The katapi Psalter. The Common Worship Psalter with pointing is based upon the RSCM Common Worship Psalter with chants. The chants are as numbered in the RSCM Chant Book. The MID files are as listed at Ton Meijer/s anglican chant website HERE. (this page prepared for katapi by paul ingram 2017.)

HOME | ↵ BACK | Anglican Chant | Psalms: | ←125 | 126 | 127 | 128 | 129 | 130 | 131 | 132 | 133 | 134 | 135 | 136 | 137 | 138 | 139 | 140 | 141 | 142 | 143 | 144 | 145 | 146 | 147 | 148 | 148a | 149 | 150 | 150-stanford |
| Canticles: | venite | jubilate | easter anthems | benedictus | magnificat | nunc dimittis | te deum |

¶ When singing a psalm, the word 'blessed' is to be pronounced as two syllables: 'bless - ed'. Where spelled 'blest', the word is pronounced as one syllable.

¶ A double forward slash // marks the mid-point in each psalm verse where, traditionally, a pause is observed.

¶ A single forward slash / marks a bar-line of the chant. A dot · indicates the mid point of the bar, and the chord changes after the dot. Chord changes in words of more than one syllable are indicated by a dash.

¶ For those traditions which omit the word 'Alleluia' during penitential seasons, we have provided an alternative: 'Praise the Lord'.

¶ A verse printed in bold should be sung in unison.

¶ Each psalm or group of psalms may end with

Glory to the Father and / to the / Son //
and / to the / Holy / Spirit;

as it was in the be/ginning is / now //
and shall be for / ever. / A- /men.

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Psalm 126 -- In convertendo

RSCM CW Psalter--No.178. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

G M Garrett

1 When the Lord restored the / fortunes of / Zion, //
then were / we like / those who / dream.

2 Then was our mouth / filled with / laughter //
and our / tongue with / songs of / joy.

3 Then said they a/mong the / nations, //
/The / Lord · has done / great things / for them./

4 The Lord has indeed done / great things / for us, //
and / therefore / we re/joiced.

5 Restore again our / fortunes, O / Lord, //
as the / river beds / of the / desert.

6 Those who / sow in / tears //
shall / reap with / songs of / joy.

7 (2nd part) Those who go out weeping, / bearing the / seed, //
will come back with shouts of joy, / bearing their / sheaves / with them.

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Psalm 127 -- Nisi Dominus

RSCM CW Psalter--No.179. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

B Ferguson

1 Unless the Lord / builds the / house, //
those who / build it / labour in / vain.

2 Unless the Lord / keeps the / city, //
the / guard keeps / watch in / vain.

3 It is in vain that you hasten to rise up early and go so late to rest, eating the / bread of / toil, //
for he / gives · his be/lov-ed / sleep.

4 Children are a heritage / from the / Lord //
and the fruit of the / womb / is his / gift. [better: and the / fruit · of the / womb is his / gift.]

5 Like arrows in the / hand · of a / warrior, //
so are the / children / of one/s / youth.

6 Happy are those who have their / quiver / full of them: //
they shall not be put to shame when they dispute with their / enemies / in the / gate.

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Psalm 128 -- Beati omnes

RSCM CW Psalter--No.180. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

J Goss

1 Blessed are all those who / fear the / Lord, //
and / walk / in his / ways.

2 You shall eat the fruit of the / toil · of your / hands; //
it shall go well with you, and / happy / shall you / be.

3 Your wife within your house shall be like a / fruitful / vine; //
your children round your table, like / fresh / olive / branches.[better: your children round your table, / like fresh / olive / branches.]

4 Thus shall the / one be / blest //
who / fears / -- the / Lord.
[alternative pointing verse 4: Thus / shall the / one // be / blest who / fears the / Lord.]

5 The Lord from out of / Zion / bless you, //
that you may see Jerusalem in prosperity / all the / days of your / life.

6 May you see your / children/s / children, //
and may there be / peace / upon / Israel. [better: and / may there be / peace upon / Israel.]

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Psalm 129 -- Saepe expugnaverunt

RSCM CW Psalter--No.181. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

J Turle

1 'Many a time have they fought against me / from my / youth,' //
may / Israel / now / say; [better (Salisbury Psalter): may / Is-ra-/-el now / say.]

2 'Many a time have they fought against me / from my / youth, //
but they have / not pre/vailed a/gainst me./

3 The ploughers / ploughed upon my / back //
and / made their / furrows / long.

4 But the / righteous / Lord //
has cut the / cords · of the / wicked in / pieces.

5 Let them be put to shame and / turn-ed / backwards, // [better: Let them be put to / shame · and turned / backwards, // ]
as many / as are / enemies of / Zion.

6 Let them be like grass up/on the / housetops, //
which / withers be/fore it can / grow,

7 So that no reaper can / fill his / hand, //
nor a / binder of / sheaves his / bosom;

8 And none who go by may say, /The blessing of the Lord / be up/on you. //
We / bless you · in the / name of the / Lord.'

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Psalm 130 -- De profundis -- a penitential psalm

Salisbury Cathedral Psalter--Ps.130. | katapi Media Player (mp3) | Ps.130-(King's) |

H Walford Davies

OR St Paul's Cathedral Psalter--Ps.130. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

C Macpherson

OR ASB Psalter--No.227. | katapi Media Player (mp3) | Ps.130-(this chant) |

J Turle

The Parish Psalter (Book of Common Prayer)

The Alternative Services Book Psalter

RSCM Common Worship Psalter

1 (FULL) Out of the deep have I called unto / thee, O / Lord: //
Lord, / hear / my / voice.

2 (FULL) O let thine ears con/sider / well: //
the / voice of / my com/plaint.

3 If thou, Lord, wilt be extreme to mark what is / done a/miss: //
O / Lord, who / may a/bide it?

4 For there is / mercy with / thee: //
therefore / shalt / thou be / feared. [better (Sby.Psalter): there/fore shalt / thou be / feared.

5 I look for the Lord; my / soul doth / wait for him: //
in his / word / is my / trust.

6 My soul fleeth / unto the / Lord: //
before the morning watch, I say, be/fore the / morning / watch.

7 O Israel, trust in the Lord, for with the Lord / there is / mercy: // [better (Sby.Psalter): ..... for with the / Lord · there is / mercy: //
and with / him is / plenteous re/demption.

8 And he shall re/deem / Israel: //
from / all / his / sins.
[better (Sby.Psalter):
8 And he shall re/deem / Is//ra-/el: from / all his / sins.]

Gloria (FULL)

1 (FULL) Out of the depths have I called to / you, O / Lord: //
Lord, / hear / my / voice;

2 (FULL) O let your ears con/sider / well: //
the / voice · of my / suppli/cation.

3 If you, Lord, should note what / we do / wrong: //
who / then, O / Lord, could / stand?

4 But there is for/giveness · with / you: //
so that / you / shall be / feared.

5 I wait for the Lord, my / soul / waits for him: //
and / in his / word · is my / hope.

6 My soul / looks · for the / Lord: //
more than watchmen for the morning, more, I say, than / watchmen / for the / morning.

7 O Israel, trust in the Lord, for with the / Lord · there is / mercy: //
and with / him is / ample re/demption.

8 He will re/deem / Israel: //
from the /multi·tude / of his / sins.

Gloria (FULL)

1 (FULL) Out of the depths have I cried to you, O Lord; Lord, / hear my / voice; //
let your ears consider well the / voice · of my / suppli/cation.

2 (FULL) If you, Lord, were to mark what is / done a/miss, //
O / Lord, / who could / stand?
[better wording (ASB): who / then O / Lord could / stand? ]

3 (2nd part) But there is for/giveness / with you, //
so / that you / shall be / feared.

4 I wait for the Lord; my / soul / waits for him; //
in his / word / is my / hope.
[alternative pointing verse 4: I wait for the / Lord; · my soul / waits for him; // in / his word / is my / trust.]

5 My soul waits for the Lord, more than the night watch / for the / morning, //
more than the / night watch / for the / morning.

6 O Israel, / wait · for the / Lord, //
for with the / Lord / there is / mercy; [better: for / with the / Lord · there is / mercy; ]

7 With him is / plenteous / redemption //
and he shall redeem / Israel from / all their / sins.

Gloria (FULL)

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Psalm 131 -- Domine, non est

RSCM CW Psalter--No.183. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

W Croft

1 O Lord, my / heart · is not / proud; //
my eyes are not / raised in / haughty / looks.

2 I do not occupy myself with / great / matters, // [better: I do not occupy myself / with great / matters, // ]
with / things that / are too / high for me.

3 But I have quieted and stilled my soul, like a weaned child on its / mother/s / breast; //
so my / soul is / quieted with/in me.

4 O Israel, / trust · in the / Lord, //
from this time / forth for / ever/more.

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Psalm 132 -- Momento, Domine

RSCM CW Psalter--No.184. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

R Langdon

1 Lord, re/member for / David //
all the / hardships / he en/dured;

2 How he swore an / oath · to the / Lord //
and vowed a vow to the / Mighty / One of / Jacob:

3 'I will not come within the / shelter · of my / house, //
nor / climb up / into my / bed;

4 'I will not allow my / eyes to / sleep, //
nor / let my / eyelids / slumber,

5 (2nd part) 'Until I find a / place · for the / Lord, //
a dwelling for the / Mighty / One of / Jacob.'

6 Now, we heard of the / ark in / Ephrathah //
and found it / in the / fields of / Ja-ar.

7 Let us / enter his / dwelling place //
and fall / low be/fore his / footstool.

8 Arise, O Lord, into your / resting / place, //
you / and the / ark · of your / strength.

9 Let your priests be / clothed with / righteousness //
and your / faithful ones / sing with / joy.

10 For your servant / David/s / sake, //
turn not away the / face of / your a/nointed.

11 The Lord has sworn an / oath to / David, //
a promise from / which he / will not / shrink:

12 'Of the / fruit · of your / body //
shall I / set up/on your / throne.

13 'If your children keep my covenant and my testimonies that / I shall / teach them, //
their children also shall sit upon your / throne for / ever/more.'

14 For the Lord has chosen / Zion · for him/self; //
he has desired her / for his / habi/tation:

15 'This shall be my / resting place for / ever; //
here will I dwell, for / I have / longed for / her. [better: here will I / dwell, for / I have / longed for her.]

16 'I will abundantly / bless · her pro/vision; //
her / poor · will I / satisfy with / bread.

17 'I will clothe her / priests · with sal/vation, //
and her faithful ones / shall re/joice and / sing.

18 'There will I make a horn to spring / up for / David; //
I will keep a lantern / burning for / my a/nointed.

19 (2nd part) 'As for his enemies, I will / clothe them with / shame; //
but on / him · shall his / crown be / bright.'

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Psalm 133 -- Ecce, quam bonum!

RSCM CW Psalter--No.185. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

G A Macfarren

1 Behold how good and / pleasant it / is //
to / dwell to/gether in / unity.

2 It is like the precious oil up/on the /head, //
running / down up/ on the / beard,

3 (2nd part) Even on / Aaron/s / beard, //
running down upon the / collar / of his / clothing.

4 It is like the / dew of / Hermon //
running / down up·on the / hills of / Zion.

5 For there the Lord has / promised his / blessing: //
even / life for / ever/more.

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Psalm 134 -- Ecce nunc

RSCM CW Psalter--No.186. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

G A Macfarren

1 Come, bless the Lord, all you / servants · of the / Lord, //
you that by night / stand · in the / house of the / Lord.

2,3 Lift up your hands towards the sanctuary and / bless the / Lord. //
The Lord who made heaven and earth give you / blessing / out of / Zion.

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Psalm 135 -- Laudate Nomen

RSCM CW Psalter--No 187. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

H Lawes

1 Alleluia. [or (RSCM): Praise the Lord.] Praise the / name of the / Lord; //
give praise, you / servants / of the / Lord,

2 You that stand in the / house of the / Lord, //
in the / courts · of the / house of our / God.

3 Praise the Lord, for the / Lord is / good; //
make music to his / name, for / it is / lovely.

4 For the Lord has chosen Jacob / for him/self //
and Israel / for his / own pos/session.

5 For I know that the / Lord is / great //
and that our Lord / is a/bove all / gods.

6 The Lord does whatever he pleases in heaven / and on / earth, //
in the seas / and in / all the / deeps.

7 He brings up the clouds from the / ends of the / earth; //
he makes lightning with the rain and brings the / winds / out of his / treasuries. [better: ... and / brings the / winds · out of his / treasuries.]

8 He smote the / firstborn of / Egypt, //
the / firstborn of / man and / beast.

9 He sent signs and wonders into your / midst, O / Egypt, //
upon / Pharaoh and / all his / servants.

10 He smote / many / nations //
and / slew / mighty / kings:
[Alternative pointing (Salisbury Psalter): 10 He smote / many / na- // tions / and slew / mighty / kings: ]

11 Sihon, king of the Amorites, and Og, the / king of / Bashan, //
and / all the / kingdoms of / Canaan.

12 He gave their land / as a / heritage, //
a / heritage for / Israel his / people.

13 Your name, O Lord, / endures for / ever //
and shall be remembered through / all / gene/rations. [better: and shall be re/membered · through / all gene/rations.]

14 For the Lord will / vindicate his / people //
and have com/passion / on his / servants.

15 The idols of the nations are but / silver and / gold, //
the / work of / human / hands.

16 They have mouths, but / cannot / speak; //
eyes / have they, but / cannot / see;

17 They have ears, but / cannot / hear; //
neither is there / any / breath · in their / mouths.

18 Those who make them / shall become / like them, //
and so will / all who / put their / trust in them.

19 Bless the Lord, O / house of / Israel; //
O house of / Aaron, / bless the / Lord.

20 Bless the Lord, O / house of / Levi; //
you who fear the / Lord, / bless the / Lord.

21 (2nd part) Blessed be the / Lord from / Zion, //
who dwells in Je/rusalem. / Alle/luia. [or (RSCM): / Praise the / Lord.]

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Psalm 136 -- Confitemini

RSCM CW Psalter--No 188. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

J Turle

1 Give thanks to the Lord, for / he is / gracious, //
for his / mercy en/dures for / ever.

2 Give thanks to the / God of / gods, //
for his / mercy en/dures for / ever.

3 Give thanks to the / Lord of / lords, //
for his / mercy en/dures for / ever;

4 Who alone / does great / wonders, //
for his / mercy en/dures for / ever;

5 Who by wisdom / made the / heavens, //
for his / mercy en/dures for / ever;

6 Who laid out the earth up/on the / waters, //
for his / mercy en/dures for / ever;

7 Who made the / great / lights, // [better: Who / made the great / lights, // ]
for his / mercy en/dures for / ever;

8 The sun to / rule the / day, //
for his / mercy en/dures for / ever;

9 (2nd part) The moon and the stars to / govern the / night, //
for his / mercy en/dures for / ever;

10 Who smote the / firstborn of / Egypt, //
for his / mercy en/dures for / ever;

11 And brought out Israel / from a/mong them, //
for his / mercy en/dures for / ever;

12 With a mighty hand and / outstretched / arm, //
for his / mercy en/dures for / ever;

13 Who divided the Red / Sea in / two, //
for his / mercy en/dures for / ever;

14 And made Israel to / pass · through the / midst of it, //
for his / mercy en/dures for / ever;

15 But Pharaoh and his host he overthrew in the / Red / Sea, // [better: But Pharaoh and his host he over/threw in the · Red / Sea, // ]
for his / mercy en/dures for / ever;

16 Who led his people / through the / wilderness, //
for his / mercy en/dures for / ever;

17 Who / smote great / kings, //
for his / mercy en/dures for / ever;

18 And slew / mighty / kings, //
for his / mercy en/dures for / ever;

19 Sihon, / king of the / Amorites, //
for his / mercy en/dures for / ever;

20 And Og, the / king of / Bashan, //
for his / mercy en/dures for / ever;

21 And gave away their land / for a / heritage, // [better: And gave away their / land · for a / heritage, // ]
for his / mercy en/dures for / ever;

22 (2nd part) A heritage for / Israel his / servant, //
for his / mercy en/dures for / ever;

23 Who remembered us when we / were in / trouble, // [better: Who remembered us when / we · were in / trouble, // ]
for his / mercy en/dures for / ever;

24 And delivered us / from our / enemies, // [better: And de/livered us · from our / enemies, // ]
for his / mercy en/dures for / ever;

25 Who gives food to / all / creatures, // [better wording (ASB): Who gives food to / all that / lives: // ]
for his / mercy en/dures for / ever.

26 Give thanks to the / God of / heaven, //
for his / mercy en/dures for / ever.

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Psalm 137 -- Super flumina

RSCM CW Psalter--No.189. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

S Wesley

1 By the waters of Babylon we sat / down and / wept, //
when / we re/membered / Zion.

2 As for our lyres, we / hung them / up //
on the / willows that / grow · in that / land.

3 For there our captors asked for a song, our tormentors / called for / mirth: //
/Sing us / one of the / songs of / Zion./

4 How shall we sing the / Lord/s / song //
in a / strange / land?
[Alternative pointing (Salisbury Psalter): 4 How / shall we / sing // the / Lord/s song / in a · strange / land? ]

5 If I forget you, / O Je/rusalem, //
let my right / hand for/get its / skill. [better: let my / right hand / for·get its / skill. ]

6 Let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth if I do / not re/member you, // [better: ..... if I / do · not re/member you, // ]
if I set not Jerusalem a/bove my / highest / joy.

7 Remember, O Lord, against the people of Edom the / day of Je/rusalem, //
how they said, /Down with it, down with it, / even / to the / ground./

8 O daughter of Babylon, / doomed · to des/truction, //
happy the one who repays you for / all · you have / done to / us; [better: happy the one who re/ pays you · for / all · you have / done to us; ]

[... best that verse 9 omitted.]

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Psalm 138 -- Confitebor tibi

RSCM CW Psalter--No.190. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

T Attwood

1 I will give thanks to you, O Lord, with my / whole / heart; // [better: ..... / with my whole / heart; // ]
before the gods will / I sing / praise to / you.

2 I will bow down towards your holy temple and praise your name, because of your / love and / faithfulness; //
for you have glorified your name / and your / word above / all things.

3 In the day that I called to you, you / answered / me; //
you / put new / strength in my / soul.

4 All the kings of the earth shall / praise you, O / Lord, //
for they have / heard the / words of your / mouth.

5 They shall sing of the / ways of the / Lord, //
that great is the / glory / of the / Lord.

6 Though the Lord be high, he watches / over the / lowly; //
as for the proud, he re/ gards them / from a/far.

7 Though I walk in the midst of trouble, / you will pre/serve me; //
you will stretch forth your hand against the fury of my enemies; / your right / hand will / save me.

8 The Lord shall make good his / purpose / for me; //
your loving-kindness, O Lord, endures for ever; for/sake · not the / work of your / hands.

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Psalm 139 -- Domine, probasti

RSCM CW Psalter--No.191. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

T A Walmisley

1 O Lord, you have searched me / out and / known me; //
you know my sitting down and my rising up; you dis/cern my / thoughts · from a/far.

2 You mark out my journeys / and my / resting place //
and are ac/quainted with / all my / ways.

3 For there is not a word / on my / tongue, //
but you, O Lord, / know it / alto/gether.

4 You encompass me behind / and be/fore //
and / lay your / hand up/on me.

5 Such knowledge is too / wonderful / for me, //
so high / that I / cannot at/tain it.

6 Where can I go then / from your / spirit? //
Or where can I / flee / from your / presence? [better: Or / where · can I / flee · from your / presence? ]

7 If I climb up to heaven, / you are / there; //
if I make the grave my bed, / you are / there / also. [better: if I make the / grave my bed, / you are there / also.]

8 If I take the / wings of the / morning //
and dwell in the / uttermost / parts · of the / sea,

9 Even there your / hand shall / lead me, //
your / right hand / hold me / fast.

10 If I say, /Surely the / darkness will / cover me //
and the light a/round me / turn to / night,/

11 Even darkness is no darkness with you; the night is as / clear as the / day; //
darkness and light to / you are / both a/like.

12 For you yourself created my / inmost / parts; //
you knit me together / in my / mother/s / womb.

13 I thank you, for I am fearfully and / wonderfully / made; //
marvellous are your / works, my / soul knows / well.

14 My frame was not / hidden / from you, //
when I was made in secret and woven in the / depths / of the / earth. [better: and / woven · in the / depths · of the / earth.]

15 Your eyes beheld my form, as / yet un/finished; //
already in your book were / all my / members / written,

16 (2nd part) As day by day / they were / fashioned //
when as / yet / there was / none of them. [better: when / as yet / there was / none of them.]

17 How deep are your counsels to / me, O / God! //
How / great / is the / sum of them!
[Alternative pointing (Salisbury Psalter):
17 How deep are your / counsels / to me, // O / God! How / great · is the / sum of them! ]

18 If I count them, they are more in number / than the / sand, //
and at the end, I am / still / in your / presence. [better: and at the end, / I am still / in your / presence.]

19 O that you would slay the / wicked, O / God, //
that the / bloodthirsty / might de/part from me!

20 They speak against you with / wicked in/tent; //
your enemies take / up your / name for / evil.

21 Do I not oppose those, O Lord, / who op/pose you? //
Do I not abhor / those who rise / up a/gainst you?

22 I hate them with a / perfect / hatred; //
they have become my / own / enemies / also. [better: they have be/come · my own / enemies / also.]

23 Search me out, O God, and / know my / heart; //
try me / and e/xamine my /thoughts.

24 See if there is any way of / wickedness / in me //
and lead me in the / way / ever/lasting. [better: and lead me / in the / way ever/lasting.]

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Psalm 140 -- Eripe me, Domine

RSCM CW Psalter--No.192. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

H Smart

1 Deliver me, O Lord, from / evil/doers //
and pro/tect me / from the / violent,

2 Who devise evil / in their / hearts //
and stir up / strife / all the day / long. [perhaps (?): and / stir · up strife / all · the day / long.]

3 (2nd part) They have sharpened their tongues / like a / serpent; //
adder/s / poison is / under their / lips.

4 Keep me, O Lord, from the / hands of the / wicked; //
protect me from the violent who / seek to / make me / stumble.

5 The proud have laid a snare for me and spread out a / net of / cords; //
they have set / traps a/long my / path.

6 I have said to the Lord, / 'You are my / God; //
listen, O Lord, to the / voice of my / suppli/cation.

7 'O Lord God, the strength of / my sal/vation, //
you have covered my / head · in the / day of / battle.

8 'Do not grant the desires of the / wicked, O / Lord, //
do not / prosper their / wicked / plans.

9 'Let not those who surround me lift / up their / heads; //
let the evil of their own / lips / fall up/on them. [perhaps (?): let the evil of their / own lips / fall up/on them.]

10 'Let hot burning coals / rain up/on them; //
let them be cast into the depths, / that they / rise not a/gain.'

11 No slanderer shall prosper / on the / earth, //
and evil shall hunt down the / violent to / over/throw them.

12 I know that the Lord will bring justice / for the op/pressed //
and main/tain the / cause of the / needy.

13 Surely, the righteous will give / thanks · to your / name, //
and the upright shall / dwell / in your / presence. [better: and the / upright shall / dwell in your / presence.]

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Psalm 141 -- Domine, clamavi

RSCM CW Psalter--No.193. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

K J Pye

ASB Psalter

Common Worship Psalter

1 O Lord, I call to you, make / haste to / help me //
and / hear my / voice · when I / cry.

2 Let my prayer be as / incense be/fore you //
and the lifting up of my / hands · as the / evening / sacrifice.

3 Set a guard, O / Lord, · on my / mouth //
and / keep the / door · of my / lips.

4 Let not my heart incline to evil speech, to join in wickedness / with wrong/doers //
let me not taste the / pleasures / of their / table.

5 But let the righteous / man chas/tise me //
and the / faithful / man re/buke me.

6 Let not the oil of the wicked an/oint my / head //
for I pray to you / still a/gainst their / wickedness.

7 They shall be cast down by that Mighty One / who is their / judge //
and how pleasing shall my / words be / to them / then!

8 As when a farmer / breaks the / ground //
so shall their bones lie / scattered · at the / mouth of / Sheol.

9 But my eyes look to you, O / Lord my / God //
to you I come for refuge, / do not / pour out my / life.

10 Keep me from the snare that / they have / laid for me //
and from the / traps · of the / evil/doers.

11 (2nd part) Let the wicked fall to/gether · into their / own nets //
whilst / I pass / safely / by.

1 O Lord, I call to you; / come to me / quickly; //
hear my voice / when I / cry to / you. [better: hear my / voice · when I / cry to you.]

2 Let my prayer rise be/fore you as / incense, //
the lifting up of my hands / as the / evening / sacrifice.

3 Set a watch before my / mouth, O / Lord, //
and / guard the / door of my / lips;

4 Let not my heart incline to any / evil / thing; //
let me not be occupied in wickedness with evildoers, nor taste the / pleasures / of their / table.

5 Let the righteous smite me in friendly rebuke; but let not the oil of the unrighteous a/noint my / head; //
for my prayer is continually a/gainst their / wicked / deeds.

6 Let their rulers be overthrown in / stony / places; //
then they may / know · that my / words are / sweet.

7 As when a plough turns over the / earth in / furrows, //
let their bones be / scattered · at the / mouth of the / Pit.

8 But my eyes are turned to / you, Lord / God; //
in you I take refuge; / do not / leave me de/fenceless.

9 Protect me from the snare which / they have / laid for me //
and from the / traps of the / evil/doers.

10 Let the wicked fall into their / own / nets, //
while / I pass / by in / safety.

top ↑

Psalm 142 -- Voce mea ad Dominum

RSCM CW Psalter--No.194. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

J Barnby

1 I cry a/ loud · to the / Lord; //
to the Lord I / make my / suppli/cation.

2 I pour out my com/plaint be/fore him //
and / tell him / of my / trouble.

3 When my spirit faints within me, you / know my / path; //
in the way wherein I walk / have they / laid a / snare for me.

4 I look to my right hand, and find / no one who / knows me; //
I have no place to flee to, and / no one / cares for my / soul.

5 I cry out to you, O / Lord, and / say: //
/You are my refuge, my / portion · in the / land of the / living.

6 /Listen to my cry, for I am brought / very / low; //
save me from my persecutors, for they / are too / strong / for me. [better: save me from my / persecutors, for / they are too / strong for me.]

7 /Bring my / soul · out of / prison, //
that I may give / thanks / to your / name; [better: that / I may · give / thanks to · your / name; ]

7a when you have dealt / bountifully / with me, //
then shall the / righteous / gather a/round me./

top ↑

Psalm 143 -- Domine, exaudi -- a penitential psalm

RSCM CW Psalter--No.195. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

J Stainer

OR Salisbury Psalter--No.143. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

H Howells

1 Hear my / prayer, O // Lord, //
and in your faithfulness give ear to my supplications; / answer me / in your / righteousness.

2 Enter not into judgement / with your / servant, //
for in your sight shall / no one / living be / justified.

3 For the enemy has pursued me, crushing my / life · to the / ground, //
making me sit in / darkness like / those long / dead.

4 My spirit / faints with/in me; //
my / heart with/in me is / desolate.

5 I remember the time past; I muse upon / all your / deeds; //
I con/sider the / works of your / hands.

6 I stretch / out my / hands to you; //
my soul gasps for you / like a / thirsty / land.

7 O Lord, make haste to answer me; my / spirit / fails me; //
hide not your face from me lest I be like / those who go / down · to the / Pit.

8 Let me hear of your loving-kindness in the morning, for in you I / put my / trust; //
show me the way I should walk in, for I / lift up my / soul to / you. [perhaps (?): ..... / for I / lift up my / soul to you.]

9 Deliver me, O Lord, / from my / enemies, //
for I / flee to / you for / refuge.

10 Teach me to do what pleases you, for / you are my / God; //
let your kindly spirit lead me / on a / level / path.

11 Revive me, O Lord, / for your / name/s sake; //
for your righteousness/ sake, / bring me / out of / trouble.

12 In your faithfulness, slay my enemies, and destroy all the adversaries / of my / soul, //
for / truly / I am your / servant.

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Psalm 144 -- Benedictus Dominus

RSCM CW Psalter--No.196. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

C F South

1 Blessed be the / Lord my / rock, //
who teaches my hands for war / and my / fingers for / battle;

2 My steadfast help and my fortress,
my stronghold and my deliverer,
my shield in / whom I / trust, //
who sub/dues the / peoples / under me.

3 O Lord, what are mortals that / you should con/sider them; //
mere human beings, that / you should take / thought for / them?

4 They are like a / breath of / wind; //
their days pass a/way / like a / shadow. [better: their days / pass a·way / like a / shadow.]

5 Bow your heavens, O Lord, / and come / down; //
touch the / mountains and / they shall / smoke.

6 Cast down your / lightnings and / scatter them; //
shoot out your arrows / and let / thunder / roar.

7 Reach down your / hand from on / high; //
deliver me and take me out of the great waters,
from the / hand of / foreign / enemies,

8 Whose / mouth speaks / wickedness //
and their right hand / is the / hand of / falsehood.

9 O God, I will sing to you a / new / song; // [perhaps (?): O God, I will / sing to / you a / new song; // ]
I will play to you / on a / ten-stringed / harp,

10 You that give sal/vation to / kings //
and have de/livered / David your / servant.

11 Save me from the / peril · of the / sword //
and deliver me from the / hand of / foreign / enemies,

12 Whose / mouth speaks / wickedness //
and whose right hand / is the / hand of / falsehood;

13 So that our sons in their youth
may be like well-/nurtured / plants, //
and our daughters like pillars
carved for the / corners / of the / temple;

14 Our barns be filled with all / manner of / store; //
our flocks bearing thousands,
and ten / thousands / in our / fields;

15 Our cattle be / heavy with / young: //
may there be no miscarriage or untimely birth,
no / cry of dis/tress · in our / streets.

16 Happy are the people whose / blessing this / is. //
Happy are the people who have the / Lord / for their / God. [better: ..... who / have the / Lord · for their / God.]

top ↑

Psalm 145 -- Exaltabo te, Deus

RSCM CW Psalter--No.197. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

C V Stanford

1 I will exalt you, O / God my / King, //
and bless your / name for / ever and / ever.

2 Every day / will I / bless you // [perhaps better: Every / day · will I / bless you // ]
and praise your / name for / ever and / ever.

3 Great is the Lord and / highly · to be / praised; //
his greatness is be/yond all / searching / out.

4 One generation shall praise your / works · to an/other //
and de/clare your / mighty / acts.

5 They shall speak of the majesty / of your / glory, //
and I will tell of / all your / wonderful / deeds.

6 They shall speak of the might of your / marvellous / acts, //
and I will / also / tell of your / greatness.

7 They shall pour forth the story of your a/bundant / kindness //
and / joyfully / sing · of your / righteousness.

8 The Lord is / gracious and / merciful, //
long-suffering / and of / great / goodness. [perhaps better: long-/suffering / and of · great / goodness.]

9 The Lord is / loving to / everyone //
and his mercy is / over / all his / creatures.

10 All your works / praise you, O / Lord, //
and your / faithful / servants / bless you.

11 They tell of the / glory · of your / kingdom //
and / speak of your / mighty / power,

12 To make known to all peoples your / mighty / acts //
and the glorious / splendour / of your / kingdom.

13 Your kingdom is an ever/lasting / kingdom; //
your dominion en/dures through/out all / ages.

14 The Lord is sure in / all his / words //
and / faithful in / all his / deeds.

15 The Lord upholds all / those who / fall //
and lifts up all / those who are / bowed / down.

16 The eyes of all wait upon / you, O / Lord, //
and you give them their / food in / due / season. [perhaps (?): and you / give them their / food · in due / season.]

17 You open / wide your / hand //
and fill / all things / living with / plenty.

18 The Lord is righteous in / all his / ways //
and / loving in / all his / works.

19 The Lord is near to those who / call upon / him, //
to all who / call up/on him / faithfully.

20 He fulfils the desire of / those who / fear him; //
he / hears their / cry and / saves them.

21 The Lord watches over / those who / love him, //
but all the / wicked shall / he des/troy.

22 My mouth shall speak the / praise of the / Lord, //
and let all flesh bless his holy / name for / ever and / ever.

top ↑

Psalm 146 -- Lauda, anima mea

RSCM CW Psalter--No.198. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

C V Stanford

ASB Psalter

Common Worship Psalter

1 Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, / O my / soul //
while I / live · I will / praise the / Lord;

2 While I / have · any / being //
I will sing / praises / to my / God.

3 Put not your / trust in / princes //
nor in the sons of / men who / cannot / save.

4 For when their breath goes from them, they return a/gain · to the / earth //
and on that day / all their / thoughts / perish.

5 Bless-ed is the man whose help is the / God of / Jacob //
whose hope is / in the / Lord his / God,

6 The God who made / heaven · and / earth //
the sea, / and all / that is / in them,

7 Who keeps / faith for / ever //
who deals justice to / those that / are op/pressed.

8 The Lord gives / food · to the / hungry //
and / sets the / captives / free.

9 The Lord gives / sight · to the / blind //
the Lord lifts up / those · that are / bowed / down.

10 The Lord / loves the / righteous //
the Lord cares for the / stranger / in the / land.

11 He upholds the / widow · and the / fatherless //
as for the way of the wicked, he / turns it / upside / down.

12 (2nd part)The Lord shall be / king for / ever //
your God, O Zion, shall reign through all generations. / Prai·ai-/-aise the / Lord.

1 Alleluia. [or (RSCM): Praise the Lord.] Praise the Lord, / O my / soul: //
while I / live · will I / praise the / Lord;

1a As long as I / have any / being,
I will sing / praises / to my / God.

2 Put not your trust in princes, nor in any / human / power, //
for there / is no / help in / them.

3 When their breath goes forth, they re/turn to the / earth; //
on that day / all their / thoughts / perish.

4 Happy are those who have the God of Jacob / for their / help, //
whose hope is / in the / Lord their / God;

5 Who made heaven and earth, the sea and / all that is / in them; //
who / keeps his / promise for / ever;

6 Who gives justice to those that / suffer / wrong //
and / bread to / those who / hunger.

7 The Lord looses / those that are / bound; //
the Lord opens the / eyes / of the / blind; [better: the Lord / opens the / eyes of the / blind; ]

8 The Lord lifts up those who are / bowed / down; //
the Lord / loves the / righteous;

9 The Lord watches over the stranger in the land; he upholds the / orphan and / widow; //
but the way of the wicked / he turns / upside / down.

10 The Lord shall / reign for / ever, //
your God, O Zion, throughout all gene/rations. / Alle/luia. [or (RSCM): / Praise the / Lord.]

top ↑

Psalm 147 -- Laudate Dominum

RSCM CW Psalter--No.199. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

S Mold

1 Alleluia. [or (RSCM): Praise the Lord.] How good it is to make music / for our / God, //
how joyful to / honour / him with / praise.

2 The Lord builds / up Je/rusalem //
and gathers to/ gether the / outcasts of / Israel.

3 He heals the / broken / hearted //
and / binds up / all their / wounds.

4 He counts the / number · of the / stars //
and / calls them / all · by their / names.

5 Great is our Lord and / mighty in / power; //
his wisdom / is be/yond all / telling.

6 The Lord lifts / up the / poor, //
but casts down the / wicked / to the / ground.

7 Sing to the / Lord with / thanksgiving; //
make music to our / God up/on the / lyre;

8 Who covers the / heavens with / clouds //
and prepares / rain / for the / earth; [better: and pre/pares rain / for the / earth; ]

9 Who makes grass to / grow upon the / mountains //
and green / plants to / serve our / needs.

10 He gives the / beasts their / food //
and the young / ravens / when they / cry.

11 He takes no pleasure in the / power of a / horse, //
no de/light in / human / strength;

12 But the Lord delights in / those who / fear him, //
who put their / trust · in his / steadfast / love.

13 Sing praise to the Lord, / O Je/rusalem; //
praise your / God, / O / Zion;
[better pointing (Salisbury Psalter):
13 Sing praise to the Lord, / O Je/rusa- // lem; / praise your / God, O / Zion;]

14 For he has strengthened the / bars of your / gates //
and has / blest your / children with/in you.

15 He has established / peace in your / borders //
and satisfies you / with the / finest / wheat.

16 He sends forth his command / to the / earth //
and his / word runs / very / swiftly.

17 He gives / snow like / wool //
and / scatters the / hoarfrost like / ashes.

18 He casts down his hailstones like / morsels of / bread; //
who / can en/dure his / frost?

19 He sends forth his / word and / melts them; //
he blows with his wind / and the / waters / flow.

20 He declares his / word to / Jacob, //
his / statutes and / judgements to / Israel.

21 (2nd part) He has not dealt so with any / other / nation; //
they do not know his / laws. / Alle/luia. [or (RSCM): / Praise the / Lord.]

top ↑

Psalm 148 -- Laudate Dominum

RSCM CW Psalter--No.200. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

W Parratt

1 Alleluia. [or (RSCM): Praise the Lord.]
Praise the Lord / from the / heavens; //
praise / -- him / in the / heights. [perhaps word change (?): Sing / praises / in the / heights.]

2 Praise him, all / you his / angels; //
praise / him, / all his / host. [perhaps word change (?): Sing / praises / all his / host.]

3 Praise him, / sun and / moon; //
praise him, / all you / stars of / light.

4 Praise him, / heaven of / heavens, //
and you / waters a/bove the / heavens.

5 Let them praise the / name of the / Lord, //
for he commanded / and they / were cre/ated.

6 He made them fast for / ever and / ever; //
he gave them a law which / shall not / pass a/way.

7 Praise the Lord / from the / earth, //
you sea / monsters and / all / deeps; [better: you sea / monsters/ and all / deeps; ]

8 Fire and hail, / snow and / mist, //
tempestuous / wind, ful/filling his / word;

9 Mountains / and all / hills, //
fruit / trees and / all / cedars; [perhaps word change (?): fruit / trees and / every / cedar ; ]

10 Wild beasts and / all / cattle, // [better: ..... / and all / ....., // ]
creeping / things and / birds · on the / wing;

11 Kings of the earth and / all / peoples, // [better: ..... / and all / ....., // ]
princes and all / rulers / of the / world;

12 Young men and women, old and / young to/gether; //
let them / praise the / name of the / Lord.

13 For his name only / is ex/alted, //
his splendour a/bove / earth and / heaven.

14 He has raised up the horn of his people and praise for all his / faithful / servants, //
the children of Israel, a people who are / near him. /Alle/luia. [or (RSCM): / Praise the / Lord.]

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Psalm 148 -- Laudate Dominum -- chant: D V Willcocks (irregular)

RSCM Salisbury Psalter--No.148. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

D V Willcocks

1 Alleluia. [or (RSCM): Praise the Lord.]
Praise the Lord / from the / heavens; //
praise him / in the / heights.
2 Praise him, all / you his / angels; //
praise him, / all his / host.

3 Praise him, / sun and / moon; //
praise him, all you / stars of / light.
4 Praise him, / heaven of / heavens, //
and you waters a/bove the / heavens.

5 Let them praise the / name of the / Lord, //
for he commanded and they / were cre/ated.
6 He made them fast for / ever and / ever; //
he gave them a law which shall not / pass a/way.

7 Praise the Lord / from the / earth, //
you sea monsters / and all / deeps;
8 Fire and hail, / snow and / mist, //
tempestuous wind, ful/filling his / word;

9 Mountains / and all / hills, //
fruit trees / and all / cedars;
10 Wild beasts / and all / cattle, //
creeping things and / birds · on the / wing;

11 Kings of the earth / and all / peoples, //
princes and all rulers / of the / world;
12 Young men and women, old and / young to/gether; //
let them praise the / name of the / Lord.

RSCM Salisbury Psalter--No.148. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

D V Willcocks

13 For his name only / is ex/alted, //
his splendour above / earth and / heaven.
14 He has raised up the horn of his people; and praise for all his / faithful / servants, //
the children of Israel, a people who are near him. /Alle/luia. [or (RSCM): / Praise the / Lord.]

Glory to the Father, / and · to the / Son, //
and to the / Holy / Spirit;

as it was in the be/ginning, is / now, //
and shall be for / ever. A/men.

top ↑

Psalm 149 -- Laudate Dominum

RSCM CW Psalter--No.201. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

G J Elvey

1 Alleluia. [or (RSCM): Praise the Lord.]
O sing to the Lord a / new / song; // [better: O sing to the / Lord a · new / song; // ]
sing his praise in the congre/gation / of the / faithful.

2 Let Israel rejoice / in their / maker; //
let the children of Zion be / joyful / in their / king.

3 Let them praise his / name · in the /dance; //
let them sing praise to / him with / timbrel and / lyre.

4 For the Lord has pleasure / in his / people //
and adorns the / poor / with sal/vation. [better: and a/dorns the / poor with sal/vation.]

5 Let the faithful be / joyful in / glory; //
let them re/joice · in their / ranks,
[better pointing (Salisbury Psalter):
5 Let the faithful be / joyful · in / glo- // ry; / let them · re/joice in · their / ranks, ]

6 With the praises of God / in their / mouths //
and a / two-edged / sword · in their / hands;

7 To execute vengeance / on the / nations //
and / punishment / on the / peoples;

8 To bind their / kings in / chains //
and their / nobles with / fetters of / iron;

9 (2nd part) To execute on them the / judgement de/creed: //
such honour have all his faithful / servants. /Alle/luia. [or (RSCM): / Praise the / Lord.]

top ↑

Psalm 150 -- Laudate Dominum

RSCM CW Psalter--No.202. | katapi Media Player (mp3)
P Hurford

OR Salisbury Psalter -- ps.150. | katapi Media Player (mp3)
R A Goodenough

Parish Psalter (BCP)

ASB Psalter

RSCM CW Psalter

1 O praise God / in his / holiness //
praise him in the / firmament / of his / power.

2 Praise him in his / noble / acts //
praise him ac/cording to his / excellent / greatness.

3 Praise him in the / sound of the / trumpet //
praise him up/on the / lute and / harp.

4 Praise him in the / cymbals and / dances //
praise him up/on the / strings and / pipe.

5 Praise him upon the / well-tuned / cymbals //
praise him up/on the / loud / cymbals.

6 Let every thing / that hath / breath //
praise/ -- / -- the / Lord.

1 Praise the Lord. O praise / God · in his / sanctuary //
praise him in the / firma·ment / of his / power.

2 Praise him for his / mighty / acts //
praise him according to / his a/bundant / goodness.

3 Praise him in the / blast · of the / ram's horn //
praise him up/on the / lute and / harp.

4 Praise him with the / timbrel · and / dances //
praise him up/on the / strings and / pipe.

5 Praise him on the / high · sounding / cymbals //
praise him up/on the / loud / cymbals.

6 Let everything that has breath / praise the / Lord //
O / praise / -- / -- the / Lord!

1 Alleluia. [or (RSCM): Praise the Lord.] O praise God / in his / holiness; //
praise him in the / firmament / of his / power.

2 Praise him for his / mighty / acts; //
praise him ac/cording · to his / excellent / greatness.

3 Praise him with the / blast of the / trumpet; //
praise him up/on the / harp and / lyre.

4 Praise him with / timbrel and / dances; //
praise him up/on the / strings and / pipe.

5 Praise him with / ringing / cymbals; //
praise him up/on the / clashing / cymbals.

6 Let everything / that has / breath // praise the / Lord. / Alle/luia. [or (RSCM): / Praise the / Lord.]

top ↑

Psalm 150 -- Laudate Dominum -- C V Stanford

Parish Psalter (BCP) RSCM No.203 (basic chant) | katapi Media Player (mp3) RSCM Common Worship Psalter

1 (Full, unison) O praise God / in · his / holi·ness: //
praise him in the / firma·ment / of · his / power.

CV Stanford

1 (Full, unison) O praise God / in · his / holi·ness; //
praise him in the / firma·ment / of · his / power.

2 (Full, unison) Praise him in his / no·ble / acts: //
praise him ac/cording to · his / excel·lent / greatness.

C V Stanford

2 (Full, unison) Praise him for his / m·ighty / acts; //
praise him ac/cording · to his / excel·lent / greatness.

3 (CAN. harmony) Praise him in the / sound of · the / trum·pet: //
praise him up/on · the / lute · and / harp.
C V Stanford 3 (CAN. harmony) Praise him with the / blast of · the / trum·pet; //
praise him up/on · the / harp · and / lyre.
4 (DEC. harmony) Praise him in the / cymbals · and / dan·ces: //
praise him up/on · the / strings · and / pipe.
C V Stanford 4 (DEC. harmony) Praise him with / timbrel · and / dan·ces; //
praise him up/on · the / strings · and / pipe.

5 (Tenor & Bass - Full - ff) Praise him upon the / well·tuned / cym·bals: //
praise him up/on · the /lou·d / cymbals.

C V Stanford

5 (Tenor & Bass - Full - ff) Praise him with / ring·ing / cym·bals; //
praise him up/on · the / cla·shing / cymbals.

6 (Full - ff) Let every thing / that · hath / brea·th: //
prai - - /se · the / Lord.
C V Stanford 6 (Full - ff) Let everything / that has / brea-th // prai - - /se · the / Lord.

Glory be to the Father, and / to · the / So·n //
and / to · the / Ho·ly / Ghost;

C V Stanford

Glory to the Father and / to · the / So·n //
and / to · the / Ho·ly / Spirit;

as it was in the beginning, is now, and / e·ver / shall · be //
world without / e·nd. / A - - /men.
C V Stanford as it was in the be/ginning · is / no·w //
and shall be for / e·ver. / A - - /men.

top ↑


Easter Anthems

RSCM CW Psalter--No.209. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

G M Garrett

1 Christ our passover has been / sacrificed / for us: //
so let us / cele/brate the / feast,

2 not with the old leaven of cor/ruption and / wickedness: //
but with the unleavened / bread of sin/cerity and / truth. (1 Corinthians 5.7b, 8)

3 Christ once raised from the dead / dies no / more: //
death has / no more do/minion / over him.

4 In dying he died to sin / once for / all: //
in / living he / lives to / God.

5 See yourselves therefore as / dead to / sin: //
and alive to God in / Jesus / Christ our / Lord. (Romans 6.9-11)

6 Christ has been raised / from the / dead: // [better: ..... / raised · from the / dead: // ]
the / first fruits of / those who / sleep.

7 For as by / man came / death: //
by man has come also the resur/rection / of the / dead;

8 for as in / Adam all / die: //
even so in Christ shall / all be / made a/live. (1 Corinthians 15.20-22)

Glory to the Father and / to the / Son
and / to the / Holy / Spirit;

as it was in the be/ginning is / now
and shall be for / ever. /A/men.

top ↑

Benedictus - Luke 1.68-79 -- the Song of Zechariah

ASB Psalter--No.17. | katapi Media Player (mp3) | SET A

J Lemon

RSCM CW Psalter--No.228. | katapi Media Player (mp3) | SET B

H Lawes

RSCM CW Psalter--No.229. | katapi Media Player (mp3) | SET C

E Monk

RSCM CW Psalter--No.230. | katapi Media Player (mp3) | SET D

N Rawsthorne

The Parish Psalter (Book of Common Prayer)

RSCM Common Worship Psalter

1 Blessed be the Lord / God of / Israel //
for he hath / visited, · and re/deemed his /people;

2 And hath raised up a mighty sal/vation / for us //
in the / house of his / servant / David;

3 As he spake by the mouth of his / holy / Prophets //
which have been / since the / world be/gan;

4 That we should be saved / from our / enemies //
and from the / hands of / all that / hate us;

5 To perform the mercy promised / to our / forefathers //
and to re/member his / holy / covenant;

6 To per/form the oath which he sware to our / fore·father / Abraham //
that / he would / give / us,

7 That we being delivered out of the / hand of our / enemies //
might / serve him with/out / fear,

8 In holiness and / righteousness be/fore him //
all the / days of / our / life.

9 And thou, child, shalt be called the / Prophet / of the / Highest //
for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord / to pre/pare his / ways;

10 To give knowledge of salvation / unto his / people //
for the re/mission / of their / sins;

11 Through the tender mercy / of our / God //
whereby the dayspring / from on / high hath / visited us;

12 To give light to them that sit in darkness, and in the / shadow of / death //.
and to guide our feet / into the / way of / peace.

Glory be to the Father, and / to the / Son //
and / to the / Holy / Ghost;

as it was in the beginning, is now, and / ever / shall be //
world without / end. / A/men.

1 Blessed be the Lord the / God of / Israel, //
who has come to his / people and / set them / free.

2 He has raised up for us a / mighty / Saviour, //
born of the / house of his / servant / David.

3 Through his holy prophets God / promised of / old //
to save us from our enemies, from the / hands of / all that / hate us,

4 To show mercy / to our / ancestors, //
and to re/ member his / holy / covenant.

5 This was the oath God swore to our / father / Abraham: //
to set us / free · from the / hands of our / enemies,

6 Free to worship him / without / fear, //
holy and righteous in his sight / all the / days of our / life.

7 And you, child, shall be called the prophet of the / Most / High, //
for you will go before the / Lord · to pre/pare his / way,

8 To give his people knowledge / of sal/vation // [better: ..... / knowledge · of sal/vation // ]
by the for/giveness of / all their / sins.

9 In the tender compassion / of our / God //
the dawn from on / high shall / break up/on us,

10 To shine on those who dwell in darkness and the / shadow of / death, //
and to guide our feet / into the / way of / peace.

Glory to the Father and / to the / Son //
and / to the / Holy / Spirit;

as it was in the be/ginning is / now //
and shall be for / ever. / A/men.

top ↑

Magnificat - Luke 1.46-55 -- the Song of Mary

ASB Psalter--No.51. | katapi Media Player (mp3) | SET A

J Turle

RSCM CW Psalter--No.231. | katapi Media Player (mp3) | SET B

E Day

RSCM CW Psalter--No.232. | katapi Media Player (mp3) | SET C

E Day

RSCM CW Psalter--No.233. | katapi Media Player (mp3) | SET D

E Day

The Parish Psalter (Book of Common Prayer)

Alternative Service Book 1980 Psalter

RSCM Common Worship Psalter

1 My soul doth / magnify the / Lord //
and my spirit hath re/joiced in / God my / Saviour.

2 For he / hath re/garded //
the / lowliness / of his / handmaiden.

3 For be/hold, from / henceforth //
all gene/rations shall / call me / blessed.

4 For he that is mighty hath / magnified / me //
and / holy / is his / Name.

5 And his mercy is on / them that / fear him //
through/out all / gene/rations.

6 He hath shew-ed / strength with his / arm //
he hath scattered the proud in the imagi/nation / of their / hearts.

7 He hath put down the mighty / from their / seat //
and hath ex/alted the / humble and / meek.

8 He hath fill-ed the hungry with / good / things //
and the rich he / hath sent / empty a/way.

9 He re/membering his / mercy //
hath / holpen his / servant / Israel.

10 as he promised / to our / forefathers, //
Abraham / and his / seed for / ever.

Glory be to the Father, and / to the / Son //
and / to the / Holy / Ghost;

as it was in the beginning, is now, and / ever / shall be //
world without / end. / A/men.

1 My soul proclaims the / greatness of the / Lord //
my spirit re/joices in / God my / saviour;

2 for he has looked with favour on his / lowly / servant //
from this day all gener/ations will / call me / bless-ed;

3 the Almighty has done / great things / for me //
and / holy / is his / name.

4 He has mercy on / those who / fear him:
in / every / generation.

5 He has shown the / strength of his / arm //
he has scattered the / proud in / their con/ceit.

6 He has cast down the mighty / from their / thrones //
and has / lifted / up the / lowly.

7 He has filled the hungry with / good / things //
and the rich he has / sent a/way / empty.

8 He has come to the help of his / servant / Israel //
for he has re/membered his / promise of / mercy,

9 the promise he / made to our / fathers //
to Abraham / and his / children for/ever.

Glory to the Father and / to the Son //
and / to the / Holy / Spirit;

as it was in the be/ginning is / now //
and shall be for / ever. / A/men.

1 My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, my spirit rejoices in / God my / Saviour; //
he has looked with / favour · on his / lowly / servant.

2 From this day all generations will / call me / blessed; //
the Almighty has done great things for me and / holy / is his / name.

3 He has mercy on / those who / fear him, //
from gene/ration to / gene/ration.

4 He has shown strength / with his / arm //
and has scattered the / proud in / their con/ceit,

5 Casting down the mighty / from their / thrones //
and / lifting / up the / lowly.

6 He has filled the hungry with / good / things //
and sent the / rich a/way /empty.

7 He has come to the aid of his / servant / Israel, //
to re/member his / promise of / mercy,

8 The promise / made to our / ancestors, //
to Abraham / and his / children for / ever.

Glory to the Father and / to the / Son //
and / to the / Holy / Spirit;

as it was in the be/ginning is / now //
and shall be for / ever. / A/men.

top ↑

Nunc Dimittis - Luke 2.29-32 -- the Song of Simeon

RSCM CW Psalter--No.234. | katapi Media Player (mp3) | SET A RSCM CW Psalter--No.235. | katapi Media Player (mp3) | SET B
R Lewis R Lewis

RSCM CW Psalter--No.236. | katapi Media Player (mp3) | SET C

ASB Psalter--No.58. | katapi Media Player (mp3) | SET D
R Lewis G A Macfarren

The Parish Psalter (Book of Common Prayer)

RSCM Common Worship Psalter

1 Lord, now lettest thou thy servant de/part in / peace //
ac/cording / to thy / word.

2 For mine eyes have / seen thy sal/vation; //
Which thou hast prepared before the / face of / all / people;

3 To be a light to / lighten the / Gentiles //
and to be the / glory of thy / people / Israel

Glory be to the Father, and / to the / Son //
and / to the / Holy / Ghost;

as it was in the beginning, is now, and / ever / shall be //
world without / end. / A/men.

1 Now, Lord, you let your servant / go in / peace: //
your / word has / been ful/filled.

2 My own eyes have / seen the sal/vation //
which you have prepared in the / sight of / every / people;

3 A light to reveal you / to the / nations //
and the glory / of your / people / Israel.
[better pointing (ASB):
3 A light to re/veal you · to the / nations //
and the / glory · of your / people / Israel.]

Glory to the Father and / to the / Son //
and / to the / Holy / Spirit;

as it was in the be/ginning is / now //
and shall be for / ever. / A/men.

top ↑

Te Deum Laudamus

ASB Psalter--No.27. | katapi Media Player (mp3) | SET A | ... in B flat (Stanford)


RSCM CW Psalter--No.242. | katapi Media Player (mp3) | SET B

C V Stanford

RSCM CW Psalter--No.243. | katapi Media Player (mp3) | SET C

T A Walmisley

RSCM CW Psalter--No.244. | katapi Media Player (mp3) | SET D

S Wesley

The Parish Psalter (Book of Common Prayer)

RSCM Common Worship Psalter

1 We / praise thee, O / God; //
we ac/knowledge thee to / be the / Lord.

2 All the / earth doth / worship thee, //
the / Father / ever/lasting.

3 To thee all angels / cry a/loud, //
the heavens and / all the / powers there/in.

4 To thee / cherubin and / seraphin //
con/tinual/ly do /cry,

5,6 Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord / God of / Sabaoth; //
Heaven and earth are full of the / majesty / of thy / glory.

7,8 The glorious company of the apostles praise thee. //
The goodly fellowship of the / prophets / praise thee.
The noble / army of / martyrs / praise thee.

9 The holy Church throughout all the / world · doth ac/knowledge / thee: //
the / Father / of an / infinite / majesty;

10 thine honourable, true and / only / Son; //
also the / Holy / Ghost the / Comforter.

1 We praise you, O God, we acclaim you / as the / Lord; //
all creation worships you, the / Father / ever/lasting.

2 To you all angels, all the / powers of / heaven, //
the cherubim and seraphim, / sing in / endless / praise:

3 Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of / power and / might, //
heaven and / earth are / full of your / glory.

4 The glorious company of a/postles /praise you. //
The noble / fellowship of / prophets / praise you.

5 The white-robed army of / martyrs / praise you. //
Throughout the world the / holy / Church ac/claims you:

6 Father, of majesty unbounded, your true and only Son, worthy / of all / praise, //
the Holy Spirit, / advo/cate and / guide.

top ↑

ASB Psalter--No.31. | katapi Media Player (mp3) | SET A

W Hawes

RSCM CW Psalter--No.245. | katapi Media Player (mp3) | SET B

C V Stanford

RSCM CW Psalter--No.246. | katapi Media Player (mp3) | SET C

T A Walmisley

RSCM CW Psalter--No.247. | katapi Media Player (mp3) | SET D

S Wesley

The Parish Psalter (Book of Common Prayer)

RSCM Common Worship Psalter

11 Thou art the King of / glory, O / Christ. //
Thou art the ever/lasting / Son of the / Father.

12 When thou tookest upon thee to de/liver / man, //
thou didst not ab/hor the / Virgin's / womb.

13 When thou hadst overcome the / sharpness of / death, //
thou didst open the kingdom of / heaven to / all be/lievers.

14 Thou sittest at the / right hand of / God, //
in the / glory / of the / Father.

15,16 We believe that thou shalt come to / be our / judge. //
We therefore pray thee, help thy servants,
whom thou hast re/deemed · with thy / precious / blood.

17 Make them to be numbered / with thy / saints //
in / glory / ever/lasting.

7 You, Christ, are the / King of / glory, //
the e/ternal / Son of the / Father.

8 When you took our flesh to / set us / free //
you humbly / chose the / Virgin's / womb.

9 You overcame the / sting of / death //
and opened the kingdom of / heaven to / all be/lievers.

10 You are seated at God's right / hand in / glory. //
We believe that you will / come and / be our / judge.

11 Come then, Lord, and / help your / people, //
bought with the / price of / your own / blood,

12 and bring us / with your / saints //
to / glory / ever/lasting.

top ↑

ASB Psalter--No.35. | katapi Media Player (mp3) | SET A ASB Psalter--No.36. | katapi Media Player (mp3) | SET B
R Lewis R Lewis

ASB Psalter--No.37. | katapi Media Player (mp3) | SET C

ASB Psalter--No.38. | katapi Media Player (mp3) | SET D
R Lewis G A Macfarren

The Parish Psalter (Book of Common Prayer)

RSCM Common Worship Psalter

18 O Lord, save thy people and / bless thine / heritage. //
Govern them and / lift them / up for / ever.

19 Day by day we / magnify / thee; //
and we worship thy / name, · ever / world without / end.

20,21 Vouchsafe, O Lord, to keep us this / day without / sin. //
O Lord, have mercy up/on us, have / mercy up/on us.

22 O Lord, let thy mercy / lighten up/on us, //
as our / trust / is in / thee.

23 (2nd part) O Lord, in / thee · have I / trusted; //
let me / never / be con/founded.

13 Save your people, Lord, and / bless your in/heritance. //
Govern and up/hold them / now and / always.

14 Day by day we / bless you. //
We / praise your / name for / ever.

15 Keep us today, Lord, / from all / sin. //
Have mercy / on us, / Lord, have / mercy.

16 Lord, show us your / love and / mercy, //
for we have / put our / trust in / you.

17 (2nd part) In you, Lord, / is our / hope: //
let us / never be / put to / shame.

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