The Traditions of the Patriarchs:
Abraham (Gen.12:1-25:18)
Isaac and Jacob (Gen.25:19-37:1)
Joseph and the Move to Egypt (Gen.37:2-47:26)
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The Liberation from Egypt:
Israel in Egypt (Exod.1)
The Birth and Call of Moses (Exod.2-7:7)
The Plagues of Egypt and the Passover (Exod.7:8-13:16)
The Crossing of the Sea of Reeds Israel in the Desert (Exod.13:17-18:27)
The Covenant at Sinai (Exod.19-24:18)
Israel's Apostasy and the Covenant Renewed (Exod.32-34)
The Halts in the Wilderness Journey (Num.10:29-14:45)
The Journey from Kadesh to Moab (Num.20-25)
The Bible's History of the Times –The Conquest of the Promised Land:
Preparations and Crossing of the Jordan (Josh.1:1-5:12)
Conquest of Jericho and Ai (Josh.5:13-8:35)
Mount Ebal: Sacrifice and the Law (Josh.8:30-35)
The Gibeonites and the Conquest of the South (Josh.9-10:43)
The Conquest of the North and Recapitulation (Josh.11-12:24)
The Apportioning of the Land among the Tribes (Josh.13-21:45)
Joshua Finishes His Course (Josh.22-24)
Summary of the Conquest and the Period of the Judges (Jdg.1-3:6)
The story of the Judges:
Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar (Jdg.3:7-31)
Deborah and Barak (Jdg.4:1-5:31)
Gideon and Abimelech (Jdg.6:1-9:57)
Tola, Jair, Jephthah (Jdg.10:1-12:7)
Ibzan, Eion, Abdon (Jdg.12:8-15)
Samson (Jdg.13:1-16:31)
Additional Incidents during the Judges' Period (Jdgs.17:1-21:25)
The Childhood and Rise of Samuel (1Sam.1:1-7:17)
The Bible's History of the Times:
Samuel and Saul:
The Institution of the Monarchy (1Sam.8:1-12:24)
Saul and the Break with Samuel (1Sam.13:1-15:35)
Saul and David:
David at Saul's Court (1Sam.16:1-19:7)
The Flight of David (1Sam.19:8-21:16)
David the Outlaw (1Sam.22:1-26:25)
David among the Philistines and the Death of Saul (1Sam.27:1-31:13 continued in 2Sam.1:1-27)
The Reign of David:
Consolidating the Kingdom (2Sam.2:1-7:29)
David's Wars and the Struggle for the Succession (2 Samuel 8:1-24:25, continued in 1 Kings 1:1-2:46)
The Reign of Solomon (1Kgs.3:1-11:43)
Contemporary Writing:
GENESIS: The Origin of the World and of Mankind (Gen.1:1-11:32)
(The contributions of the Priestly School, which belong to a later period, are printed in italics.)
PROVERBS: An early collection (Prov.10:1-22:16)
PSALMS from the Early Monarchy (Psalms: 2 | 20-21 | 24 | 28-31 | 45-46 | 61 | 63 | 72 | 78 | 80 | 82 | 89 | 101 | 110 | 132 | 144)
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The Bible's History of the Times:
The Political and Religious Schism (1Kgs.12:1-13:34)
The two kingdoms until Elijah –
JUDAH: Rehobam, Asa (1Kgs.15:1-24) | ISRAEL: Nadab, Baasha, Elah, Zimri, Tibne, Omri, Ahab (1Kgs.14:1-20, 15:25-16:34)
Elijah (1 Kings 17:1-2Kgs.1:18), continued in (2 Kings 1:18)
Elisha (2Kgs.2:1-13:25)
Amaziah of Judah and Jeroboam II of Israel (2Kgs.14:1-28)
Contemporary Writing:
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Siege of Lachish-Sennacherib. Palace Reliefs (British Museum): |
The Bible's History of the Times:
The Assyrian Invasion of Samaria (2Kgs.15:1-17:41)
Contemporary Writing:
about prophetical literature
ISAIAH: the earlier part of his ministry:
Oracles before the Syro-Ephraimite War (Isa.1:1-5:30)
The Book of Immanuel (Isa.6:1-12:6)
Oracles from Isaiah's Early Ministry (Isa.17:1-11)
The Bible's History of the Times:
Hezekiah and the Assyrian Invasion of Judah (2 Kgs.18:1-20:21) | background
Contemporary Writing:
Oracles from his later ministry (Isa.20:1-6 | Isa.21:11-23:18 | Isa.29:1-30:18 | Isa.30:26-32:14)
The Assyrian Invasion of Judah (Isa.36:1-39:8)
Oracles of the Assyrian Threat (Isa.14:24-16:14)
The Bible's History of the Times:
Kings from Hezekiah to Josiah (2Kgs.21:1-22:2)
Contemporary Writing:
JEREMIAH: The Years before Josiah's Reform (Jer.1:1-3:5 | Jer.3:19-6:30)
The Bible's History of the Times:
Josiah and the Religious Reform (2 Kgs.22:3-23:27)
Contemporary Writing:
DEUTERONOMY (Deut.1:1-11:32 | Deut.12:1-26:15 | Deut.26:16-30:20 | Deut.31:1-34:12)
JEREMIAH: His Support for the Reform (Jer.11:1-23, Jer.3:6-13)
The Bible's History of the Times:
The Death of Josiah (2Kgs.23:28-30)
The Bible's History of the Times:
The Reign of Jehoahaz (2Kgs.23:31-35)
Contemporary Writing:
Jeremiah's Oracle against Jehoahaz (Jer.22:10-12)
The Bible's History of the Times:
The Reign of Jehoiakim (2Kgs.23:36-24:7)
Contemporary Writing:
JEREMIAH's Condemnation of Hypocrisy and Corruption:
(Jer.26:1-24 | Jer.7:1-10:25 | Jer.12:1-13:17 | Jer.14:1-15:4 | Jer.15:10-20:18 | Jer.22:13-19 | Jer.35:1-19 | Jer.25:1-38 | Jer.46:1-12 | Jer.48:1-49:33 | Jer.36:1-32 | Jer.45:1-5)
The Bible's History of the Times:
Jehoiachin and the First Babylonian Deportations (2Kgs.24:8-17)
Contemporary Writing:
JEREMIAH's Condemnation of Jehoiachin and his Times:
(Jer.13:18-27, Jer.15:5-9, Jer.22:20-30)
The Bible's History of the Times:
Introduction to the Reign of Zedekiah (2Kgs.24:18-20a)
Contemporary Writing:
Oracles about the Future King (Jer.23:1-24:10 | Jer.49:34-39)
Jeremiah's Pamphlet for the Exiles (Jer.27:1-29:32)
Teaching before the Siege of Jerusalem (Ezek.1:1-24:27)
The Bible's History of the Times:
The Opening of the Siege of Jerusalem (2Kgs.24:20b-25:2)
Contemporary Writing:
Advice during the First Phase of the Siege (Jer.21:1-22:9)
Jeremiah and Zedekiah during the Respite of 588(Jer.37:1-2 | Jer.47:1-7 | Jer.34:1-7 | Jer.34:8-22 | Jer.37:3-38:28 | Jer.39:15-18)
The Book of Consolation (Jer.30:1-33:26 | Jer.3:14-18)
The Bible's History of the Times:
The Sack of Jerusalem and the Main Deportations (2Kgs.25:3-21)
Contemporary Writing
The Babylonian Treatment of Jeremiah (Jer.39:1-14)
Teaching during and after the Siege of Jerusalem (Ezek.33:1-34:31 | Ezek.36:1-37:28)
The Bible's History of the Times:
The Governorship of Gedaliah (2Kgs.25:22-26)
Contemporary Writing:
JEREMIAH: ... the Murder of Gedaliah (Jer.40:1-44:30)
EZEKIEL: Oracles against the Nations (Ezek.25:1-32:32 | Ezek.35:1-15)
JEREMIAH: Final Oracles (Jer.46:13-28 | Jer.50:1-51:64)
The Bible's History of the Times:
King Jehoiachin pardoned (2Kgs.25:27-30)
Contemporary Writing:
JEREMIAH: Appendix to Jeremiah's Writings (Jer:52:1-34)
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Oracles against Babylon and Songs of Hope:
The Book of the Consolation of Israel ('The Songs of the Servant')
The Origin of the World and of Mankind: (Gen.1:1-11:32)|
(The contributions of the Priestly School are printed in italics)
The New Jerusalem: the Torah of EZEKIEL (Ezek.40:1-48:35)
The Law of Holiness:
Immolation and Sacrifice (Lev.17:1-16)
Conjugal Relationships (Lev.18:1-30)
Worship (Lev.19:1-37)
Penalties (Lev.20:1-27)
The Priesthood (Lev.21:1-24)
The Sacred Meal (Lev.22:1-33)
Annual Feasts and Ritual Prescriptions (Lev.23:1-24:23)
The Holy Years and Concluding Summaries (Lev.25:1-26:46)
The Sanctuary and Its Ministers:
Instructions on the Sanctuary and Its Ministers (Exod.25:1-31:18)
The Furnishing and Building of the Sanctuary (Exod.35:1-40:38)
The Ritual of Sacrifice (Lev.1:1-7:38)
The Investiture of the Priests (Lev.8:1-10:20)
Rules Concerning the Clean and Unclean (Lev.11:1-16:34)
Sanctuary Taxes and Redemptions (Lev.27:1-34)
The Military Census (Num.1:1-4:49)
Miscellaneous Laws (Num.5:1-6:27)
The Offerings of the Leaders and Consecration of the Levites (Num.7:1-8:26)
The Passover at Sinai and the Departure (Num.9:1-10:28)
Miscellaneous Laws, Census Information and Summaries (Num.15:1-19:22 | Num.26:1-30:17 | Num.31:1-36:13)
The Prophetical Literature
The Bible's History of the Times:
The Return from Exile: (Ezra.1:1-6:22)
(The Return of the Exiles |
The Resumption of Worship in Jerusalem |
The Tactics of the Samaritans |
The Completion of the Second Temple)
Contemporary Writing:
The Bible's History of the Times:
The Organisation of the Community by NEHEMIAH and
NEHEMIAH (1:1-7:72a): The First Mission of Nehemiah to Jerusalem |
The Rebuilding of the Walls of Jerusalem
NEHEMIAH (11:1-13:31): The Repopulation of Jerusalem | The Second Mission of Nehemiah
EZRA (7:1-8:36): The Mission of Ezra
NEHEMIAH (7:72b-9:37): The Solemn Reading of the Law
EZRA (9:1-10:44): Rulings on Marriages with Foreigners
Contemporary Writing:
1 CHRONICLES: The Nation's Genealogies and the Rise of David (1Chron.1:1-10:14)
Founder of the Temple Worship (1Chron.11:1-20:8)
2 CHRONICLES: Solomon and the Building of the Temple (1Chron.21:1-29:30 continued in 2Chron.1:1-9:31)
First Reforms of the Monarchical Period (2Chron.10:1-27:9)
The Great Reforms under Hezekiah and Josiah (2Chron.28:1-36:23)
Hebrew Poetry
PSALMS: Book 1 (Pss.1-41) | Book 2 (Pss.42-72) | Book 3 (Pss.73-89) | Book 4 (Pss.90-106 | Book 5 (Pss.107-150)
Song of Victory after the Exodus (Exod.15:1-18)
The Song of Hannah (1 Sam.2:1-10)
The Canticle of Hezekiah (Isa.38:9-20)
Plea to Yahweh for Deliverance (Hab.3:1-19)
A Further Collection (Prov.1:1-9:18)
Translator's Forward – Collections of Sayings (Eccles.1:1-42:14)
Poems on the Glory of God (Eccles.42:15-50:31)
A Hymn of Thanksgiving Wisdom (Eccles.51:1-38)
Wisdom and Man's Destiny (Wis.1:1-5:24)
The Origin, Nature and Effects of Wisdom (Wis.6:1-9:18)
Wisdom and God in History (Wisdom.10:1-19:22)
Against Gog, King of Magog (Ezek.38:1-39:29)
The Messiah Age and His Justice (Isa.24:1-27:13)
The Messiah and the New Jerusalem (Joel.1:1-14:21)
Events at the Court of Nebuchadnezzar (Dan.1:1-4:34)
Belshazzar's Feast (Dan.5:1-6:1)
Daniel in the Lion Pit (Dan.6:2-28)
Dreams and Visions (Dan.7:1-12:13)
Susanna and the Judgment of Daniel (Dan.13:1-64)
Bel and the Dragon (Dan.14:1-42)
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Alexander - mozaic. More HERE! |
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Coin of Antiochus Epiphanes. More HERE! |