brought before PilateMt.27.1-2|Mt.27.1-2| →Mk.15.1 Lk.23.1-2 Jn.18.28-32
The Death of JudasMt.27.3-10|Mt.27.3-10| →Ac.1.18-19
- And they took the thirty pieces of silverMt.27.9|Mt.27.9| →Zch.11.12-13
Jesus Questioned by PilateMt.27.11-14|Mt.27.11-14| →Mk.15.2-5 Lk.23.3-5 Jn.18.33-38
Jesus Sentenced to DieMt.27.15-26|Mt.27.15-26| →Mk.15.6-15 Lk.23.13-25 Jn.18.39-19.16
The Soldiers Mock JesusMt.27.27-31|Mt.27.27-31| →Mk.15.16-20 Jn.19.2-3
The Crucifixion of JesusMt.27.32-44|Mt.27.32-44| →Mk.15.21-32 Lk.23.26-43 Jn.19.17-27
- they offered him wine to drink, mingled with gall - but when he tasted it, he would not drinkMt.27.34|Mt.27.34| →Ps.69.21
- And when they had crucified him, they divided his garments among them by casting lots -Mt.27.35|Mt.27.35| →Ps.22.18
- And those who passed by derided him, wagging their headsMt.27.39|Mt.27.39| →Ps.22.7 Ps.109.25 Lm.2.15
- He trusts in God - let God deliver him now, if he desires him - for he said, 'I am the Son ofMt.27.43|Mt.27.43| →Ps.22.8
The Death of JesusMt.27.45-56|Mt.27.45-56| →Mk.15.33-41 Lk.23.44-49 Jn.19.28-30
- My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?Mt.27.46|Mt.27.46| →Ps.22.1
The Burial of JesusMt.27.57-61|Mt.27.57-61| →Mk.15.42-47 Lk.23.50-56 Jn.19.38-42
The Guard on the TombMt.27.62-66
The Resurrection of JesusMk.28.1-10|Mk.28.1-10| →Mk.16.1-8 Lk.24.1-12 Jn.20.1-10
The Report of the GuardMt.28.11-15
The Commissioning of the DisciplesMt.28.16-20|Mt.28.16-20| →Mk.16.14-18 Lk.24.36-49 Jn.20.19-23 Ac.1.6-8

Notes: This list is based loosely upon the layout of the Eusebian tables.
The passage references are as printed in the United Bible Societies 'New Testament in Greek', 1966.
The parallel passages have been arranged so that the passage references can be displayed in accordance with the general layout of the Eusebian tables.
© Paul Ingram 2006.