The katapi Psalter. The Common Worship Psalter with pointing is based upon the RSCM Common Worship Psalter with chants. The chants are as numbered in the RSCM Chant Book. The MID files are as listed at Ton Meijer's anglican chant website HERE. (this page prepared for katapi by paul ingram 2017.)

HOME | ↵ BACK | Anglican Chant | Psalms: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 23 ( CHS-chant) | 24 | 25 | 26 → |

¶ When singing a psalm, the word 'blessed' is to be pronounced as two syllables: 'bless - ed'. Where spelled 'blest', the word is pronounced as one syllable.

¶ A double forward slash // marks the mid-point in each psalm verse where, traditionally, a pause is observed.

¶ A single forward slash / marks a bar-line of the chant. A dot · indicates the mid point of the bar, and the chord changes after the dot. Chord changes in words of more than one syllable are indicated by a dash.

¶ For those traditions which omit the word 'Alleluia' during penitential seasons, we have provided an alternative: 'Praise the Lord'.

¶ A verse printed in bold should be sung in unison.

¶ Each psalm or group of psalms may end with

Glory to the Father and / to the / Son //
and / to the / Holy / Spirit;

as it was in the be/ginning is / now //
and shall be for / ever. / A/men.

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Psalm 1 -- Beatus vir, qui non abiit

RSCM CW Psalter--No.1. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

W Croft

1 Blessed are they who have not walked in the / counsel · of the / wicked, //
nor lingered in the way of sinners, nor sat in the as/sembly / of the / scornful.

2 Their delight is in the / law of the / Lord //
and they meditate on his / law / day and / night.

3 Like a tree planted by streams of water bearing fruit in due season, with leaves that / do not / wither, //
whatever they / do, / it shall / prosper.

4 As for the wicked, it is not / so with / them; //
they are like chaff which the / wind / blows a/way.

5 Therefore the wicked shall not be able to / stand in the / judgement, //
nor the sinner in the congre/gation / of the / righteous.

6 For the Lord knows the / way of the / righteous, //
but the / way of the / wicked shall / perish.

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Psalm 2 -- Quare fremuerunt gentes?

RSCM CW Psalter--No.2. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

C Hylton Stewart

1 Why are the / nations in / tumult, //
and why do the peoples de/vise a / vain / plot?

2 The kings of the earth rise up, and the rulers take / counsel to/gether, //
against the Lord and a/gainst his a/nointed:

3 'Let us break their / bonds a/sunder //
and cast a/way their / cords from us.'

4 He who dwells in heaven shall / laugh them to / scorn; //
the Lord shall / have them in de/rision.

5 Then shall he speak to them / in his / wrath //
and / terrify them / in his / fury:

6 'Yet have I / set my / king //
upon my / holy / hill of / Zion.'

[Vss 7-12 -- chant no.3: next page.]

RSCM CW Psalter--No.3. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

J Battishill

7 I will proclaim the de/cree of the / Lord; //
he said to me: 'You are my Son; this / day have / I be/gotten you.

8 'Ask of me and I will give you the nations for / your in/heritance //
and the ends of the / earth for / your pos/session.

9 'You shall break them with a / rod of / iron //
and dash them in pieces / like a / potter's / vessel.'

10 Now therefore be / wise, O / kings; //
be prudent, you / judges / of the / earth.

11 Serve the Lord with fear, and with trembling / kiss his / feet, //
lest he be angry and you perish from the way, for his / wrath is / quickly / kindled.

12 Happy / are all / they //
who / take / refuge in / him.

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Psalm 3 -- Domine, quid multiplicati?

RSCM CW Psalter--No.4. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

J Stainer

1 Lord, how many / are my / adversaries; //
many are / they who rise / up a/gainst me.

2 Many are they who / say to my / soul, //
'There is no / help for you / in your / God.'

3 But you, Lord, are a / shield a/bout me; //
you are my glory, and the / lifter / up of my / head.

4 When I cry a/loud · to the / Lord, //
he will answer me / from his / holy / hill;

5 I lie down and sleep and / rise a/gain, //
be/cause the / Lord sus/tains me.

6 I will not be afraid of / hordes · of the / peoples //
that have set themselves a/gainst me / all a/round.

7 Rise up, O Lord, and deliver me, / O my / God, //
for you strike all my enemies on the cheek and / break the / teeth of the / wicked.

8 Salvation be/longs to the / Lord: //
may your blessing / be u/pon your / people.

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Psalm 4 -- Cum invocarem

RSCM CW Psalter--No.5. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

N Rawsthorne

1 Answer me when I call, O / God of my / righteousness; //
you set me at liberty when I was in trouble; have mercy on / me and / hear my / prayer.

2 How long will you nobles dis/honour my / glory; //
how long will you love vain / things and / seek · after / falsehood?

3 But know that the Lord has shown me his / marvellous / kindness; //
when I call upon the / Lord, / he will / hear me.

4 Stand in / awe, and / sin not; //
commune with your own heart upon your / bed, / and be / still.

5 Offer the / sacrifices of / righteousness //
and / put your / trust · in the / Lord.

6 There are many that say, 'Who will show us / any / good?' //
Lord, lift up the / light of your / countenance up/on us.

7 You have put gladness / in my / heart, //
more than when their corn and / wine and / oil in/crease.

8 In peace I will lie / down and / sleep, //
for it is you Lord, only, who / make me / dwell in / safety.

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Psalm 5 -- Verba mea auribus

RSCM CW Psalter--No 6. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

J Barnby

1 Give ear to my / words, O / Lord; //
con/sider my / lamen/tation.

2 Hearken to the voice of my crying, my / King and my / God, //
for to / you I / make my / prayer.

3 In the morning, Lord, you will / hear my / voice; //
early in the morning I make my ap/peal to / you, and look / up.

4 For you are the God who takes no / pleasure in / wickedness; //
no / evil can / dwell with / you.

5 The boastful cannot / stand in your / sight; //
you / hate all / those that work / wickedness.

6 You destroy / those who speak / lies; //
the bloodthirsty and de/ceitful the / Lord · will ab/hor.

7 But as for me, through the greatness of your mercy, I will come / into your / house; //
I will bow down towards your holy / temple in / awe of / you.

8 Lead me, Lord, in your righteousness, be/cause of my / enemies; //
make your way / straight be/fore my / face.

9 For there is no truth in their mouth, in their / heart · is des/truction, //
their throat is an open sepulchre, and they / flatter with / their / tongue.

10 Punish / them, O / God; //
let them / fall · through their / own de/vices.

11 Because of their many transgressions / cast them / out, //
for / they have re/belled a/gainst you.

12 But let all who take refuge in / you be / glad; //
let them / sing out their / joy for / ever.

13 You will / shelter / them, //
so that those who love your / name · may ex/ult in / you.

14 For you, O Lord, will / bless the / righteous; //
and with your favour you will de/fend them / as with a / shield.

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Psalm 6 -- Domine, ne in furore -- a penitential psalm

Salisbury Psalter--Ps.6. | katapi Media Player (mp3) | see also the chants for Psalm 130 |
N Warren

OR RSCM CW Psalter--No 7. | katapi Media Player (mp3)
N Warren

Parish Psalter (BCP)

ASB Psalter

RSCM Common Worship Psalter

1 O Lord, rebuke me not in thine / indig/nation //
neither / chasten · me in / thy dis/pleasure.

2 Have mercy upon me, O Lord, for / I am / weak //
O Lord, heal me, / for my / bones are / vexed.

3 My soul also / is sore / troubled //
but, / Lord, how / long · wilt thou / punish me?

4 Turn thee, O Lord, and de/liver my / soul //
O save me / for thy / mercy's / sake.

5 For in death / no man re/membereth thee //
and who will / give thee / thanks in the / pit?

6 I am weary of my groaning, every night / wash I my / bed //
and / water my / couch with my / tears.

7 > My beauty is gone for / very / trouble //
and worn away be/cause of / all mine / enemies.

8 Away from me all / ye that work / vanity //
for the Lord hath / heard the / voice of my / weeping.

9 The Lord hath / heard my pe/tition //
the / Lord will re/ceive my / prayer.

10 > All mine enemies shall be confounded / and sore / vexed //
they shall be turned / back · and / put to shame / suddenly.

1 O Lord, rebuke me not in your / indig/nation //
nor chasten me / in your / fierce dis/pleasure.

2 Have mercy upon me O Lord, for / I am / weak //
O Lord heal me for my / very / bones · are a/fraid.

3 My soul also is / greatly / troubled //
and you Lord how / long will / you de/lay?

4 Turn again, O Lord, and de/liver · my / soul //
O save me / for your / mercy's / sake.

5 For in death /no man · re/members you //
and who can / give you / thanks · from the / grave?

6 I am / wearied · with my / groaning //
every night I drown my bed with weeping, and / water · my / couch · with my / tears.

7 My eyes waste a/way for / sorrow //
they grow dim be/cause of / all my / enemies.

8 Away from me, all / you that · do / evil //
for the Lord has / heard the / voice · of my / weeping.

9 The Lord has heard my / suppli/cation //
the / Lord · will re/ceive my / prayer.

10 All my enemies shall be put to shame and / greatly · dis/mayed //
they shall turn back and be con/founded / in a / moment.

1 O Lord, rebuke me / not in your / wrath; //
neither chasten me / in your / fierce / anger.

2 Have mercy on me, Lord, for / I am / weak; //
Lord, heal me, / for my / bones are / racked.

3 My soul also / shakes with / terror; //
how / long, O / Lord, how / long?

4 Turn again, O Lord, and de/liver my / soul; //
save me for your / loving / mercy's / sake.

5 For in death / no one re/members you; //
and who can / give you / thanks · in the / grave?

6 I am weary / with my / groaning; //
every night I drench my pillow and / flood my / bed with my / tears.

7 My eyes are / wasted with / grief //
and worn away be/cause of / all my / enemies.

8 Depart from me, all / you that do / evil, //
for the Lord has / heard the / voice of my / weeping.

9 The Lord has heard my / suppli/cation; //
the / Lord · will re/ceive my / prayer.

10 All my enemies shall be put to / shame and con/fusion; //
they shall / suddenly turn / back · in their / shame.

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Psalm 7 -- Domine, Deus meus

RSCM CW Psalter--No.8. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

J Turle


RSCM RSCM Chant Book--No.22. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

J Bertalot

1 O Lord my God, in / you I take / refuge; //
save me from all who pur/sue me, / and de/liver me,

2 Lest they rend me like a lion and / tear me in / pieces //
while / there is / no one to / help me.

3 O Lord my God, if I have / done these / things: //
if there is any / wickedness / in my / hands,

4 If I have repaid my / friend with / evil, //
or plundered my / enemy with/out a / cause,

5 (2nd part) Then let my enemy pursue me and / over/take me, //
trample my life to the ground, and lay my / honour / in the / dust.

6 Rise up, O Lord, in your wrath; lift yourself up against the / fury · of my / enemies. //
Awaken, my God, the judgement / that you / have com/manded.

7 Let the assembly of the peoples / gather / round you; //
be seated high above them: O / Lord, / judge the / nations.

8 Give judgement for me according to my / righteousness, O / Lord, //
and according to the / innocence / that is / in me.

9 Let the malice of the wicked come to an end, but es/tablish the / righteous; //
for you test the mind and / heart, O / righteous / God.

10 God is my / shield · that is / over me; //
he / saves the / true of / heart.

11 God is a / righteous / judge; //
he is pro/voked / all day / long.

12 If they will not repent, God will / whet his / sword; //
he has bent his / bow and / made it / ready.

13 He has prepared the / weapons of / death; //
he makes his / arrows / shafts of / fire.

14 Behold those who are in / labour with / wickedness, //
who conceive evil / and give / birth to / lies.

15 They dig a pit and / make it / deep //
and fall into the hole that / they have / made for / others.

16 Their mischief rebounds on their / own / head; //
their violence / falls on their / own / scalp.

17 I will give thanks to the Lord / for his / righteousness, //
and I will make music to the / name of the / Lord Most / High.

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Psalm 8 -- Domine, Dominus noster -- (first version)

RSCM CW Psalter--No.9. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

J Barnby

1 (Unison) O / Lord our / governor, //
how glorious is your / name in / all the / world!

2 Your majesty above the / heavens is / praised //
out of the / mouths of / babes at the / breast.

3 (2nd part) You have founded a stronghold a/gainst your / foes, //
that you might still the / enemy / and · the a/venger.

4 When I consider your heavens, the / work of your / fingers, //
the moon and the / stars that / you have or/dained,

5 What is man, that you should be / mindful / of him; //
the son of man, that / you should / seek him / out?

6 You have made him little / lower · than the / angels //
and / crown him with / glory and / honour.

7 You have given him dominion over the / works of your / hands //
and put / all things / under his / feet,

8,9 All sheep and oxen, even the wild / beasts of the / field, //
The birds of the air, the fish of the sea and whatsoever / moves · in the / paths of the / sea.

10 (Unison) O / Lord our / governor, //
how glorious is your / name in / all the / world!

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Psalm 8 -- second version

RSCM CW Psalter--No.9. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

J Barnby

1 (Unison) O / Lord our / governor, //
how glorious is your / name in / all the / world!

2 Your majesty above the / heavens is / praised //
out of the / mouths of / babes at the / breast.

3 (2nd part) You have founded a stronghold a/gainst your / foes, //
that you might still the / enemy and · the a/venger.

4 When I consider your heavens, the / work of your / fingers, //
the moon and the / stars that / you have or/dained,

5 What are mortals, that you should be / mindful / of them; //
mere human beings, that / you should / seek them / out?

6 You have made them little / lower · than the / angels //
and / crown them with / glory and / honour.

7 You have given them dominion over the / works of your / hands //
and put / all things / under their / feet,

8, 9 All sheep and oxen, even the wild / beasts of the / field, //
The birds of the air, the fish of the sea and whatsoever / moves · in the / paths of the / sea.

10 (Unison) O / Lord our / governor, //
how glorious is your / name in / all the / world!

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Psalm 9 -- Confitebor tibi

RSCM CW Psalter--No.10. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

G M Garrett

1 I will give thanks to you, Lord, with my / whole / heart; //
I will tell of / all your / marvellous / works.

2 I will be glad and re/joice in / you; //
I will make music to your / name, / O Most / High.

3 When my enemies are / driven / back, //
they stumble and / perish / at your / presence.

4 For you have maintained my right / and my / cause; //
you sat on your throne / giving / righteous / judgement.

5 You have rebuked the nations and des/troyed the / wicked; //
you have blotted out their / name for / ever and / ever.

6 The enemy was / utterly laid / waste. //
You uprooted their cities; their / very / memory has / perished.

7 But the Lord shall en/dure for / ever; //
he has made / fast his / throne for / judgement.

8 For he shall rule the / world with / righteousness //
and / govern the / peoples with / equity.

9 Then will the Lord be a refuge / for the op/pressed, //
a refuge / in the / time of / trouble.

10 And those who know your name will put their / trust in / you, //
for you, Lord, have / never failed / those who / seek you.

11 Sing praises to the Lord who / dwells in / Zion; //
declare among the / peoples the / things · he has / done.

12 The avenger of blood / has re/membered them; //
he did not forget the / cry / of the op/pressed.

13 Have mercy upon / me, O / Lord; //
consider the trouble I suffer from those who hate me, you that lift me / up · from the / gates of / death;

14 That I may tell all your praises in the gates of the / city of / Zion //
and re/joice in / your sal/vation.

15 The nations shall sink into the / pit of their / making //
and in the snare which they set will their / own / foot be / taken.

16 The Lord makes himself known by his / acts of / justice; //
the wicked are snared in the / works of their / own / hands.

17 They shall return to the / land of / darkness, //
all the / nations · that for/get / God.

18 For the needy shall not always / be for/gotten //
and the hope of the poor / shall not / perish for / ever.

19 Arise, O Lord, and let not mortals have the / upper / hand; //
let the nations be / judged be/fore your / face.

20 Put them in / fear, O / Lord, //
that the nations may know them/selves to / be but / mortal.

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Psalm 10 -- Ut quid, Domine?

RSCM CW Psalter--No.11. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

S Wesley

1 Why stand so far / off, O / Lord? //
Why hide your/self in / time of / trouble?

2 The wicked in their pride / persecute the / poor; //
let them be caught in the / schemes they / have de/vised.

3 The wicked boast of their / heart's de/sire; //
the covetous / curse · and re/vile the / Lord.

4 The wicked in their arrogance say, 'God will / not a/venge it'; //
in all their / scheming God / counts for / nothing.

5 They are stubborn in all their ways, for your judgements are far above / out of their / sight; //
they / scoff at / all their / adversaries.

6 They say in their heart, 'I shall / not be / shaken; //
no harm shall / ever / happen to / me.'

7 Their mouth is full of cursing, de/ceit and / fraud; //
under their / tongue lie / mischief and / wrong.

8 They lurk in the outskirts and in dark alleys they / murder the / innocent; //
their eyes are ever / watching / for the / helpless.

9 (2nd part) They lie in wait, like a lion in his den; they lie in wait to / seize the / poor; //
they seize the poor when they / get them / into their / net.

10 The innocent are broken and / humbled be/fore them; //
the helpless / fall be/fore their / power.

11 They say in their heart, / 'God has for/gotten; //
he hides his face away; / he will / never / see it.'

12 Arise, O Lord God, and lift / up your / hand; //
for/get / not the / poor.

13 Why should the wicked be / scornful of / God? //
Why should they say in their hearts, / 'You will / not a/venge it'?

14 Surely, you behold / trouble and / misery; //
you see it and take it / into your / own / hand.

15 The helpless commit them/selves to / you, //
for you are the / helper / of the / orphan.

16 Break the power of the / wicked and ma/licious; //
search out their wickedness un/til you / find / none.

17 The Lord shall reign for / ever and / ever; //
the nations shall / perish / from his / land.

18 Lord, you will hear the de/sire of the / poor; //
you will incline your ear to the / fullness / of their / heart,

19 To give justice to the orphan / and op/pressed, //
so that people are no longer driven in / terror / from the / land.

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Psalm 11 -- In Domino confido

RSCM CW Psalter--No.12. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

M Camidge

1 In the Lord have I / taken / refuge; //
how then can you say to me, 'Flee like a / bird / to the / hills,

2 'For see how the wicked bend the bow and fit their arrows / to the / string, //
to shoot from the shadows / at the / true of / heart.

3 'When the foundations / are des/troyed, //
what / can the / righteous / do?'

4 The Lord is in his / holy / temple; //
the / Lord's throne / is in / heaven.

5 His / eyes be/hold, //
his eyelids try / every / mortal / being.

6 The Lord tries the righteous as / well as the / wicked, //
but those who delight in / violence his / soul ab/hors.

7 Upon the wicked he shall rain coals of fire and / burning / sulphur; //
scorching wind shall / be their / portion to / drink.

8 For the Lord is righteous; he loves / righteous / deeds, //
and those who are upright / shall be/hold his /face.

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Psalm 12 -- Salvum me fac

RSCM CW Psalter--No.13. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

H Smart

1 Help me, Lord, for no one / godly is / left; //
the faithful have vanished from the / whole / human / race.

2 They all speak falsely / with their / neighbour; //
they flatter with their lips, but / speak · from a / double / heart.

3 O that the Lord would cut off all / flattering / lips //
and the / tongue that / speaks proud / boasts!

4 Those who say, 'With our tongue will / we pre/vail; //
our lips we will use; who is / lord / over us?'

5 'Because of the oppression of the needy, and the / groaning · of the / poor, //
I will rise up now,' says the Lord, 'and set them in the / safety / that they / long for.'

6 The words of the / Lord are / pure words, //
like silver refined in the furnace and purified / seven times / in the / fire.

7 You, O Lord, / will watch / over us //
and guard us from / this · gene/ration for / ever.

8 The wicked strut on / every / side, //
when what is vile is exalted by the / whole / human / race.

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Psalm 13 -- Usque quo, Domine?

RSCM CW Psalter--No.14. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

J Harrison

1 How long will you forget me, / O Lord; for / ever? //
How long will you / hide your / face / from me?

2 How long shall I have anguish in my soul and grief in my heart, / day after / day? //
How long shall my / enemy / triumph / over me?

3 Look upon me and answer, O / Lord my / God; //
lighten my eyes, / lest I / sleep in / death;

4 Lest my enemy say, 'I have pre/vailed a/gainst him,' //
and my foes re/joice that / I have / fallen.

RSCM CW Psalter--No.15. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

J Harrison

5 But I put my trust in your / steadfast / love; //
my heart will re/joice in / your sal/vation.

6 I will sing to the Lord, //
for he has dealt so bountifully with me.

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Psalm 14 -- Dixit insipiens

RSCM CW Psalter--No.16. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

C Hylton Stewart

1 The fool has said in his heart, 'There / is no / God.' //
Corrupt are they, and abominable in their wickedness; there is / no one / that does / good.

2 The Lord has looked down from heaven upon the / children of / earth, //
to see if there is anyone who is wise and / seeks after / God.

3 (2nd part) But every one has turned back; all alike have be/come cor/rupt: //
there is none that does / good; / no, not / one.

4 Have they no knowledge, those / evil/doers, //
who eat up my people as if they ate bread and do not / call up/on the / Lord?

5 There shall they be in / great / fear; // [better: There shall they / be in great / fear; ]
for God is in the / company / of the / righteous.

6 Though they would confound the / counsel · of the / poor, //
yet the / Lord shall / be their / refuge.

7 O that Israel's salvation would / come · out of / Zion! //
When the Lord restores the fortunes of his people, then will Jacob re/joice and / Israel be / glad.

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Psalm 15 -- Domine, quis habitabit?

RSCM CW Psalter--No.17. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

G A Macfarren

1 Lord, who may / dwell in your / tabernacle? //
Who may rest up/on your / holy / hill?

2 Whoever leads an / uncorrupt / life //
and / does the / thing that is / right;

3 Who speaks the / truth · from the / heart //
and / bears no de/ceit · on the / tongue;

4 Who does no / evil · to a / friend //
and / pours no / scorn · on a / neighbour;

5 (2nd part) In whose sight the wicked are / not es/teemed, //
but who honours / those who / fear the / Lord.

6 Whoever has / sworn · to a / neighbour //
and / never goes / back · on that / word;

7,8 Who does not lend money in hope of gain, nor takes a bribe a/gainst the / innocent; //
Whoever does these / things shall / never / fall.

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Psalm 16 -- Conserva me, Domine

RSCM CW Psalter--No.18. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

E Monk

1 Preserve me, O God, for in you have I / taken / refuge; //
I have said to the Lord, 'You are my lord, all my / good de/pends on / you.'

2 All my delight is upon the godly that are / in the / land, //
upon / those · who are / noble in / heart.

3 (2nd part) Though the idols are legion that / many run / after, //
their drink offerings of blood I will not offer, neither make mention of their / names up/on my / lips.

4 The Lord himself is my portion / and my / cup; //
in your hands a/lone / is my / fortune.

5 My share has fallen in a / fair / land; //
indeed, I / have a / goodly / heritage.

6 I will bless the Lord who has / given me / counsel, //
and in the night watches / he in/structs my / heart.

7 I have set the Lord / always be/fore me; //
he is at my right / hand; I / shall not / fall.

8 Wherefore my heart is glad and my / spirit re/joices; //
my flesh / also shall / rest se/cure.

9 For you will not abandon my / soul to / Death, //
nor suffer your / faithful one to / see the / Pit.

10 You will show me the path of life; in your presence is the / fullness of / joy //
and in your right hand are / pleasures for / ever/more.

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Psalm 17 -- Exaudi, Domine

RSCM CW Psalter--No.19. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

T A Walmisley

1 Hear my just cause, O Lord; consider / my com/plaint; //
listen to my prayer, which comes / not from / lying / lips.

2 Let my vindication come / forth from your / presence; //
let your eyes be/hold / what is / right.

3 Weigh my heart, ex/amine me by / night, //
refine me, and you will find / no im/purity / in me.

4 My mouth does not trespass for / earthly re/wards; //
I have / heeded the / words · of your / lips.

5 My footsteps hold fast in the ways of / your com/mandments; //
my feet have not / stumbled / in your / paths.

6 I call upon you, O God, for / you will / answer me; //
incline your ear to me, and / listen / to my / words.

7 Show me your marvellous / loving / kindness, //
O Saviour of those who take refuge at your right hand from / those who / rise up a/gainst them.

8 Keep me as the / apple · of your / eye; //
hide me under the / shadow / of your / wings,

9 From the wicked / who as/sault me, //
from my enemies who surround me to / take a/way my / life.

10 They have closed their / heart to / pity //
and their / mouth speaks / proud / things.

11 They press me hard, they surround me on / every / side, //
watching how they may / cast me / to the / ground,

12 Like a lion that is greedy / for its / prey, //
like a young lion / lurking in / secret / places.

13 Arise, Lord; confront them and / cast them / down; //
deliver me from the / wicked / by your / sword.

14 Deliver me, O Lord, / by your / hand //
from those whose / portion in / life · is un/ending,

15 Whose bellies you / fill with your / treasure, //
who are well supplied with children and / leave their / wealth · to their / little ones.

16 As for me, I shall see your / face in / righteousness; //
when I awake and behold your /likeness, / I shall be / satisfied.

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Psalm 18 -- Diligam te, Domine

RSCM CW Psalter--No.20. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

C V Stanford

1 I love you, O / Lord my / strength. //
The Lord is my crag, my / fortress and / my de/liverer,

2 My God, my rock in / whom I take / refuge, //
my shield, the horn of my sal/vation / and my / stronghold.

3 (2nd part) I cried to the / Lord in my / anguish //
and I was / saved / from my / enemies.

4 The cords of / death en/twined me //
and the torrents of des/truction / over/whelmed me.

5 The cords of the Pit / fastened a/bout me //
and the / snares of / death en/tangled me.

6 In my distress I / called upon the / Lord //
and cried / out to my / God for / help.

7 He heard my voice / in his / temple //
and my / cry / came to his / ears.

8 The earth / trembled and / quaked; //
the foundations of the mountains shook; they / reeled be/cause he was / angry.

9 Smoke rose from his nostrils and a consuming fire went / out of his / mouth; //
burning / coals / blazed forth / from him.

10 He parted the heavens / and came / down //
and thick / darkness was / under his / feet.

11 He rode upon the / cherubim and / flew; //
he came / flying · on the / wings of the / wind.

12 He made darkness his covering / round a/bout him, //
dark waters and thick / clouds / his pa/vilion.

13 From the brightness of his presence, / through the / clouds //
burst / hailstones and / coals of / fire.

14 The Lord also thundered / out of / heaven; //
the Most High uttered his voice with / hailstones and / coals of / fire.

15 He sent out his / arrows and /scattered them; //
he hurled down / lightnings and / put them to / flight.

16 The springs of the / ocean were / seen, //
and the foun/dations · of the / world un/covered

16a at your re/buke, O / Lord,
at the blast of the / breath of / your dis/pleasure.

[Vss 17-30 -- chant no.21: next page.]

RSCM CW Psalter--No.21. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

C V Stanford

17 He reached down from on / high and / took me; //
he drew me / out of the / mighty / waters.

18 He delivered me from my / strong / enemy, //
from foes that / were too / mighty / for me.

19 They came upon me in the / day of my / trouble; //
but the / Lord was / my up/holder.

20 He brought me out into a / place of / liberty; //
he rescued me be/cause he de/lighted / in me.

21 The Lord rewarded me after my / righteous / dealing; //
according to the cleanness of my / hands he / recom/pensed me,

22 Because I had kept the / ways of the / Lord //
and had not gone / wickedly a/way from my / God,

23 For I had an eye to / all his / laws, //
and did not cast / out his com/mandments / from me.

24 I was also whole/hearted be/fore him //
and / kept myself / from in/iquity;

25 Therefore the Lord rewarded me after my / righteous / dealing, //
and according to the cleanness of my / hands / in his / sight.

26 With the faithful you / show yourself / faithful; //
with the / true you / show yourself / true;

27 With the pure you / show yourself / pure, //
but with the crooked you / show your/self per/verse.

28 For you will save a / lowly / people //
and bring down the / high / looks · of the / proud.

29 You also shall / light my / candle; //
the Lord my God shall make my / darkness / to be / bright.

30 By your help I shall run at an / enemy / host; //
with the help of my God / I can leap / over a / wall.

[Vss 31-46 -- chant no.22: next page.]

RSCM CW Psalter--No.22. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

J Barnby

31 As for God, his way is perfect;
the word of the Lord is / tried · in the / fire; //
he is a shield to / all who / trust in / him.

32 For who is God / but the / Lord, //
and who is the / rock ex/cept our / God?

33 It is God who girds me a/bout with / strength //
and / makes my / way / perfect.

34 He makes my / feet like / hinds' feet //
so that I tread / surely / on the / heights.

35 He teaches my / hands to / fight //
and my arms to / bend a / bow of / bronze.

36 You have given me the shield of / your sal/vation; //
your right hand upholds me and your / grace has / made me / great.

37 You enlarge my / strides be/neath me, //
yet my / feet / do not / slide.

38 I will pursue my enemies and / over/take them, //
nor turn again un/til I / have des/troyed them.

39 I will smite them down so they / cannot / rise; //
they shall / fall be/neath my / feet.

40 You have girded me with / strength · for the / battle; //
you will cast / down my / enemies / under me;

41 You will make my foes turn their / backs up/on me //
and I shall des/troy / them that / hate me.

42 They will cry out, but there shall be / none to / help them; //
they will cry to the Lord, / but he / will not / answer.

43 I shall beat them as small as the / dust · on the / wind; //
I will cast them out as the / mire / in the / streets.

44 You will deliver me from the / strife · of the / peoples; //
you will / make me the / head · of the / nations.

45 A people I have not known shall serve me;
as soon as they hear me, they / shall o/bey me; //
strangers will / humble them/selves be/fore me.

46 The foreign peoples will / lose / heart //
and come / trembling / out of their / strongholds.

[Vss 47-end -- chant no.23: next page.]

RSCM CW Psalter--No.23. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

C V Stanford

47 The Lord lives, and blessed / be my / rock! //
Praised be the / God of / my sal/vation,

48 Even the / God who / vindicates me //
and sub/dues the / peoples / under me!

49 You that deliver me from my enemies, you will set me up a/bove my / foes; //
from the / violent you / will de/liver me;

50 Therefore will I give you thanks, O Lord, a/mong the / nations //
and sing / praises / to your / name,

51 (2nd part) To the one who gives great victory / to his / king //
and shows faithful love to his anointed, to David / and his / seed for / ever.

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Psalm 19 -- Caeli enarrant

RSCM CW Psalter--No.24. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

T A Walmisley

1 The heavens are telling the / glory of / God //
and the / firmament pro/claims his / handiwork.

2 One day pours out its / song · to an/other //
and one night unfolds / knowledge / to an/other.

3 They have neither / speech nor / language //
and their / voices / are not / heard,

4 Yet their sound has gone out into / all / lands //
and their / words · to the / ends of the / world.

5 In them has he set a tabernacle / for the / sun, //
that comes forth as a bridegroom out of his chamber and rejoices as a / champion to / run his / course.

6 It goes forth from the end of the heavens and runs to the very / end a/gain, //
and there is nothing / hidden / from its / heat.

7 The law of the Lord is perfect, re/viving the / soul; //
the testimony of the Lord is sure and gives / wisdom / to the / simple.

8 The statutes of the Lord are right and re/joice the / heart; //
the commandment of the Lord is pure and gives / light / to the / eyes.

9 The fear of the Lord is clean and en/dures for / ever; //
the judgements of the Lord are true and / righteous / alto/gether.

10 More to be desired are they than gold, more than / much fine / gold, //
sweeter also than honey, / dripping / from the / honeycomb.

11 By them also is your / servant / taught //
and in keeping them / there is / great re/ward.

12 Who can tell how often / they of/fend? //
O cleanse me / from my / secret / faults!

13 Keep your servant also from pre/sumptuous / sins //
lest they get do/minion / over / me;

13a so shall I be / un/defiled,
and / innocent of / great of/fence.

14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable / in your / sight, //
O Lord, my / strength and / my re/deemer.

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Psalm 20 -- Exaudiat te Dominus

RSCM CW Psalter--No 25. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

S Wesley

1 May the Lord hear you in the / day of / trouble, //
the name of the / God of / Jacob de/fend you;

2 Send you / help from his / sanctuary //
and / strengthen you / out of / Zion;

3 Remember / all your / offerings //
and ac/cept your / burnt / sacrifice;

4 Grant you your / heart's de/sire //
and ful/fil / all your / mind.

5 May we rejoice in your salvation and triumph in the / name of our / God; //
may the Lord per/form all / your pe/titions.

6 Now I know that the Lord will / save his a/nointed; //
he will answer him from his holy heaven, with the mighty / strength of / his right / hand.

7 Some put their trust in chariots and / some in / horses, //
but we will call only on the / name of the / Lord our / God.

8 They are brought / down and / fallen, //
but we are / risen / and stand / upright.

9 O Lord, / save the / king //
and answer us / when we / call up/on you.

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Psalm 21 -- Domine, in virtute tua

RSCM CW Psalter--No 26. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

T A Walmisley

1 The king shall rejoice in your / strength, O / Lord; //
how greatly shall he re/joice in / your sal/vation!

2 You have given him his / heart's de/sire //
and have not de/nied · the re/quest of his / lips.

3 For you come to meet him with / blessings of / goodness //
and set a crown of pure / gold up/on his / head.

4 He asked of you life / and you / gave it him, //
length of / days, for / ever and / ever.

5 His honour is great because of / your sal/vation; //
glory and majesty / have you / laid up/on him.

6 You have granted him ever/lasting fe/licity //
and will make him / glad with / joy · in your / presence.

7 For the king puts his / trust in the / Lord; //
because of the loving-kindness of the Most High, he shall / not be / over/thrown.

8 Your hand shall mark down / all your / enemies; //
your right hand will / find out / those who / hate you.

9 You will make them like a fiery oven in the / time of your / wrath; //
the Lord will swallow them up in his anger / and the / fire will con/sume them.

10 Their fruit you will root / out of the / land //
and their / seed · from a/mong its in/habitants.

11 Because they intend / evil a/gainst you //
and devise wicked schemes / which they / cannot per/form,

12 You will / put them to / flight //
when you / aim your / bow at their / faces.

13 Be exalted, O Lord, in / your own / might; //
we will make / music and / sing of your / power.

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Psalm 22 -- Deus, Deus meus

RSCM CW Psalter--No.27. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

L Flintoft

1 My God, my God, why have / you for/saken me, //
and are so far from my salvation, from the / words of / my dis/tress?

2 O my God, I cry in the daytime, but you / do not / answer; //
and by night also, / but I / find no / rest.

3 Yet you / are the / Holy One, //
enthroned up/on the / praises of / Israel.

4 Our forebears / trusted in / you; //
they / trusted, and / you de/livered them.

5 They cried out to you and / were de/livered; //
they put their trust in you / and were / not con/founded.

6 But as for me, I am a worm and / no / man, //
scorned by all / and des/pised · by the / people.

7 All who see me / laugh me to / scorn; //
they curl their lips and / wag their / heads, / saying,

8 'He trusted in the Lord; / let him de/liver him; //
let him de/liver him, if / he de/lights in him.'

9 But it is you that took me / out of the / womb //
and laid me safe up/on my / mother's / breast.

10 On you was I cast ever since / I was / born; //
you are my God even / from my / mother's / womb.

11 (2nd part) Be not far from me, for trouble is / near at / hand //
and / there is / none to / help.

12 Mighty oxen / come a/round me; //
fat bulls of Bashan close me / in on / every / side.

13 They gape upon me / with their / mouths, //
as it were a / ramping · and a / roaring / lion.

14 I am poured out like water; all my bones are / out of / joint; //
my heart has become like wax / melting · in the / depths of my / body.

15 My mouth is dried up like a potsherd; my tongue / cleaves to my / gums; //
you have / laid me · in the / dust of / death.

16 For the hounds are all about me, the pack of evildoers close / in on / me; //
they / pierce my / hands and my / feet.

17 I can count / all my / bones; //
they stand / staring and / looking up/on me.

18 They divide my / garments a/mong them; //
they cast / lots / for my / clothing.

19 Be not far from / me, O / Lord; //
you are my / strength; / hasten to / help me.

20 Deliver my / soul · from the / sword, //
my poor / life · from the / power of the / dog.

21 Save me from the / lion's / mouth, from the horns of wild oxen. //
/ You have / answered / me!

[Vss 22-end -- chant no.28: next page.]

RSCM CW Psalter--No.28. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

M Camidge

22 I will tell of your / name to my / people; //
in the midst of the congre/gation / will I / praise you.

23 Praise the Lord, / you that / fear him; //
O seed of Jacob, glorify him; stand in awe of / him, O / seed of / Israel.

24 For he has not despised nor abhorred the suffering of the poor;
neither has he hidden his / face / from them; //
but when they / cried to / him he / heard them.

25 From you comes my praise in the great / congre/gation; //
I will perform my vows in the / presence of / those that / fear you.

26 (2nd part) The poor shall / eat · and be / satisfied; //
those who seek the Lord shall praise him; their / hearts shall / live for / ever.

27 All the ends of the earth shall remember and / turn to the / Lord, //
and all the families of the / nations shall / bow be/fore him.

28 For the kingdom / is the / Lord's //
and he / rules / over the / nations.

29 How can those who sleep in the earth bow / down in / worship, //
or those who go down to the / dust / kneel be/fore him?

30 He has saved my life for himself; my des/cendants shall /serve him; //
this shall be told of the Lord for / gener/ations to / come.

31 (2nd part) They shall come and make known his salvation, to a people / yet un/born, //
declaring that / he, the / Lord, has / done it.

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Psalm 23 -- Dominus regit me

RSCM CW Psalter--No.29. | katapi Media Player (mp3) | or perhaps THIS hymn |

J Camidge jun

OR -- RSCM CW Psalter--No.30. | katapi Media Player (mp3)
J Turle

Parish Psalter (BCP)
ASB Psalter
RSCM Common Worship Psalter

1 The Lord / is my / shepherd: //
therefore / can I / lack / nothing.

2 He shall feed me in a / green / pasture: //
and lead me forth be/side the / waters of / comfort.

3 He shall con/vert my / soul: //
and bring me forth in the paths of righteousness / for his / Name's / sake.

4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will / fear no / evil: //
for thou art with me, thy / rod and thy / staff / comfort me.

5 Thou shalt prepare a table before me, against / them that / trouble me: //
thou hast anointed my head with oil / and my / cup shall be / full.

6 But thy loving-kindness and mercy shall follow me, all the / days of my / life: //
and I will dwell in the / house of the / Lord for / ever.

1 The Lord / is my / shepherd: //
therefore / can I / lack / nothing.

2 He will make me lie down in / green / pastures: // [better: ..... lie down / in green / pastures: // ]
and / lead me · be/side still / waters.

3 He will re/fresh my / soul: //
and guide me in right pathways / for his / name's / sake.

4 Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will / fear no / evil: //
for you are with me, your / rod and · your / staff / comfort me.

5 You spread a table before me, in the face of / those who / trouble me: //
you have anointed my head with oil, / and my / cup · will be / full.

6 Surely your goodness and loving-kindness will follow me, all the / days · of my / life: //
and I shall dwell in the / house · of the / Lord for / ever.

1 The Lord / is my / shepherd; //
therefore / can I / lack / nothing.

2 He makes me lie down in / green / pastures // [better: ..... lie down / in green / pastures: // ]
and leads me be/side / still / waters. [see ASB pointing - better!]

3 He shall re/fresh my / soul //
and guide me in the paths of righteousness / for his / name's / sake.

4 Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will / fear no / evil; //
for you are with me; your / rod and your / staff, they / comfort me.

5 You spread a table before me in the presence of / those who / trouble me; //
you have anointed my head with oil / and my cup / shall be / full.

6 Surely goodness and loving mercy shall follow me all the / days of my / life, //
and I will dwell in the / house of the / Lord for / ever.

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Psalm 24 -- Domine est terra

Parish Psalter--No.67. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

W Crotch

Parish Psalter (BCP)
ASB Psalter
RSCM Common Worship Psalter

1 The earth is the Lord's, and all that / therein / is : //
the compass of the world, and / they that / dwell there/in.

2 For he hath founded it up/on the / seas : //
and pre/pared it up/on the / floods.

3 Who shall ascend into the / hill of the / Lord : //
or who shall rise up / in his / holy / place?

4 Even he that hath clean hands, and a / pure / heart : //
and that hath not lift up his mind unto vanity, nor / sworn to de/ceive his / neighbour.

5 He shall receive the blessing / from the / Lord: //
and righteousness from the / God of / his sal/vation.

6 This is the generation of / them that / seek him : //
even of them that / seek thy / face, O / Jacob.

1 The earth is the Lord's and / all · that is / in it : //
 the compass of the / world and / those who / dwell therein.

2 For he has founded it up/on the / seas : //
and es/tablished it · up/on the / waters.

3 Who shall ascend the / hill · of the / Lord : //
or who shall / stand · in his / holy / place?

4 He that has clean hands and a / pure / heart : //
who has not set his soul upon idols * nor / sworn his / oath · to a / lie.

5 He shall receive / blessing · from the / Lord : //
and recompense from the / God of / his sal/vation.

6 Of such a kind as this are / those who / seek him : //
those who seek your / face O / God of / Jacob.

1 The earth is the Lord's and / all that / fills it, //
the compass of the world and / all who / dwell there/in.

2 For he has founded it up/on the / seas //
and set it firm upon the / rivers / of the / deep.

3 'Who shall ascend the / hill of the / Lord, //
or who can rise / up · in his / holy / place?'

4 'Those who have clean hands and a / pure / heart, //
who have not lifted up their soul to an idol, nor / sworn an / oath · to a / lie;

5 'They shall receive a / blessing · from the / Lord, //
a just reward from the / God of / their sal/vation.'

6 Such is the company of / those who / seek him, //
of those who seek your / face, O / God of / Jacob.

Parish Psalter--No.67-2. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

W Crotch

Parish Psalter (BCP)
ASB Psalter
RSCM Common Worship Psalter

7 Lift up your heads, O ye gates, and be ye lift up, ye ever/lasting / doors : //
and the King of / glory / shall come / in.

8 (Men) Who is the / King of / glory : //
(Unison) it is the Lord strong and mighty, even the / Lord / mighty in / battle.

9 (Unison) Lift up your heads, O ye gates, and be ye lift up, ye ever/lasting / doors : //
and the King of / glory / shall come / in.

10 (Men) Who is the / King of / glory : //
(Unison) 'even the Lord of hosts, / he · is the / King of / glory.

7 (Men only) Lift up your heads, O you gates * and be lifted up, you ever/lasting / doors : //
and the King of / glory / shall come / in.

8 (Trebles only) Who is the / King of / glory? : //
(Full Harmony) the Lord, strong and mighty * the / Lord / mighty in / battle.

9 (Men only) Lift up your heads, O you gates, and be lifted up, you ever/lasting / doors : //
and the King of / glory / shall come / in.

10 (Trebles only) Who is the / King of / glory? : //
(Full Harmony) the Lord of hosts, / he · is the / King of / glory.

7 (Unison) Lift up your heads, O gates; be lifted up, you ever/lasting / doors; //
and the King of / glory / shall come / in.

8 (Men) 'Who is the / King of /glory?' //
(Unison) 'The Lord, strong and mighty, the / Lord ·who is / mighty in / battle.'

9 (Unison) Lift up your heads, O gates; be lifted up, you ever/lasting / doors; //
and the King of / glory / shall come / in.

10 (Men) 'Who is this / King of / glory?' //
(Unison) 'The Lord of hosts, / he · is the / King of / glory.'


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Psalm 25 -- Ad te, Domine, levavi

RSCM CW Psalter--No.32. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

F A G Ouseley

1 To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul; O my God, in / you I / trust; //
let me not be put to shame; let not my / enemies / triumph / over me.

2 Let none who look to you be / put to / shame, //
but let the treacherous be / shamed / and frus/trated.

3 Make me to know your / ways, O / Lord, //
and / teach me / your / paths.

4 Lead me in your / truth and / teach me, //
for you are the God of my salvation; for you have I / hoped / all the day / long.

5 Remember, Lord, your com/passion and / love, //
for they / are from / ever/lasting.

6 Remember not the sins of my youth or / my trans/gressions, //
but think on me in your goodness, O Lord, ac/cording · to your / steadfast / love.

7 Gracious and upright / is the / Lord; //
therefore shall he teach / sinners / in the / way.

8 He will guide the humble in / doing / right //
and / teach his / way to the / lowly.

9 All the paths of the Lord are / mercy and / truth //
to those who keep his / covenant / and his / testimonies.

10 For your name's / sake, O / Lord, //
be merciful to my / sin, for / it is / great.

11 Who are those who / fear the / Lord? //
Them will he teach in the / way that / they should / choose.

12 Their soul shall / dwell at / ease //
and their offspring / shall in/herit the / land.

13 The hidden purpose of the Lord is for / those who / fear him //
and / he will / show them his / covenant.

14 My eyes are ever / looking · to the / Lord, //
for he shall pluck my / feet / out of the / net.

15 Turn to me and be / gracious / to me, //
for I am alone / and brought / very / low.

16 The sorrows of my heart / have in/creased; //
O bring me / out of / my dis/tress.

17 Look upon my ad/versity and / misery //
and for/give me / all my / sin.

18 Look upon my enemies, for / they are / many //
and they bear a / violent / hatred a/gainst me.

19 O keep my soul / and de/liver me; //
let me not be put to shame, for I have / put my / trust in / you.

20,21 Let integrity and uprightness preserve me, for my hope has / been in / you. //
Deliver Israel, O God, / out of / all his / troubles

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