The Common Worship Psalter. The Common Worship Psalter with pointing is based upon the RSCM Common Worship Psalter with chants. The chants are as numbered in the RSCM Chant Book. The MP3 files are as listed at Ton Meijer's anglican chant website HERE. (this page prepared for katapi by paul ingram 2017.)

HOME | ↵ BACK | Anglican Chant | Psalms: ← 100 | 101 | 102 | 103 | 104 | 105 | 106 | 107 | 108 | 109 | 110 | 111 | 112 | 113 | 114 | 115 | 116 | 117 | 118 || Psalm 119 //
verses 1-16 , 17-32 , 33-48 , 49-64 , 65-80 , 81-96 , 97-112 , 113-128 , 129-144 , 145-160 , 161-176 || Psalms: 120 | 121 | 122 | 123 | 124 | 125 | 126 → |

¶ When singing a psalm, the word 'blessed' is to be pronounced as two syllables: 'bless - ed'. Where spelled 'blest', the word is pronounced as one syllable.

¶ A double forward slash // marks the mid-point in each psalm verse where, traditionally, a pause is observed.

¶ A single forward slash / marks a bar-line of the chant. A dot · indicates the mid point of the bar, and the chord changes after the dot. Chord changes in words of more than one syllable are indicated by a dash.

¶ For those traditions which omit the word 'Alleluia' during penitential seasons, we have provided an alternative: 'Praise the Lord'.

¶ A verse printed in bold should be sung in unison.

¶ Each psalm or group of psalms may end with

Glory to the Father and / to the / Son //
and / to the / Holy / Spirit;

as it was in the be/ginning is / now //
and shall be for / ever. / A/men.

top ↑

Psalm 101 -- Misericordiam et judicum -- First setting

RSCM CW Psalter--No. 130. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

R Lewis

1 I will sing of / faithfulness and / justice; //
to you, O / Lord, / will I / sing.

2 Let me be wise in the / way that is / perfect: //
when / will you / come to / me?

3 I will walk with / purity of / heart //
with/in the / walls · of my / house.

4 I will not set be/fore my / eyes //
a / counsel / that is / evil.

5 I abhor the / deeds · of un/faithfulness; //
they / shall not / cling to / me.

6 A crooked heart / shall de/part from me; //
I will not / know a / wicked / person.

7 One who slanders a / neighbour in / secret //
I will / quickly / put to / silence.

8 Haughty eyes and an / arrogant / heart //
I / will / not en/dure.

9 My eyes are upon the / faithful · in the / land, //
that / they may / dwell with / me.

10 One who walks in the / way · that is / pure //
shall / be / my / servant.

11 There shall not / dwell in my / house //
one that / practis/es de/ceit.

12 One who / utters / falsehood //
shall not con/tinue / in my / sight.

13 Morning by morning will I / put to / silence //
all the / wicked / in the / land,

14 To cut off from the / city · of the / Lord //
all / those who / practise / evil.

top ↑

Psalm 101 -- Misericordiam et judicum -- Second setting

RSCM CW Psalter--No. 130. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

R Lewis

1,2. I will sing of faithfulness and justice; to you, O Lord, / will I / sing. //
Let me be wise in the way that is perfect: / when will you / come to / me?

3,4. I will walk with purity of heart within the / walls · of my / house. //
I will not set before my eyes a / counsel / that is / evil.

5,6. I abhor the deeds of unfaithfulness; they / shall not / cling to me. //
A crooked heart shall depart from me; I will not / know a / wicked / person.

7,8. One who slanders a neighbour in secret I will quickly / put to / silence. //
Haughty eyes and an arrogant heart / I will / not en/dure.

9,10. My eyes are upon the faithful in the land, that / they may / dwell with me. //
One who walks in the way that is / pure shall / be my / servant.

11,12. There shall not dwell in my house one that / practises / deceit. //
12 One who utters falsehood shall not con/tinue / in my / sight.

13,14. (2nd part) Morning by morning will I put to silence all the / wicked · in the / land, //
To cut off from the city of the Lord all / those who / practise / evil.

top ↑

Psalm 102 -- Domine, exaudi -- a penitential psalm | ..... THIS anthem is based upon psalm 102 |

Sir Sydney Nicholson's treatment of this psalm was to use a single chant throughout, moving from minor to major, then back again, to correspond with the change of emphasis in the psalm.

Parish Psalter--No.169. | katapi Media Player (mp3) | verses 1-11, verses 23-28 & gloria | Parish Psalter--No.170. | katapi Media Player (mp3) | verses 12-22 |
H Purcell H Purcell

ASB Psalter--No.177. | katapi Media Player (mp3) | the ASB Psalter shows this chant for the whole psalm |
J Goss
RSCM CW Psalter--No.131. | katapi Media Player (mp3) | RSCM Psalter shows this chant for first 12 verses with the a chant change at verse 13 as shown below |
M Camidge

Parish Psalter (BCP)

ASB Psalter

RSCM CW Psalter

1 Hear my / prayer, O / Lord //
and let my / crying / come unto / thee.

2 Hide not thy face from me in the / time of my / trouble //
incline thine ear unto me when I call; O / hear me, and / that right / soon.

3 For my days are consumed a/way like / smoke //
and my bones are burnt up / as it / were a / fire-brand.

4 My heart is smitten down, and / withered like / grass //
so that I for/get to / eat my / bread.

5 For the / voice of my / groaning //
my bones will / scarce cleave / to my / flesh.

6 I am become like a pelican / in the / wilderness //
and like an owl / that is / in the / desert.

7 I have watched, and am even as it / were a / sparrow //
that sitteth a/lone up/on the / house-top.

8 Mine enemies revile me / all the day / long //
and they that are mad upon me are / sworn to/gether a/gainst me.

9 For I have eaten ashes / as it were / bread //
and / mingled my / drink with / weeping;

10 And that because of thine indig/nation and / wrath //
for thou hast taken me / up and / cast me / down.

11 (2nd part) My days are / gone · like a / shadow //
and / I am / withered like / grass.

1 O Lord, / hear my / prayer //
and / let my / cry / come to you.

2 Do not hide your face from me in the / day · of my / trouble //
turn your ear to me; and when I / call be / swift to / answer.

3 For my days pass a/way like / smoke //
and my bones / burn as / in a / furnace.

4 My heart is scorched and / withered · like / grass //
and I for/get to / eat my / bread.

5 I am weary with the / sound of · my / groaning //
my / bones stick / fast to · my / skin.

6 I have become like an / owl · in the / wilderness //
like a / screech-owl · a/mong the / ruins.

7 I keep watch and ·flit · to and / fro //
like a / sparrow · up/on a / housetop.

8 My enemies taunt me / all day / long //
and those who / rave at me · make / oaths a/gainst me.

9 Surely I have eaten / ashes for / bread //
and / mingled · my / drink with / tears,

10 Because of your wrath and / indig/nation //
for you have taken me / up and / tossed · me a/side.

11 (2nd part) My days de/cline · like a / shadow //
and I / wither a/way like / grass.

1 O Lord, / hear my / prayer //
and let my / crying / come be/fore you.

2 Hide not your / face / from me // [better: Hide / not your / face from me ]
in the / day of / my dis/tress.

3 Incline your / ear to / me; //
when I / call, make / haste to / answer me,

4 For my days are con/sumed in / smoke //
and my bones burn a/way as / in a / furnace.

5 My heart is smitten down and / withered like / grass, //
so that I for/get to / eat my / bread.

6 From the / sound of my / groaning //
my / bones cleave / fast to my / skin.

7 I am become like a / vulture · in the / wilderness, //
like an / owl that / haunts the / ruins.

8 I / keep / watch // [better (NRSV, NIV, Grail Psalms): I / lie a/wake // ]
and am become like a sparrow / solitary up/on the / housetop.

9 My enemies revile me / all the day / long, //
and those who rage at me have / sworn to/gether a/gainst me.

10 I have eaten / ashes for / bread //
and / mingled my / drink with / weeping,

11 Because of your indig/nation and / wrath, //
for you have taken me / up and / cast me / down.

12 My days fade a/way · like a / shadow, //
and / I am / withered like / grass.

RSCM CW Psalter--No.131. | katapi Media Player (mp3)
M Camidge

Parish Psalter (BCP)

ASB Psalter

RSCM CW Psalter

12 But thou, O Lord, shalt en/dure for / ever //
and thy remembrance / throughout all gene/rations.

13 Thou shalt arise, and have / mercy upon / Sion //
for it is time that thou have mercy upon her, / yea the / time is / come.

14 (2nd part) And why? thy servants think up/on her / stones //
and it pitieth them to / see her / in the / dust.

15 The heathen shall fear thy / Name O / Lord //
and all the / kings of the / earth thy / majesty;

16 When the Lord shall / build up / Sion //
and when his / glory / shall ap/pear;

17 When he turneth him unto the / prayer · of the poor / destitute //
and des/piseth / not their de/sire.

18 This shall be written for / those that come / after //
and the people which shall be / born shall / praise the / Lord.

19 For he hath looked down / from his / sanctuary //
out of the heaven did the / Lord be/hold the / earth;

20 That he might hear the mournings of such as are / in cap/tivity //
and deliver the children ap/pointed / unto / death;

21 That they may declare the Name of the / Lord in / Sion //
and his / worship / at Je/rusalem;

22 When the people are / gathered to/gether //
and the kingdoms / also to / serve the / Lord.

23 He brought down my strength / in my / journey //
and / shortened / my / days.

24 But I said, O my God, take me not away in the / midst of mine / age //
as for thy years they endure / throughout / all gene/rations.

25 Thou Lord in the beginning hast laid the foundation / of the / earth //
and the / heavens are the / work of thy / hands.

26 They shall perish, but / thou shalt en/dure //
they all shall wax / old as / doth a / garment;

27 And as a vesture shalt thou change them, and they / shall be / changed //
but thou art the same and thy / years / shall not / fail.

28 The children of thy servants / shall con/tinue //
and their seed shall / stand fast / in thy / sight.

12 But you, Lord, are en/throned for / ever //
and your name shall be known through/out all / gene/rations.

13 You will arise and have / mercy up·on / Zion //
for it is time to pity her, the ap/pointed / time has / come.

14 Your servants love / even · her / stones //
and her / dust moves / them to / pity.

15 Then shall the nations fear your / name O / Lord //
and all the / kings · of the / earth your / glory,

16 When the Lord has / built up / Zion //
when he / shows him/self · in his / glory,

17 When he turns to the / prayer · of the / destitute //
and does not des/pise their / suppli/cation.

18 (2nd part) Let this be written down for / those who · come / after //
and a people yet un/born will / praise the / Lord.

19 For the Lord has looked down from the / height · of his / holiness //
from heaven he has / looked up/on the / earth,

20 To hear the / groaning · of the / prisoner //
to deliver / those con/demned to / die;

21 That they may proclaim the name of the / Lord in / Zion //
and his / praises / in Je/rusalem,

22 When the nations are / gathered · to/gether //
and the / kingdoms · to / serve the / Lord.

23 He has broken my strength be/fore my / time //
he / has cut / short my / days.

24 Do not take me away O God in the / midst of · my / life //
you whose years ex/tend through / all · gene/rations.

25 In the beginning you laid the foun/dations · of the / earth //
and the / heavens · are the / work of · your / hands.

26 They shall perish, but / you · will en/dure //
they shall all grow old like a garment; like clothes you will change them and / they shall / pass a/way.

27 But you are the / same for / ever //
and your / years will / never / fail.

28 The children of your servants shall / rest se/cure //
and their seed shall be es/tablished / in your / sight.

13 But you, O Lord, shall en/dure for / ever //
and your / name through / all · gene/rations.

14 You will arise and have / pity on / Zion; //
it is time to have mercy upon her; / surely the / time has / come.

15 (2nd part) For your servants love her / very / stones //
and feel com/passion / for her / dust.

16 Then shall the nations fear your / name, O / Lord, //
and all the / kings · of the / earth your / glory,

17 When the Lord has / built up / Zion //
and / shown him/self in / glory;

18 When he has turned to the / prayer · of the / destitute //
and has / not des/pised their / plea.

19 This shall be written for / those · that come / after, //
and a people yet un/born shall / praise the / Lord.

20 For he has looked down from his / holy / height; //
from the / heavens / he be/held the / earth,

21 That he might hear the / sighings · of the / prisoner //
and set free / those con/demned to / die;

22 That the name of the Lord may be pro/claimed in /Zion //
and his / praises / in Je/rusalem,

23 When peoples are / gathered to/gether //
and kingdoms / also, to / serve the / Lord.

24 He has brought down my / strength · in my / journey //
and has / shortened / my / days. [better (ASB): he / has cut / short my /days.]

25 I pray, 'O my God, do not take me in the / midst of my / days; //
your years endure through/out all / gene/rations.

26 'In the beginning you laid the foun/dations of the / earth, //
and the / heavens · are the / work of your / hands;

27 'They shall perish, but / you · will en/dure; //
they all shall / wear out / like a / garment.

28 'You change them like clothing, and / they shall be / changed; //
but you are the same, / and your / years · will not / fail.

29 'The children of your servants / shall con/tinue, //
and their descendants shall be es/tablished / in your / sight.'

top ↑

Psalm 103 -- Benedic, anima mea

RSCM CW Psalter--No.133. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

C F South

1 Bless the Lord, / O my / soul, //
and all that is within me / bless his / holy / name.

2 Bless the Lord, / O my / soul, //
and for/get not / all his / benefits;

3 Who forgives / all your / sins //
and / heals all / your in/firmities;

4 Who redeems your / life · from the / Pit //
and crowns you with / faithful / love · and com/passion;

5 (2nd part) Who satisfies / you with / good things, //
so that your / youth is re/newed · like an / eagle's.

6 The Lord / executes / righteousness //
and judgement for / all who / are op/pressed.

7 He made his ways / known to / Moses //
and his / works · to the / children of / Israel.

8 The Lord is full of com/passion and / mercy, //
slow to anger / and of / great / kindness. [better: slow to / anger / and of great / kindness. ]

9 He will not / always ac/cuse us, //
neither will he / keep his / anger for / ever.

10 (2nd part) He has not dealt with us ac/cording to our / sins, //
nor rewarded us ac/cording / to our / wickedness.

11 For as the heavens are high a/bove the / earth, //
so great is his / mercy · upon / those who / fear him.

12 As far as the east is / from the / west, //
so far has he / set our / sins / from us. [better (?) //
so far / has he / set our / sins from us. ]

13 As a father has com/passion on his / children, //
so is the Lord merciful to/wards / those who / fear him.

14 For he knows of what / we are / made; //
he re/members · that we / are but / dust.

15 Our days are / but as / grass; //
we / flourish · as a / flower of the / field;

16 For as soon as the wind goes over it, / it is / gone, //
and its / place shall / know it no / more.

17 But the merciful goodness of the Lord is from of old and endures for ever on / those who / fear him, //
and his / righteousness on / children's / children;

18 On those who / keep his / covenant //
and re/member · his com/mandments to / do them.

19 The Lord has established his / throne in / heaven, //
and his kingdom has do/minion / over / all.

20 Bless the Lord, you / angels of / his, //
you mighty ones who do his bidding and / hearken · to the / voice of his / word.

21 Bless the Lord, all / you his / hosts, //
you ministers of / his who / do his / will.

22 Bless the Lord, all you works of his, in all places of / his do/minion; //
bless the / Lord, / O my / soul.

top ↑

Psalm 103 -- (H Walford Davies chants -- RSCM Chantbook 149, 150)

RSCM CW Psalter--RSCM Chantbook No 149. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

H Walford Davies

1 Bless the Lord, / O my / soul, //
and all that is within me / bless his / holy / name.

2 Bless the Lord, / O my / soul, //
and for/get not / all his / benefits;

3 Who forgives / all your / sins //
and / heals all / your in/firmities;

4 Who redeems your / life · from the / Pit //
and crowns you with / faithful / love · and com/passion;

5 (2nd part) Who satisfies / you with / good things, //
so that your / youth is re/newed · like an / eagle's.

6 The Lord / executes / righteousness //
and judgement for / all who / are op/pressed.

7 He made his ways / known to / Moses //
and his / works · to the / children of / Israel.

8 The Lord is full of com/passion and / mercy, //
slow to anger / and of / great / kindness. [better: slow to / anger / and of great / kindness. ]

9 He will not / always ac/cuse us, //
neither will he / keep his / anger for / ever.

10 (2nd part) He has not dealt with us ac/cording to our / sins, //
nor rewarded us ac/cording / to our / wickedness.

11 For as the heavens are high a/bove the / earth, //
so great is his / mercy · upon / those who / fear him.

12 As far as the east is / from the / west, //
so far has he / set our / sins / from us. [better (?) //
so far / has he / set our / sins from us. ]

RSCM CW Psalter--RSCM Chantbook No 150. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

H Walford Davies

13 As a father has com/passion on his / children, //
so is the Lord merciful to/wards / those who / fear him.

14 For he knows of what / we are / made; //
he re/members · that we / are but / dust.

15 Our days are / but as / grass; //
we / flourish · as a / flower of the / field;

16 For as soon as the wind goes over it, / it is / gone, //
and its / place shall / know it no / more.

RSCM CW Psalter--RSCM Chantbook No 149. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

H Walford Davies

17 But the merciful goodness of the Lord is from of old and endures for ever on / those who / fear him, //
and his / righteousness on / children's / children;

18 On those who / keep his / covenant //
and re/member · his com/mandments to / do them.

19 The Lord has established his / throne in / heaven, //
and his kingdom has do/minion / over / all.

20 Bless the Lord, you / angels of / his, //
you mighty ones who do his bidding and / hearken · to the / voice of his / word.

21 Bless the Lord, all / you his / hosts, //
you ministers of / his who / do his / will.

22 Bless the Lord, all you works of his, in all places of / his do/minion; //
bless the / Lord, / O my / soul.

top ↑

Psalm 104 -- Benedic, anima mea

RSCM CW Psalter--No.134. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

J Harper

1 Bless the Lord, / O my / soul. //
O Lord my God, how / excellent / is your / greatness!

2 You are clothed with / majesty and / honour, //
wrapped in / light as / in a / garment.

3 You spread out the heavens / like a / curtain //
and lay the beams of your dwelling place / in the / waters a/bove.

4 You make the / clouds your / chariot //
and / ride on the / wings · of the / wind.

5 You make the / winds your / messengers //
and / flames of / fire your / servants.

6 You laid the foun/dations · of the / earth, //
that it never should / move at / any / time.

7 You covered it with the / deep · like a / garment; //
the waters stood / high a/bove the / hills.

8 At your re/buke they / fled; //
at the voice of your / thunder they / hastened a/way.

9 They rose up to the hills and flowed down to the / valleys be/neath, //
to the place which / you · had ap/pointed / for them.

10 You have set them their bounds that they / should not / pass, //
nor turn a/gain to / cover the / earth.

RSCM CW Psalter--No.135. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

J Harper

11 You send the springs / into the / brooks, //
which / run a/mong the /hills.

12 They give drink to every / beast · of the / field, //
and the wild / asses / quench their / thirst.

13 Beside them the birds of the air / make their / nests //
and / sing a/mong the / branches.

14 You water the hills from your / dwelling on / high; //
the earth is / filled · with the / fruit of your / works.

15 You make grass to / grow · for the / cattle //
and / plants to / meet our / needs,

16 Bringing forth / food · from the / earth //
and / wine to / gladden our / hearts,

17 Oil to give us a / cheerful / countenance //
and / bread to / strengthen our / hearts.

18 The trees of the Lord are / full of / sap, //
the cedars of / Lebanon / which he / planted,

19 In which the birds / build their / nests, //
while the fir trees are a / dwelling / for the / stork.

20 (2nd part) The mountains are a refuge for the / wild / goats // [perhaps better (?): ..... a / refuge for the wild / goats // ]
and the / stony / cliffs · for the / conies.

RSCM CW Psalter--No.136. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

J Harper

21 You appointed the moon to / mark the / seasons, //
and the sun / knows the / time · for its / setting.

22 You make darkness that it / may be / night, //
in which all the beasts of the / forest / creep / forth. [better: ..... all the / beasts · of the / forest creep / forth.]

23 The lions / roar · for their / prey //
and / seek their / food from / God.

24 The sun rises and / they are / gone //
to lay themselves / down / in their / dens. [better: to / lay them·selves / down in their / dens.]

25 People go / forth · to their / work //
and to their / labour un/til the / evening.

RSCM CW Psalter--No.137. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

J Harper

26 O Lord, how manifold / are your / works! //
In wisdom you have made them all; the / earth is / full · of your / creatures.

27 There is the sea, spread / far and / wide, //
and there move creatures beyond / number, both / small and / great.

28 There go the ships, and there is / that Le/viathan //
which you have / made to / play · in the / deep.

29 All of these / look to / you //
to give them their / food in / due / season. [perhaps (NEB, NIV): ..... their / food at the / proper / time.]

30 When you give it / them, they / gather it; //
you open your hand and / they are / filled with / good.

31 When you hide your face / they are / troubled; //
when you take away their breath, they die and re/turn a/gain · to the / dust.

32 When you send forth your spirit, they / are cre/ated, //
and you re/new the / face · of the / earth.

33 May the glory of the Lord en/dure for / ever; //
may the / Lord re/joice · in his / works;

34 He looks on the / earth · and it / trembles; //
he touches the / mountains / and they / smoke.

35 I will sing to the Lord as / long as I / live; //
I will make music to my God / while I / have my / being.

36 So shall my / song / please him // [better: So shall / my song / please him ]
while I re/joice / in the / Lord. [better (ASB): for my / joy shall / be · in the / Lord.]

37 Let sinners be consumed / out of the / earth //
and the / wicked / be no / more.

37a Bless the Lord, / O my / soul.
Alle/luia, / Alle/luia. [or (RSCM): Praise the / Lord, / praise the / Lord.]

top ↑

Psalm 105 -- Confitemini Domino

RSCM CW Psalter--No 138. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

J Soaper

1 O give thanks to the Lord and / call up·on his / name; //
make known his / deeds a/mong the / peoples.

2 Sing to / him, sing / praises, //
and tell of / all his / marvellous / works.

3 Rejoice in the praise of his / holy / name; //
let the hearts of them re/joice who / seek the / Lord.

4, 5. Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his / face con/tinually. //
Remember the marvels he has done, his wonders and the / judgements / of his / mouth,

6 O seed of / Abraham his / servant, //
O / children of / Jacob his / chosen.

7 He is the / Lord our / God; //
his / judgements · are in / all the / earth.

8 He has always been / mindful · of his / covenant, //
the promise that he made for a / thousand / gene/rations:

9 The covenant he / made with / Abraham, //
the / oath · that he / swore to / Isaac,

10 Which he established as a / statute for / Jacob, //
an everlasting / coven/ant for / Israel,

11 Saying, 'To you will I give the / land of / Canaan //
to be the / portion of / your in/heritance.'

12 When they were but / few in / number, //
of little account, and / sojourners / in the / land,

13 Wandering from / nation to / nation, //
from one / kingdom · to an/other / people,

14 He suffered no one to / do them / wrong //
and rebuked even / kings / for their / sake, [better: and re/buked even / kings · for their /sake, ]

15 Saying, 'Touch not / my a/nointed //
and / do my / prophets no / harm.

RSCM CW Psalter--No 139. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

J Turle

16 Then he called down famine / over the / land //
and broke / every / staff of / bread.

17 But he had sent a / man be/fore them, //
Joseph, / who was / sold · as a / slave.

18 They shackled his / feet with / fetters; //
his / neck was / ringed with / iron.

19 Until all he foretold / came to / pass, //
the / word · of the / Lord / tested him. [better (ASB): he was / tested · by the / Lord's com/mand.]

20 The king sent / and re/leased him; //
the ruler of / peoples / set him / free.

21 He appointed him / lord · of his / household //
and / ruler of / all · he pos/sessed,

22 (2nd part) To instruct his princes / as he / willed //
and to / teach his / counsellors / wisdom.

23 Then Israel / came · into / Egypt; //
Jacob / sojourned · in the / land of / Ham.

24 And the Lord made his people ex/ceedingly / fruitful; //
he made them too / many / for their / adversaries,

25 (2nd part) Whose heart he turned, so that they / hated his / people //
and dealt / craftily / with his / servants.

26 Then sent he / Moses his / servant //
and / Aaron whom / he had / chosen.

27 He showed his signs / through their / word //
and his wonders / in the / land of / Ham.

28 He sent darkness and / it grew / dark; //
yet they / did not / heed his / words.

29 He turned their waters / into / blood //
and / slew / all their / fish. [better (ASB): and / slew the / fish there/in.]

30 Their land / swarmed with / frogs, //
even / in their / kings' / chambers. [better (ASB): even the inner / chambers / of their / kings.]

31 He spoke the word, and there came / clouds of / flies, //
swarms of / gnats within / all their / borders.

32 He gave them / hailstones for / rain //
and flames of / lightning / in their / land.

33 He blasted their vines / and their / fig trees //
and shattered / trees a/cross their / country.

34 He spoke the word, and the / grasshoppers / came //
and young / locusts / without / number;

35 They ate every / plant in their / land //
and de/voured the / fruit of their / soil.

36 (2nd part) He smote all the firstborn / in their / land, //
the / first fruits of / all their / strength.

RSCM CW Psalter--No 140. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

J Soaper

37 Then he brought them out with / silver and / gold; //
there was not one a/mong their / tribes that / stumbled.

38 Egypt was glad at / their de/parting, //
for a / dread of them had / fallen up/on them.

39 He spread out a / cloud · for a / covering //
and a / fire to / light up the / night.

40 They asked and he / brought them / quails; //
he satisfied them / with the / bread of / heaven.

41 He opened the rock, and the waters / gushed / out // [better: He opened the / rock, · and the / waters · gushed / out // ]
and ran in the dry / places / like a / river.

42 For he remembered his / holy / word //
and / Abra/ham, his / servant.

43 So he brought forth his / people with / joy, //
his / chosen / ones with / singing.

44 He gave them the / lands · of the / nations //
and they took pos/session · of the / fruit of their / toil,

45 (2nd part) That they might / keep his / statutes //
and faithfully observe his / laws. / Alle/luia. [or (RSCM): / Praise the / Lord.]

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Psalm 106 -- Confitemini Domino

RSCM CW Psalter--No 141. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

J Turle

1 Alleluia. [or (RSCM): Praise the Lord.] Give thanks to the Lord, for / he is / gracious, //
for his / faithfulness en/dures for / ever.

2 Who can express the mighty / acts · of the / Lord //
or / show forth / all his / praise?

3 Blessed are those who ob/serve what is / right //
and / always / do · what is / just.

4 Remember me, O Lord, in the favour you / bear · for your / people; //
visit me in the / day of / your sal/vation;

5 (2nd part) That I may see the prosperity of your chosen and rejoice in the / gladness · of your / people, //
and ex/ult with / your in/heritance.

6 We have / sinned · like our / forebears; //
we have done / wrong and / dealt / wickedly. [better: we have / done wrong / and dealt / wickedly.]

7 In Egypt they did not consider your wonders,
nor remember the abundance of your / faithful / love; //
they rebelled against the Most / High · at the / Red / Sea.

8 But he saved them for his / name's / sake, //
that he might / make his / power · to be / known.

9 He rebuked the Red Sea and it was / dried / up; //
so he led them through the / deep as / through the / wilderness.

10 He saved them from the / adversary's / hand //
and redeemed them / from the / hand of the / enemy.

11 As for those that troubled them, the waters / over/whelmed them; //
there / was not / one of them / left.

12 (2nd part) Then they be/lieved his / words //
and / sang a/loud his / praise.

RSCM CW Psalter--No 142. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

N Warren

13 But soon they for/got his / deeds //
and / would not / wait · for his / counsel.

14 A craving / seized · them in the / wilderness, //
and they put / God · to the / test · in the / desert.

15 He gave them / their de/sire, //
but sent a / wasting / sickness a/mong them.

16 They grew jealous of / Moses · in the / camp //
and of Aaron, the / holy one / of the / Lord.

17 So the earth opened and / swallowed up / Dathan //
and covered the / company / of A/biram.

18 A fire was / kindled · in their / company; //
the / flame burnt / up the / wicked.

19 They made a / calf at / Horeb //
and / worshipped the / molten / image;

20 Thus they ex/changed their / glory //
for the image of an / ox that / feeds on / hay.

21 They forgot / God their / saviour, //
who had done such / great / things in / Egypt, [better: who had / done such / great things in / Egypt, ]

22 Wonderful deeds in the / land of / Ham //
and fearful things / at the / Red / Sea.

23 (2nd part) So he would have destroyed them, had not Moses his chosen stood before him / in the / breach, //
to turn a/way his / wrath · from con/suming them.

24 Then they scorned the / Promised / Land //
and / would not be/lieve his / word,

25 But / murmured · in their / tents //
and would not / heed the / voice · of the / Lord.

26 So he lifted his / hand a/gainst them //
and swore to over/throw them / in the / wilderness,

27 To disperse their descendants a/mong the / nations, //
and to / scatter them through/out the / lands.

28 They joined themselves to the / Baal of / Peor //
and ate sacrifices / offered / to the / dead.

29 They provoked him to anger with their / evil / deeds //
and a / plague broke / out a/mong them.

30 Then Phinehas stood up and / inter/ceded //
and / so the / plague was / stayed.

31 This was counted to / him for / righteousness //
throughout all / gene/rations for / ever.

32 They angered him also at the / waters of / Meribah, //
so that Moses / suffered / for their / sake;

33 For they so em/bittered his / spirit //
that he spoke / rash words / with his / lips.

34 They did not des/troy the / peoples //
as the / Lord / had com/manded them.

35 They / mingled · with the / nations //
and / learned to / follow their / ways,

36 So that they / worshipped their / idols, //
which be/came to / them a / snare.

37 Their own / sons and / daughters //
they / sacrificed to / evil / spirits.

38 They shed / innocent / blood, //
the / blood · of their / sons and / daughters,

39 Which they offered to the / idols of / Canaan, //
and the / land · was de/filed with / blood.

40 Thus were they / polluted · by their / actions, //
and in their wanton deeds went / whoring · after / other / gods.

41 Therefore was the wrath of the Lord kindled a/gainst his / people, //
and he ab/horred / his in/heritance. [better: and / he ab/horred · his in/heritance.]

42 He gave them over to the / hand · of the / nations, //
and those who / hated / them ruled / over them.

43 So their / enemies op/pressed them //
and put them in sub/jection / under their / hand.

44 Many a time did he deliver them, but they rebelled through their / own de/vices //
and were / brought down / through their / wickedness.

45 Nevertheless, he / saw · their ad/versity, //
when he / heard their / lamen/tation.

46 He remembered his / covenant / with them //
and relented according to the / greatness · of his / faithful / love.

47 He made them / also · to be / pitied //
by / all who had / taken them / captive.

RSCM CW Psalter--No 143. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

J Turle

48 Save us, O / Lord our / God, //
and gather us / from a/mong the / nations,

48a that we may give thanks to your / holy / name //
and / glory / in your / praise.

49 Blessed be the Lord, the / God of / Israel, //
from everlasting / and to / ever/lasting; //

49a. and let all the / people / say, //
A/men. / Alle/luia. [or (RSCM): / Praise the / Lord.]

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Psalm 107 -- Confitemini Domino

RSCM CW Psalter--No.144. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

C V Stanford

1 O give thanks to the Lord, for / he is / gracious, //
for his steadfast / love en/dures for / ever.

2 Let the redeemed of the / Lord / say this, // [better: Let the re/deemed · of the Lord / say this, ]
those he re/deemed · from the / hand of the / enemy,

3 (2nd part) And gathered out of the lands from the east and / from the / west, //
from the / north and / from the / south.

4 Some went astray in / desert / wastes //
and found no / path · to a / city to / dwell in.

5 Hungry / and / thirsty, // [better wording (Gail Psalms): Hungry they / were and / thirsty, // ]
their / soul was / fainting with/in them.

6 So they cried to the Lord / in their / trouble //
and he de/livered them / from their dis/tress.

7 (Unison) He set their feet on the / right / way // [better: He set their feet / on the · right / way // ]
till they / came · to a / city to / dwell in.

8 Let them give thanks to the / Lord · for his / goodness //
and the / wonders he / does · for his / children.

9 For he satisfies the / longing / soul //
and fills the / hungry / soul with / good.

10 Some sat in darkness and in the / shadow of / death, //
bound / fast in / misery and / iron,

11 For they had rebelled against the / words of / God //
and despised the / counsel · of the / Most / High.

12 So he bowed down their / heart with / heaviness; //
they stumbled and / there was / none to / help them.

13 Then they cried to the / Lord · in their / trouble, //
and he de/livered them from / their dis/tress.

14 (2nd part) He brought them out of darkness and out of the / shadow of / death, //
and / broke their / bonds a/sunder.

15 (Unison) Let them give thanks to the / Lord · for his / goodness //
and the / wonders he / does · for his / children.

16 For he has broken the / doors of / bronze //
and breaks the / bars of / iron in / pieces.

17 Some were foolish and took a re/bellious / way, //
and were / plagued be/cause of their / wrongdoing.

18 Their soul abhorred all / manner of / food //
and drew / near · to the / gates of / death.

19 Then they cried to the / Lord · in their / trouble, //
and he de/livered them from / their dis/tress.

20 He sent forth his / word and / healed them, //
and / saved them / from des/truction.

21 (Unison) Let them give thanks to the / Lord · for his / goodness //
and the / wonders he / does · for his / children.

22 Let them offer him / sacrifices of / thanksgiving //
and tell of his / acts with / shouts of / joy.

23 Those who go down to the / sea in / ships //
and ply their / trade in / great / waters, [better: and / ply their / trade in great / waters, ]

24 These have seen the / works · of the / Lord //
and his / wonders / in the / deep.

25 For at his word the stormy / wind a/rose //
and lifted / up the / waves of the / sea.

26 They were carried up to the heavens and down a/gain · to the / deep; //
their soul / melted a/way · in their / peril.

27 They reeled and / staggered · like a / drunkard //
and were / at their / wits' / end. [perhaps better wording ? (Grail Psalms): for / all their / skill was / gone // ]

28 Then they cried to the / Lord · in their / trouble, //
and he brought them / out of / their dis/tress.

29 He made the / storm be / still //
and the / waves of the / sea were / calmed.

30 Then were they glad because they / were at / rest, //
and he brought them to the / haven / they de/sired.

31 (Unison) Let them give thanks to the / Lord · for his / goodness //
and the / wonders he / does · for his / children.

32 Let them exalt him in the congre/gation · of the / people //
and praise him in the / council / of the / elders.

RSCM CW Psalter--No.145. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

C V Stanford

33 The Lord turns rivers / into / wilderness //
and water springs / into / thirsty / ground;

34 A fruitful land he makes a / salty / waste, //
because of the / wickedness of / those who / dwell there.

35 He makes the wilderness a / pool of / water //
and water springs / out · of a / thirsty / land.

36 There he / settles the / hungry //
and they / build a / city to / dwell in.

37 They sow fields and / plant / vineyards // [perhaps better ? (Grail Psalms): They sow fields and / plant their / vines // ]
and bring / in a / fruitful / harvest.

38 He blesses them, so that they / multiply / greatly; //
he does not let their / herds of / cattle de/crease.

39 He pours con/tempt on / princes //
and makes them / wander in / trackless / wastes.

40 They are diminished and / brought / low, // [better: They are di/minished · and brought / low, // ]
through / stress · of mis/fortune and / sorrow,

41 (2nd part) But he raises the / poor · from their / misery //
and multiplies their families like flocks of sheep.

42 The upright will see this / and re/joice, //
but all / wickedness will / shut its / mouth.

43 Whoever is wise will / ponder these / things //
and consider the loving / kindness / of the / Lord.

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Psalm 108 -- Paratum cor meum

RSCM CW Psalter--No.146. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

N Rawsthorne

1 My heart is ready, O God, my / heart is / ready; //
I will / sing and / give you / praise.

2 Awake, my soul; awake, / harp and / lyre, //
that I / may a/waken the / dawn.

3 I will give you thanks, O Lord, a/mong the / peoples; //
I will sing praise to / you a/mong the / nations.

4 For your loving-kindness is as / high as the / heavens //
and your faithfulness / reaches / to the / clouds.

5 Be exalted, O God, a/bove the / heavens //
and your glory / over / all the / earth.

6 That your beloved may / be de/livered, //
save us by / your right / hand and / answer me.

7 God has spoken / in his / holiness: //
'I will triumph and divide Shechem and share / out the / valley of / Succoth.

8 'Gilead is mine and Ma/nasseh is / mine; //
Ephraim is my / helmet and / Judah my / sceptre.

9 (2nd part) 'Moab shall be my washpot, over Edom will I / cast my / sandal, //
across Philistia / will I / shout in / triumph.'

10 Who will lead me into the / strong / city? // [better: Who will lead me / into the strong / city? // ]
Who will / bring me / into / Edom?

11 Have you not cast us / off, O / God? //
Will you no longer go / forth / with our / troops? [better: Will you no longer / go forth / with our / troops? ]

12 O grant us your help a/gainst the / enemy, //
for / earthly / help · is in / vain.

13 Through God will we / do great / acts, //
for it is he that / shall tread / down our / enemies.

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Psalm 109 -- Deus, laudem

RSCM CW Psalter--No.147. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

J Turle

1 Keep silent no longer, O / God of my / praise, //
for the mouth of wickedness and / treachery is / opened a/gainst me.

2 They have spoken against me with a / lying / tongue; //
they encompassed me with words of hatred and fought a/gainst me with/out a / cause.

3 In return for my love, they set them/selves a/gainst me, //
even though / I had / prayed for / them.

4 Thus have they repaid me with / evil for / good, //
and / hatred for / my good / will.

5 They say, 'Appoint a / wicked man / over him, //
and let an accuser / stand at / his right / hand.

6 'When he is judged, let / him be found / guilty, //
and let his / prayer be / counted as / sin.

7 'Let his / days be / few //
and let an/other / take his / office.

8 'Let his / children be / fatherless //
and his / wife be/come a / widow.

9 'Let his children wander to / beg their / bread; //
let them seek / it in / desolate / places.

10 'Let the creditor seize / all · that he / has; //
let strangers / plunder the / fruit · of his / toil.

11 'Let there be no one to keep / faith / with him, // [better: ..... no one / to keep / faith with him, // ]
or have compassion / on his / fatherless / children.

12 'Let his line soon / come · to an / end //
and his name be blotted / out · in the / next · gene/ration.

13 'Let the wickedness of his fathers be remembered be/fore the / Lord, //
and no sin of his / mother be / blotted / out;

14 'Let their sin be always be/fore the / Lord, //
that he may / root out their / name · from the / earth;

15 'Because he was not minded to / keep / faith, // [better: ..... was not / minded · to keep / faith, // ]
but persecuted the poor and needy and sought to / kill the / broken/hearted.

16 'He loved cursing / and it / came to him; //
he took no delight in / blessing / and it was / far from him.

17 'He clothed himself with cursing / as · with a / garment: //
it seeped into his body like water and / into his / bones like / oil;

18 'Let it be to him like the cloak which he / wraps a/round him //
and like the / belt · that he / wears con/tinually.'

19 (2nd part) Thus may the Lord re/pay · my ac/cusers //
and / those · who speak / evil a/gainst me.

20 But deal with me, O Lord my God, ac/cording · to your / name; //
O de/liver me, for / sweet · is your / faithfulness.

21 For I am / helpless and / poor //
and my / heart · is dis/quieted with/in me.

22 I fade like a / shadow that / lengthens; //
I am / shaken / off · like a / locust.

23 My knees are / weak through / fasting //
and my / flesh is dried / up and / wasted.

24 (2nd part) I have become a re/proach to / them; // [better: ..... a / reproach / to them; // ]
those who see me / shake their / heads in / scorn.

25 Help me, O / Lord my / God; //
save me for your / loving / mercy's / sake,

26 And they shall know that / this is your / hand, //
that / you, O / Lord, have / done it.

27 Though they curse, / may you / bless; //
let those who rise up against me be confounded, but / let your / servant re/joice.

28 Let my accusers be / clothed · with dis/grace //
and wrap themselves in their / shame as / in a / cloak.

29 I will give great thanks to the / Lord · with my / mouth; //
in the midst of the / multitude / will I / praise him;

30 Because he has stood at the right hand / of the / needy, //
to save them from / those who / would con/demn them.

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Psalm 110 -- Dixit Dominus

RSCM CW Psalter--No.148. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

J Barnby

1 The Lord said to my lord, / 'Sit at my / right hand, //
until I / make your / enemies your / footstool.'

2 May the Lord stretch forth the / sceptre · of your / power; //
rule from Zion / in the / midst · of your / enemies.

3 'Noble are you on this / day of your / birth; //
on the holy mountain, from the womb of the dawn the dew of your / new birth / is up/on you.'

4 The Lord has sworn and / will not re/tract: //
'You are a priest for ever after the / order / of Mel/chizedek.'

5 The king at your / right hand, O / Lord, //
shall smite down / kings · in the / day of his / wrath.

6 In all his majesty, he shall judge a/mong the / nations, //
smiting heads over / all the / wide / earth.

7 (2nd part) He shall drink from the brook be/side the / way; //
therefore / shall he lift / high his / head.

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Psalm 111 -- Confitebor tibi

RSCM CW Psalter--No.149. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

H T Smart

1 Alleluia. [or (RSCM): Praise the Lord.] I will give thanks to the Lord with my / whole / heart, // [better: ..... Lord / with my whole / heart, // ]
in the company of the faithful and / in the / congre/gation.

2 The works of the / Lord are / great, //
sought / out by / all · who de/light in them.

3 His work is full of / majesty and / honour //
and his / righteousness en/dures for / ever.

4 He appointed a memorial for his / marvellous / deeds; //
the Lord is / gracious and / full of com/passion.

5 He gave food to / those who / feared him; //
he is ever / mindful / of his / covenant.

6 He showed his people the / power · of his / works //
in giving them the / heritage / of the / nations.

7 The works of his hands are / truth and / justice; //
all / his com/mandments are / sure.

8 They stand fast for / ever and / ever; //
they are / done in / truth and / equity.

9 He sent redemption to his people; he commanded his / covenant for / ever; //
holy and / awesome / is his / name.

10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; a good understanding have / those who / live by it; //
his / praise en/ dures for / ever.

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Psalm 112 -- Beatus vir

RSCM CW Psalter--No.150. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

E J Hopkins

1 Alleluia. [or (RSCM): Praise the Lord.] Blessed are those who / fear the / Lord //
and have great de/light in / his com/mandments.

2 Their descendants will be / mighty · in the / land, //
a generation of the / faithful that / will be / blest.

3 Wealth and riches will be / in their / house, //
and their / righteousness en/dures for / ever.

4 Light shines in the darkness / for the / upright; //
gracious and full of com/passion / are the / righteous.

5 It goes well with those who are / generous in / lending //
and order / their af/fairs with / justice, [better: and / order · their af/fairs with / justice.]

6 For they will / never be / shaken; //
the righteous will be held in / ever/lasting re/membrance.

7 They will not be afraid of any / evil / tidings; //
their heart is steadfast, / trusting / in the / Lord.

8 Their heart is sustained and / will not / fear, //
until they see the / downfall / of their / foes.

9 They have given freely to the poor; their righteousness stands / fast for / ever; //
their head will / be ex/alted with / honour.

10 The wicked shall see it and be angry; they shall gnash their / teeth · in des/pair; //
the de/sire · of the / wicked shall / perish.

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Psalm 113 -- Laudate, pueri

RSCM CW Psalter--No.151. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

B Ferguson

1 Alleluia. [or (RSCM): Praise the Lord.] Give praise, you / servants · of the / Lord, //
O / praise the / name · of the / Lord.

2 Blessed be the / name · of the / Lord, //
from this time / forth · and for / ever/more.

3 From the rising of the / sun · to its / setting //
let the / name · of the / Lord be / praised.

4 The Lord is high a/bove all / nations //
and his / glory a/bove the / heavens.

5 Who is like the / Lord our / God, //
that / has his / throne so / high,

5a. yet humbles him/self · to be/hold //
the / things of / heaven and / earth?

6 He raises the / poor · from the / dust //
and lifts the / needy / from the / ashes,

7 To / set them with / princes, //
with the / princes / of his / people.

8 He gives the barren woman a / place in the / house //
and makes her a joyful mother of / children. / Alle/luia. [or (RSCM): / Praise the / Lord.]

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Psalm 114 -- In exitu Israel

RSCM CW Psalter--No.152. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

Tonus Peregrinus


RSCM CW Psalter--No.153. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

J Harper

1, 2 When Israel came out of Egypt, the house of Jacob from a people of a / strange / tongue, //
Judah became his sanctuary, / Israel / his do/minion.

3, 4 The sea saw that, and fled; Jordan was / driven / back. //
The mountains skipped like rams, the little / hills like / young / sheep. [better: ..... the / little hills / like young / sheep.]

5 What ailed you, O / sea, · that you / fled? //
O Jordan, that / you were / driven / back?

6 You mountains, that you / skipped like / rams, //
you little / hills like / young / sheep? [better: you / little hills / like young / sheep? ]

7 Tremble, O earth, at the / presence · of the / Lord, //
at the / presence · of the / God of / Jacob,

8 Who turns the hard rock into a / pool of / water, //
the flint-stone / into a / springing / well.

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Psalm 115 -- Non nobis, Domine

RSCM CW Psalter--No.154. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

E J Hopkins

1 Not to us, Lord, not to us, but to your name / give the / glory, //
for the sake of your / loving / mercy and / truth.

2 Why should the / nations / say, //
'Where is / now / their / God?'

3 As for our God, he is in heaven; //
he does whatever he pleases.

verses 2 and 3 -- better (after the ASB):

2, 3 Why should the nations say, 'Where is / now their / God?' //
As for our God, he is in heaven; he / does what/ever he / pleases.

4 Their idols are / silver and / gold, //
the / work of / human / hands.

5 They have mouths, but / cannot / speak; //
eyes have / they, but / cannot / see;

6 They have ears, but / cannot / hear; //
noses have / they, but / cannot / smell;

7 They have hands, but cannot feel; feet have they, but / cannot / walk; //
not a whisper / do they / make · from their / throats.

8 Those who make them / shall be/come like them //
and so will / all who / put their / trust in them.

9 But you, Israel, put your / trust · in the / Lord; //
he is their / help / and their / shield. [better: he / is their help / and their / shield.]

10 House of Aaron, / trust · in the / Lord; //
he is their / help / and their / shield. [better: he / is their help / and their / shield.]

11 You that fear the / Lord, / trust · in the / Lord; //
he is their / help / and their / shield. [better: he / is their help / and their / shield.]

12 The Lord has been mindful of us and / he will / bless us; //
may he bless the house of Israel; may he / bless the / house of / Aaron;

13 May he bless those who / fear the / Lord, //
both / small and / great to/gether.

14 May the Lord increase you / more and / more, //
you / and your / children / after you.

15 May you be / blest · by the / Lord, //
the / maker of / heaven and / earth.

16 The heavens are the / heavens · of the / Lord, //
but the earth he has en/trusted / to his / children.

17 The dead do not / praise the / Lord, //
nor / those gone / down into / silence;

18 But we will / bless the / Lord, //
from this time forth for ever/more. / Alle/luia. [or (RSCM): / Praise the / Lord.]

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Psalm 116 -- Dilexi, quoniam

RSCM CW Psalter--No.155. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

J Robinson

1 I love the Lord, for he has heard the voice of my / suppli/cation; //
because he inclined his ear to me on the / day I / called to / him.

2 The snares of death encompassed me; the pains of / hell took / hold of me; //
by grief and / sorrow / was I / held.

3 Then I called upon the / name · of the / Lord: //
'O Lord, I / beg you, de/liver my / soul.'

4 Gracious is the / Lord and / righteous; //
our / God is / full of com/passion.

5 The Lord watches / over the / simple; //
I was brought very / low / and he / saved me. [better: I was / brought very / low · and he / saved me.]

6 Turn again to your rest, / O my / soul, //
for the / Lord · has been / gracious to / you. [better: for the / Lord · has been / gracious / to you.]

7 For you have delivered my / soul from / death, //
my eyes from / tears · and my / feet from / falling.

8 I will walk be/fore the / Lord //
in the / land / of the / living.

9 I believed that I should perish for I was / sorely / troubled; //
and I said in my alarm, / 'Everyone / is a / liar.'

10 How shall I re/pay the / Lord //
for all the benefits / he has / given to / me? [better: for all the / benefits / he has / given to me? ]

11 I will lift up the / cup of sal/vation //
and / call upon the / name · of the / Lord.

12 I will fulfil my / vows · to the / Lord //
in the / presence of / all his / people.

13 Precious in the / sight · of the / Lord //
is the / death · of his / faithful / servants.

14 O Lord, / I am your / servant, //
your servant, the child of your handmaid; you have / freed me / from my / bonds.

15 I will offer to you a / sacrifice of / thanksgiving //
and / call upon the / name of the / Lord.

16 I will fulfil my / vows · to the / Lord //
in the / presence of / all his / people,

17 (2nd part) In the courts of the / house · of the / Lord, //
in the midst of you, O Je/rusalem. / Alle/luia. [or (RSCM): / Praise the / Lord.]

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Psalm 117 -- Laudate Dominum

RSCM CW Psalter--No.156. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

J Nares

1 O praise the Lord, / all you / nations; //
praise / him, / all you / peoples.

2 For great is his steadfast / love to/wards us, //
and the faithfulness of the Lord endures for / ever.
/ Alle/luia. [or (RSCM): / Praise the / Lord.]

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Psalm 118 -- Confitemini Domino

RSCM CW Psalter--No. 157. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

J Camidge Jun

1 O give thanks to the Lord, for / he is / good; //
his / mercy en/dures for / ever.

2 Let Israel / now pro/claim, //
'His / mercy en/dures for / ever.'

3 Let the house of Aaron / now pro/claim, //
'His / mercy en/dures for / ever.'

4 Let those who fear the / Lord pro/claim, //
'His / mercy en/dures for / ever.'

5 In my constraint I / called · to the / Lord; //
the Lord / answered and / set me / free.

6 The Lord is at my side; I / will not / fear; //
what can / flesh / do to / me?

7 With the Lord at my / side · as my / saviour, //
I shall see the / downfall / of my / enemies.

8 It is better to take / refuge · in the / Lord //
than to put / any / confidence in / flesh.

9 It is better to take / refuge · in the / Lord //
than to put / any / confidence in / princes.

10 All the / nations en/ compassed me, //
but by the name of the / Lord I / drove them / back.

11 They hemmed me in, they hemmed me in on / every / side, //
but by the name of the / Lord I / drove them / back.

12 They swarmed about me like bees; they blazed like / fire among / thorns, //
but by the name of the / Lord I / drove them / back.

13 (2nd part) Surely, I was / thrust · to the / brink, //
but the / Lord / came · to my / help.

RSCM CW Psalter--No. 158. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

J Goss

14 The Lord is my / strength · and my / song, //
and he has be/come / my / salvation.

15 Joyful / shouts · of sal/vation //
sound / from the / tents · of the / righteous:

16 (2nd part) 'The right hand of the Lord does mighty deeds; the right hand of the Lord / raises / up; //
the right hand of the / Lord does / mighty / deeds.'

17 I shall not / die, but / live //
and de/clare the / works · of the / Lord.

18 The Lord has / punished me / sorely, //
but he has not / given me / over to / death.

19 Open to me the / gates of / righteousness, //
that I may / enter · and give / thanks · to the / Lord.

20 This is the / gate · of the / Lord; //
the / righteous shall / enter / through it.

21 I will give thanks to you, for / you have / answered me //
and have be/come / my sal/vation.

22 The stone which the / builders re/jected //
has be/come the / chief / cornerstone.

23 (2nd part) This is the / Lord's / doing, //
and it is / marvellous / in our / eyes.

24 This is the day that the / Lord has / made; //
we will re/joice / and be / glad in it.

25 Come, O Lord, and / save us we / pray. //
Come, Lord, / send us / now pros/perity.

26 Blessed is he who comes in the / name · of the / Lord; //
we / bless you · from the / house · of the / Lord.

27 The Lord is God; he has / given us / light; //
link the pilgrims with cords / right · to the / horns · of the / altar.

28 You are my God and / I will / thank you; //
you are my / God and / I · will ex/alt you.

29 O give thanks to the Lord, for / he is / good; //
his / mercy en/dures for / ever.

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Psalm 119

1 א Aleph -- Beati immaculati

RSCM CW Psalter--No.159. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

N Rawsthorne

1 Blessed are those whose / way is / pure, //
who / walk · in the / law of the / Lord.

2 Blessed are those who / keep his / testimonies //
and / seek him · with their / whole / heart,

3 Those who / do no / wickedness, //
but / walk / in his / ways. [better (ASB): but / walk · in the / ways of · our / God.]

4 You, O / Lord, have / charged //
that we should / diligently · keep / your com/mandments.

5 O that my ways were made / so di/rect //
that / I might / keep your / statutes.

6 Then should I not be / put to / shame, //
because I have re/gard for / all · your com/mandments.

7 I will thank you with an / unfeigned / heart, //
when I have / learned your / righteous / judgements.

8 I will / keep your / statutes; //
O for/sake me / not / utterly. [better wording (Grail): do / not e/ver for/sake me.]

2 ב Beth -- In quo corriget?

9 How shall young people / cleanse their / way //
to keep themselves ac/cording / to your / word?

10 With my whole heart / have I / sought you; //
O let me not go a/stray from / your com/mandments.

11 Your words have I hidden with/in my / heart, //
that I / should not / sin a/gainst you.

12 Blessed are / you, O / Lord; //
O / teach / me your / statutes. [perhaps ? //
O / teach me / your sta/tutes.]

13 With my lips have / I been / telling //
of all the / judgements / of your / mouth.

14 I have taken greater delight in the / way of your / testimonies //
than / in all / manner of / riches.

15 I will meditate on / your com/mandments //
and / contem/plate your / ways.

16 My delight shall be / in your / statutes //
and I will / not for/get your / word.

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3 ג Gimel -- Retribue servo tuo

RSCM CW Psalter--No.160. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

J Foster

17 O do good to your servant that / I may / live, //
and / so · shall I / keep your / word.

18 Open my eyes, that / I may / see //
the / wonders / of your / law.

19 I am a / stranger · upon / earth; //
hide not / your com/mandments / from me.

20 My soul is con/sumed at / all times //
with fervent / longing / for your / judgements.

21 You have re/buked the / arrogant; //
cursed are those who / stray from / your com/mandments.

22 Turn from me / shame · and re/buke, //
for / I have / kept your / testimonies.

23 Rulers also sit and / speak a/gainst me, //
but your servant / meditates / on your / statutes.

24 For your testimonies are / my de/light; //
they / are my / faithful / counsellors.

4 ד Daleth -- Adhaesit pavimento

25 My soul / cleaves · to the / dust; //
O give me life ac/cording / to your / word.

26 I have acknowledged my ways and / you have / answered me; //
O / teach / me your / statutes.

27 Make me understand the way of / your com/mandments, //
and so shall I meditate / on your / wondrous / works.

28 My soul melts away in / tears of / sorrow; //
raise me up ac/cording / to your / word.

29 Take from me the / way of / falsehood; //
be / gracious to / me · through your / law.

30 I have chosen the / way of / truth //
and your judgements / have I / laid be/fore me.

31 I hold / fast · to your / testimonies; //
O Lord, let me / not be / put to / shame.

32 I will run the way of / your com/mandments, //
when you have / set my / heart at / liberty.

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5 ה He -- Legem pone

RSCM CW Psalter--No.161. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

H Keeton

33 Teach me, O Lord, the / way of your / statutes //
and I shall / keep it / to the / end.

34 Give me understanding and I shall / keep your / law; //
I shall / keep it · with my / whole / heart. [better: I shall / keep it · with / my whole / heart.]

35 Lead me in the path of / your com/mandments, //
for there/in is /my de/light.

36 Incline my / heart · to your / testimonies //
and / not to / unjust / gain.

37 Turn away my eyes lest they / gaze on / vanities; //
O / give me / life · in your / ways.

38 Confirm to your / servant your / promise, //
which / stands for / all who / fear you.

39 Turn away the reproach / which I / dread, //
be/cause your / judgements are / good.

40 Behold, I long for / your com/mandments; //
in your / righteousness / give me / life.

6 ו Waw -- Et veniat super me

41 Let your faithful love come unto / me, O / Lord, //
even your salvation, ac/cording / to your / promise.

42 Then shall I answer / those who / taunt me, //
for my / trust is / in your / word.

43 O take not the word of truth utterly / out of my / mouth, //
for my / hope is / in your / judgements.

44 So shall I always / keep your / law; //
I shall / keep it for / ever and / ever.

45 I will / walk at / liberty, //
because I / study / your com/mandments.

46 I will tell of your testimonies, / even before / kings, //
and / will not / be a/shamed.

47 My delight shall / be in · your com/mandments, //
which / I have / greatly / loved.

48 My hands will I lift up to your commandments, / which I / love, //
and I will / meditate / on your / statutes.

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7 ז Zayin -- Memor esto servi tui

RSCM CW Psalter--No.162. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

R Cooke

49 Remember your / word · to your / servant, //
on which / you have / built my / hope.

50 This is my comfort / in my / trouble, //
that your / promise / gives me / life.

51 The proud have de/rided me / cruelly, //
but I have not / turned a/side from your / law.

52 I have remembered your everlasting / judgements, O / Lord, //
and / have / been / comforted. [better wording (ASB): and in / them · I have / found con/solation.]

53 I am seized with indig/nation · at the / wicked, //
for / they · have for/saken your / law.

54 Your statutes have / been like / songs to me //
in the / house / of my / pilgrimage. [better: in / the house / of my / pilgrimage.]

55 I have thought on your name in the / night, O / Lord, //
and / so · have I / kept your / law.

56 These blessings / have been / mine, //
for / I have / kept · your com/mandments.

8 ח Heth -- Portio mea, Domine

57 You only are my / portion, O / Lord; //
I have / promised to / keep your / words.

58 I entreat you with / all my / heart, //
be merciful to me ac/cording / to your / promise.

59 I have con/sidered my / ways //
and turned my / feet / back · to your / testimonies. [better: and / turned my feet / back · to your / testimonies.]

60 I made haste and / did not de/lay //
to / keep / your com/mandments. [better (Grail): to / obey / your com/mandments.]

61 Though the cords of the / wicked en/tangle me, //
I do / not for/get your / law.

62 At midnight I will rise to / give you / thanks, //
be/cause of your / righteous / judgements.

63 I am a companion of all / those who / fear you, //
those who / keep / your com/mandments. [better sense: of ... those / who keep / your com/mandments.]

64 The earth, O Lord, is full of your / faithful / love; //
in/struct me / in your / statutes.

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9 ט Teth --Bonitatem fecisti

RSCM CW Psalter--No.163. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

J Goss

65 You have dealt graciously / with your / servant, //
ac/cording · to your / word, O / Lord.

66 O teach me true under/standing and / knowledge, //
for I have / trusted in / your com/mandments.

67 Before I was afflicted I / went as/tray, //
but / now I / keep your / word.

68 You are gracious / and do / good; //
O / Lord, / teach me your / statutes. [better word arrangement: O / teach me / Lord your / statutes.]

69 The proud have / smeared me with / lies, //
but I will keep your com/mandments · with my / whole / heart. [better: ..... with / my whole / heart.]

70 Their heart has become / gross with / fat, //
but my de/light is / in your / law.

71 It is good for me that I have / been af/flicted, //
that / I may / learn your / statutes.

72 The law of your mouth is / dearer to / me //
than a / hoard of / gold and / silver.

10 י Yodh -- Manus tuae feciterunt me

73 Your hands have / made me and / fashioned me; //
give me understanding, that / I may / learn · your com/mandments.

74 Those who fear you will be glad / when they / see me, //
because / I have / hoped · in your / word.

75 I know, O Lord, that your / judgements are / right, //
and that in very faithfulness you / caused me / to be / troubled.

76 Let your faithful love / be my / comfort, //
according to your / promise / to your / servant.

77 Let your tender mercies come to me, that / I may / live, //
for your / law is / my de/light.

78 Let the proud be put to shame, for they / wrong me with / lies; //
but I will / meditate on / your com/mandments.

79 Let those who fear you / turn to / me, //
even / those who / know your / testimonies.

80 Let my heart be / sound · in your / statutes, //
that I may / not be / put to / shame.

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11 כ Kaph -- Defecit anima mea

RSCM CW Psalter--No.164. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

K J Pye

81 My soul is pining for / your sal/vation; //
I have / hoped / in your / word. [better wording (ASB): but my / hope is / in your / word.]

82 My eyes fail with / watching · for your / word, //
while I / say, 'O / when will you / comfort me?'

83 I have become like a wineskin / in the / smoke, //
yet I do / not for/get your / statutes.

84 How many are the / days of your / servant? //
When will you bring / judgement on / those who / persecute me?

85 The proud / have dug / pits for me //
in de/fiance / of your / law.

86 All your com/mandments are / true; //
help me, for they / persecute / me with / falsehood.

87 They had almost made an / end of me on / earth, //
but I have not for/saken / your com/mandments.

88 Give me life according to your / loving-/kindness; //
so shall I keep the / testi·monies / of your / mouth.

12 ל Lamedh -- In aeternum, Domine

89 O Lord, your word is / ever/lasting; //
it ever stands / firm / in the / heavens.

90 Your faithfulness also remains from one gene/ration · to an/other; //
you have established the / earth and / it a/bides.

91 So also your judgements stand / firm this / day, //
for / all things / are your / servants.

92 If your law had not been / my de/light, //
I should have / perished / in my / trouble.

93 I will never for/get · your com/mandments, //
for by / them · you have / given me / life.

94 I am / yours, O / save me! //
For / I have / sought · your com/mandments.

95 The wicked have waited for me / to des/troy me, //
but I will / meditate / on your /testimonies.

96 I have seen an end of / all per/fection, //

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13 ם Mem -- Quomodo dilexi!

RSCM CW Psalter--No.165. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

W Havergal

97 Lord, how I / love your / law! //
All the day / long it / is my / study.

98 Your commandments have made me / wiser · than my / enemies, //
for / they are / ever / with me.

99 I have more understanding than / all my / teachers, //
for your testimonies / are my / medi/tation.

100 I am / wiser · than the / aged, //
be/cause I / keep your com/mandments.

101 I restrain my feet from every / evil / way, //
that / I may / keep your / word.

102 I have not turned a/side · from your / judgements, //
for / you have / been my / teacher.

103 How sweet are your / words · on my / tongue! //
They are sweeter than / honey / to my / mouth.

104 Through your commandments I get / under/standing; //
therefore I / hate all / lying / ways.

14 נ Nun -- Lucerna pedibus meis

105 Your word is a / lantern / to my / feet //
and a / light up/on my / path.

106 I have sworn and / will ful/fil it, //
to / keep your / righteous / judgements.

107 I am / troubled · above / measure; //
give me life, O Lord, ac/cording / to your /word.

108 Accept the freewill offering of my / mouth, O / Lord, //
and / teach / me your / judgements. [better (Grail): and / teach me / your dec/rees.]

109 My soul is / ever · in my / hand, //
yet I do / not for/get your / law.

110 The wicked have / laid a / snare for me, //
but I have not / strayed from / your com/mandments.

111 Your testimonies have I claimed as my / heritage for / ever; //
for they are the / very / joy · of my / heart.

112 I have applied my heart to ful/fil your / statutes: //

top ↑

15 ס Samekh -- Iniquos odio habui

RSCM CW Psalter--No.166. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

E J Hopkins

113 I hate those who are / double/minded, //
but your / law / do I / love.

114 You are my hiding place / and my / shield //
and my / hope is / in your / word.

115 Away from / me, you / wicked! //
I will keep the com/mandments / of my / God.

116 Sustain me according to your promise, that / I may / live, //
and let me not be disap/pointed / in my / hope.

117 Hold me up and / I shall be / saved, //
and my delight shall be / ever / in your / statutes.

118 You set at nought those who de/part · from your / statutes, //
for their de/ceiving / is in / vain.

119 You consider all the / wicked as / dross; //
there/fore I / love your / testimonies.

120 My flesh / trembles for / fear of you //
and / I am a/fraid · of your / judgements.

16 ע Ayin -- Feci judicium

121 I have done what is / just and / right; //
O give me not / over / to my op/pressors.

122 Stand surety for your / servant's / good; //
let / not the / proud op/press me.

123 My eyes fail with watching for / your sal/vation //
and / for your / righteous / promise.

124 O deal with your servant according to your / faithful / love //
and / teach / me your / statutes.

125 I am your servant; O grant me / under/standing, //
that / I may / know your / testimonies.

126 It is time for you to / act, O / Lord, //
for / they frus/trate your / law.

127 Therefore I / love · your com/mandments //
above gold, / even / much fine / gold.

128 Therefore I direct my steps by / all your / precepts, //

top ↑

17 ף Pe -- Mirabilia

RSCM CW Psalter--No.167. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

J Jones

129 Your / testimonies are / wonderful; //
there/fore my / soul / keeps them.

130 The opening of your / word gives / light; //
it gives under/standing / to the / simple.

131 I open my mouth and / draw in my / breath, //
as I / long for / your com/mandments.

132 Turn to me and be / gracious / to me, //
as is your way with / those who / love your / name.

133 Order my / steps · by your / word, //
and let no wickedness / have do/minion / over me.

134 Redeem me from / earthly op/pressors //
so that / I may / keep · your com/mandments.

135 Show the light of your countenance up/on your / servant //
and / teach / me your / statutes.

136 My eyes run down with / streams of / water, //
because the wicked / do not / keep your / law.

18 צ Tsadhe -- Jusus es, Domine

137 Righteous are / you, O / Lord, //
and / true / are your / judgements.

138 You have / ordered · your de/crees //
in / righteousness and / in great / faithfulness.

139 My indig/nation des/troys me, //
because my / adversaries for/get your / word.

140 Your word has been / tried · to the / uttermost //
and / so your / servant / loves it.

141 I am small and of / no · repu/tation, //
yet do I / not for/get your com/mandments.

142 Your righteousness is an ever/lasting / righteousness //
and your / law / is the / truth.

143 Trouble and heaviness have taken / hold up/on me, //
yet my de/light · is in / your com/mandments.

144 The righteousness of your testimonies is / ever/lasting; //

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19 ק Qoph -- Clamavi in toto corde meo

RSCM CW Psalter--No.168. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

J Barnby

145 I call with my / whole / heart; //
answer me, O Lord, that / I may / keep your / statutes.

146 To you I / call, O / save me! //
And / I shall / keep your / testimonies.

147 Early in the morning I / cry to / you, // [better: Early in the / morning I / cry to you, // ]
for / in your / word · is my / trust.

148 My eyes are open before the / night / watches, // [better: ..... open be/fore the / night watches. // ]
that I may / meditate / on your / word.

149 Hear my voice, O Lord, according to your / faithful / love; //
according to your / judgement, / give me / life.

150 They draw near that in / malice / persecute me, //
who are / far / from your / law. [better (ASB): but / they are / far from · your / law.]

151 You, O Lord, are / near at / hand, //
and / all · your com/ mandments are / true.

152 Long have I / known · of your / testimonies, //
that you have / founded / them for / ever.

20 ר Resh -- Vide humilitem

153 O consider my af/fliction · and de/liver me, //
for I do / not for/get your / law.

154 Plead my / cause · and re/deem me; //
according to your / promise, / give me / life.

155 Salvation is / far · from the / wicked, //
for they / do not / seek your / statutes.

156 Great is your com/passion, O / Lord; //
give me life, ac/cording / to your / judgements.

157 Many there are that persecute / and op/press me, //
yet do I not / swerve / from your / testimonies. [better: yet / do I not / swerve · from your / testimonies.]

158 It grieves me when I / see the / treacherous, //
for they / do not / keep your / word.

159 Consider, O Lord, how I / love · your com/mandments; //
give me life ac/cording / to your loving/kindness.

160 The sum of your / word is / truth, //

top ↑

21 ש Shin --Principes persecuti sunt

RSCM CW Psalter--No.169. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

J L Rogers

161 Princes have persecuted me with/out a / cause, //
but my heart / stands in / awe of your / word.

162 I am as / glad of your / word //
as / one who / finds great / spoils.

163 As for lies, I / hate · and ab/hor them, //
but your / law / do I / love. [better fit wording (?) //
but your / precepts / do I / love.]

164 Seven times a day / do I / praise you, //
be/cause of your / righteous / judgements.

165 Great peace have they who / love your / law; //
nothing / shall / make them / stumble. [better (ASB): and / nothing shall / make them / stumble.]

166 Lord, I have looked for / your sal/vation //
and / I have ful/filled · your com/mandments.

167 My soul has / kept your / testimonies //
and / greatly / have I / loved them.

168 I have kept your com/mandments and / testimonies, //
for / all my / ways · are be/fore you.

22 ת Taw -- Appropinquet deprecatio

169 Let my cry come be/fore you, O / Lord; //
give me understanding, ac/cording / to your / word.

170 Let my supplication / come be/fore you; //
deliver me, ac/cording / to your / promise.

171 My lips shall pour / forth your / praise, //
when / you have / taught me your / statutes.

172 My tongue shall / sing of your / word, //
for / all · your com/mandments are / righteous.

173 Let your hand reach / out to / help me, //
for I have / chosen / your com/mandments.

174 I have longed for your sal/vation, O / Lord, //
and your / law is / my de/light.

175 Let my soul live and / it shall / praise you, //
and let your / judgements / be my / help.

176 I have gone astray like a / sheep · that is / lost; //
O seek your servant, for I do / not for/get · your com/mandments.

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Psalm 120 -- Ad Dominum

RSCM CW Psalter--No 170. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

J Barnby

Common Worship Psalter The Parish Psalter (BCP) Alternative Service Book 1980

1 When I was in trouble I / called · to the / Lord; //
I / called · to the / Lord · and he / answered me.
1 When I / was in / trouble I called up/on the / Lord //
and / he / heard / me. (Alternative pointing)
1 I call to the / Lord in my / trouble //
that / he may / answer / me.
2 Deliver me, O Lord, from / lying / lips //
and / from a de/ceitful / tongue.
2 Deliver my soul, O Lord, from / lying / lips //
and from a deceitful tongue.
2 O Lord, deliver me from / lying / lips //
and / from the / treacher·ous / tongue.
3 What shall be / given / to you? //
What more shall be done to / you, de/ceitful / tongue?
3 What reward shall be given or done unto thee, thou / false / tongue //
even mighty and sharp / arrows, with / hot burning / coals.
3 What will he do to you, and what more will he do to you, O / treacher·ous / tongue? //
you are sharp as the arrows of a warrior, that are / tempered in / coals of / juniper.
4 The / sharp / arrows //
of a warrior, / tempered in / burning / coals!
4 Woe is me, that I am constrained to / dwell with / Mesech //
and to have my habitation a/mong the / tents of / Kedar.
4 Alas for me, I am like a / stranger in / Meshech //
like one who dwells a/midst the / tents of / Kedar.
5 Woe is me, that I must / lodge in / Meshech //
and / dwell a· mong the / tents of / Kedar.
5 My soul hath long / dwelt a/mong them //
that are / enemies / unto / peace.
5 My soul has / been too / long //
among / those · who are / enemies · to / peace.
6,7. My soul has dwelt too long with / enemies of / peace. //
I am for making peace, but when I speak of it, / they make / ready for / war.
6 I labour for peace, but when I speak unto / them / thereof //
they / make them / ready to / battle.
6 I am for peace, but / when I / speak of it //
they / make them·selves / ready for / war.

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Psalm 121 -- Levavi oculos

RSCM CW Psalter--No 171. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

H Walford Davies


RSCM CW Psalter--No 172. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

S Vann

1 I lift up my / eyes · to the / hills; //
from / where · is my / help to / come?

2 My help / comes · from the / Lord, //
the / maker of / heaven and / earth.

3 He will not suffer your / foot to / stumble; //
he who watches / over you / will not / sleep.

4 Behold, he who keeps / watch · over / Israel //
shall / neither / slumber nor / sleep.

5 The Lord himself / watches / over you; //
the Lord is your / shade at / your right / hand,

6 So that the sun shall not / strike you by / day, //
nei/ther the / moon by / night.

7 The Lord shall keep you / from all / evil; //
it is / he · who shall / keep your / soul.

8 The Lord shall keep watch over your going out and your / coming / in, //
from this time / forth for / ever/more.

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Psalm 122 -- Laetatus sum

RSCM CW Psalter--No. 173. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

J Barnby

1 I was glad when they / said to / me, //
'Let us / go · to the / house of the / Lord.'

2 And now our / feet are / standing //
within your / gates, / O Je/rusalem;

3 Jerusalem, / built · as a / city //
that is at / unity / in it/self.

4 Thither the tribes go up, the / tribes · of the / Lord, //
as is decreed for Israel, to give / thanks · to the / name of the / Lord.

5 (2nd part) For there are set the / thrones of / judgement, //
the / thrones · of the / house of / David.

6 O pray for the / peace · of Je/rusalem: //
'May they / prosper who / love / you.

7 'Peace be with/in your / walls //
and tran/quillity with/in your / palaces.'

8 For my kindred and com/panions' /sake, //
I will / pray that / peace be / with you.

9 For the sake of the house of the / Lord our / God, //
I will / seek to / do you / good.

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Psalm 123 -- Ad te levavi oculos meos

RSCM CW Psalter--No. 174. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

J Battishill

1 To you I lift / up my / eyes, //
to you that / are en/ throned · in the / heavens.

2 As the eyes of servants look to the / hand of their / master, //
or the eyes of a / maid · to the / hand of her / mistress,

3 So our eyes wait upon the / Lord our / God, //
until / he have / mercy up/on us.

4 Have mercy upon us, O Lord, have / mercy up/on us, //
for we have had / more than e/nough · of con/tempt.

5 (2nd part) Our soul has had more than enough of the / scorn · of the / arrogant, //
and / of the con/tempt · of the / proud.

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Psalm 124 -- Domine est terra

RSCM CW Psalter--No. 175. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

J Harrison

1, 2. If the Lord himself had not been on our side, now may / Israel / say; //
If the Lord had not been on our side, when / enemies rose / up a/gainst us;

3 Then would they have / swallowed · us a/live //
when their / anger / burned a/gainst us;

4 Then would the waters have overwhelmed us and the torrent gone / over our / soul; //
over our soul would have / swept the / raging / waters.

RSCM CW Psalter--No. 176. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

J Harrison

5 But blessed / be the / Lord //
who has not given us over to / be a / prey · for their / teeth.

6 Our soul has escaped as a bird from the / snare · of the / fowler; //
the snare is / broken and / we are de/livered.

7 Our help is in the / name · of the / Lord, //
who / has made / heaven and / earth.

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Psalm 125 -- Qui confidunt

RSCM CW Psalter--No. 177. | katapi Media Player (mp3)

B Ferguson

1 Those who trust in the Lord are / like Mount / Zion, //
which cannot be moved, / but stands / fast for / ever.

2 As the hills stand a/bout Je/rusalem, //
so the Lord stands round about his people, from this time / forth for / ever/more.

3 The sceptre of wickedness shall not hold sway over the land all/otted to the / righteous, //
lest the righteous / turn their / hands to / evil.

4 Do good, O Lord, to / those · who are / good, //
and to / those · who are / true of / heart.

5 (2nd part) Those who turn aside to crooked ways the Lord shall take away with the / evil/doers; //
but let there be / peace / upon / Israel.

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