HOME | ↵ BACK | Anglican Chant | Psalms: ← 100 | 101 | 102 | 103 | 104 | 105 | 106 | 107 | 108 | 109 | 110 | 111 | 112 | 113 | 114 | 115 | 116 | 117 | 118 || Psalm 119 //
verses 1-16 , 17-32 , 33-48 , 49-64 , 65-80 , 81-96 , 97-112 , 113-128 , 129-144 , 145-160 , 161-176 || Psalms: 120 | 121 | 122 | 123 | 124 | 125 | 126 → |
¶ When singing a psalm, the word 'blessed' is to be pronounced as two syllables: 'bless - ed'. Where spelled 'blest', the word is pronounced as one syllable.
¶ A double forward slash // marks the mid-point in each psalm verse where, traditionally, a pause is observed.
¶ A single forward slash / marks a bar-line of the chant. A dot · indicates the mid point of the bar, and the chord changes after the dot. Chord changes in words of more than one syllable are indicated by a dash.
¶ For those traditions which omit the word 'Alleluia' during penitential seasons, we have provided an alternative: 'Praise the Lord'.
¶ A verse printed in bold should be sung in unison.
¶ Each psalm or group of psalms may end with
to the Father and / to the / Son //
/ to the / Holy / Spirit;
it was in the be/ginning is / now //
shall be for / ever. / A/men.
RSCM CW Psalter--No. 130. |
1 I will sing of / faithfulness and / justice; //
to you, O / Lord, / will I / sing.
2 Let me be wise in the / way that is / perfect: //
when / will you / come to / me?
3 I will walk with / purity of / heart //
with/in the / walls · of my / house.
4 I will not set be/fore my / eyes //
a / counsel / that is / evil.
5 I abhor the / deeds · of un/faithfulness; //
they / shall not / cling to / me.
6 A crooked heart / shall de/part from me; //
I will not / know a / wicked / person.
7 One who slanders a / neighbour in / secret //
I will / quickly / put to / silence.
8 Haughty eyes and an / arrogant / heart //
I / will / not en/dure.
9 My eyes are upon the / faithful · in the / land, //
that / they may / dwell with / me.
10 One who walks in the / way · that is / pure //
shall / be / my / servant.
11 There shall not / dwell in my / house //
one that / practis/es de/ceit.
12 One who / utters / falsehood //
shall not con/tinue / in my / sight.
13 Morning by morning will I / put to / silence //
all the / wicked / in the / land,
14 To cut off from the / city · of the / Lord //
all / those who / practise / evil.
RSCM CW Psalter--No. 130. |
1,2. I will sing of faithfulness and justice;
to you, O Lord, / will I / sing. //
Let me be wise in the way that is perfect:
/ when will you / come to / me?
3,4. I will walk with purity of heart
within the / walls · of my / house. //
I will not set before my eyes
a / counsel / that is / evil.
5,6. I abhor the deeds of unfaithfulness;
they / shall not / cling to me. //
A crooked heart shall depart from me;
I will not / know a / wicked / person.
7,8. One who slanders a neighbour in secret
I will quickly / put to / silence. //
Haughty eyes and an arrogant heart
/ I will / not en/dure.
9,10. My eyes are upon the faithful in the land,
that / they may / dwell with me. //
One who walks in the way that is / pure
shall / be my / servant.
11,12. There shall not dwell in my house
one that / practises / deceit. //
12 One who utters falsehood
shall not con/tinue / in my / sight.
13,14. (2nd part) Morning by morning will I put to silence
all the / wicked · in the / land, //
To cut off from the city of the Lord
all / those who / practise / evil.
Sir Sydney Nicholson's treatment of this psalm was to use a single chant throughout, moving from minor to major, then back again, to correspond with the change of emphasis in the psalm.
Parish Psalter--No.169. | ![]() |
Parish Psalter--No.170. | ![]() |
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Parish Psalter (BCP) |
ASB Psalter |
RSCM CW Psalter |
1 Hear my / prayer, O / Lord // 2 Hide not thy face from me in the / time of my / trouble // 3 For my days are consumed a/way like / smoke // 4 My heart is smitten down, and / withered like / grass // 5 For the / voice of my / groaning // 6 I am become like a pelican / in the / wilderness // 7 I have watched, and am even as it / were a / sparrow // 8 Mine enemies revile me / all the day / long // 9 For I have eaten ashes / as it were / bread // 10 And that because of thine indig/nation and / wrath // 11 (2nd part) My days are / gone · like a / shadow // |
1 O Lord, / hear my / prayer // 2 Do not hide your face from me in the / day · of my / trouble // 3 For my days pass a/way like / smoke // 4 My heart is scorched and / withered · like / grass // 5 I am weary with the / sound of · my / groaning // 6 I have become like an / owl · in the / wilderness // 7 I keep watch and ·flit · to and / fro // 8 My enemies taunt me / all day / long // 9 Surely I have eaten / ashes for / bread // 10 Because of your wrath and / indig/nation // 11 (2nd part) My days de/cline · like a / shadow // |
1 O Lord, / hear my / prayer // 2 Hide not your / face / from me // [ Hide / not your / face from me ] 3 Incline your / ear to / me; // 4 For my days are con/sumed in / smoke // 5 My heart is smitten down and / withered like / grass, // 6 From the / sound of my / groaning // 7 I am become like a / vulture · in the / wilderness, // 8 I / keep / watch // [ I / lie a/wake // ] 9 My enemies revile me / all the day / long, // 10 I have eaten / ashes for / bread // 11 Because of your indig/nation and / wrath, // 12 My days fade a/way · like a / shadow, // |
Parish Psalter (BCP) |
ASB Psalter |
RSCM CW Psalter |
12 But thou, O Lord, shalt en/dure for / ever // 13 Thou shalt arise, and have / mercy upon / Sion // 14 (2nd part) And why? thy servants think up/on her / stones // 15 The heathen shall fear thy / Name O / Lord // 16 When the Lord shall / build up / Sion // 17 When he turneth him unto the / prayer · of the poor / destitute // 18 This shall be written for / those that come / after // 19 For he hath looked down / from his / sanctuary // 20 That he might hear the mournings of such as are / in cap/tivity // 21 That they may declare the Name of the / Lord in / Sion // 22 When the people are / gathered to/gether // 23 He brought down my strength / in my / journey // 24 But I said, O my God, take me not away in the / midst of mine / age // 25 Thou Lord in the beginning hast laid the foundation / of the / earth // 26 They shall perish, but / thou shalt en/dure // 27 And as a vesture shalt thou change them, and they / shall be / changed // 28 The children of thy servants / shall con/tinue // |
12 But you, Lord, are en/throned for / ever // 13 You will arise and have / mercy up·on / Zion // 14 Your servants love / even · her / stones // 15 Then shall the nations fear your / name O / Lord // 16 When the Lord has / built up / Zion // 17 When he turns to the / prayer · of the / destitute // 18 (2nd part) Let this be written down for / those who · come / after // 19 For the Lord has looked down from the / height · of his / holiness // 20 To hear the / groaning · of the / prisoner // 21 That they may proclaim the name of the / Lord in / Zion // 22 When the nations are / gathered · to/gether // 23 He has broken my strength be/fore my / time // 24 Do not take me away O God in the / midst of · my / life // 25 In the beginning you laid the foun/dations · of the / earth // 26 They shall perish, but / you · will en/dure // 27 But you are the / same for / ever // 28 The children of your servants shall / rest se/cure // |
13 But you, O Lord, shall en/dure for / ever // 14 You will arise and have / pity on / Zion; // 15 (2nd part) For your servants love her / very / stones // 16 Then shall the nations fear your / name, O / Lord, // 17 When the Lord has / built up / Zion // 18 When he has turned to the / prayer · of the / destitute // 19 This shall be written for / those · that come / after, // 20 For he has looked down from his / holy / height; // 21 That he might hear the / sighings · of the / prisoner // 22 That the name of the Lord may be pro/claimed in /Zion // 23 When peoples are / gathered to/gether // 24 He has brought down my / strength · in my / journey // 25 I pray, 'O my God, do not take me in the / midst of my / days; // 26 'In the beginning you laid the foun/dations of the / earth, // 27 'They shall perish, but / you · will en/dure; // 28 'You change them like clothing, and / they shall be / changed; // 29 'The children of your servants / shall con/tinue, // |
RSCM CW Psalter--No.133. |
1 Bless the Lord, / O my / soul, //
and all that is within me / bless his / holy / name.
2 Bless the Lord, / O my / soul, //
and for/get not / all his / benefits;
3 Who forgives / all your / sins //
and / heals all / your in/firmities;
4 Who redeems your / life · from the / Pit //
and crowns you with / faithful / love · and com/passion;
5 (2nd part) Who satisfies / you with / good things, //
so that your / youth is re/newed · like an / eagle's.
6 The Lord / executes / righteousness //
and judgement for / all who / are op/pressed.
7 He made his ways / known to / Moses //
and his / works · to the / children of / Israel.
8 The Lord is full of com/passion and / mercy, //
slow to anger / and of / great / kindness. [slow to / anger / and of great / kindness. ]
9 He will not / always ac/cuse us, //
neither will he / keep his / anger for / ever.
10 (2nd part) He has not dealt with us ac/cording to our / sins, //
nor rewarded us ac/cording / to our / wickedness.
11 For as the heavens are high a/bove the / earth, //
so great is his / mercy · upon / those who / fear him.
12 As far as the east is / from the / west, //
so far has he / set our / sins / from us. [ so far / has he / set our / sins from us. ]
13 As a father has com/passion on his / children, //
so is the Lord merciful to/wards / those who / fear him.
14 For he knows of what / we are / made; //
he re/members · that we / are but / dust.
15 Our days are / but as / grass; //
we / flourish · as a / flower of the / field;
16 For as soon as the wind goes over it, / it is / gone, //
and its / place shall / know it no / more.
17 But the merciful goodness of the Lord is from of old
and endures for ever on / those who / fear him, //
and his / righteousness on / children's / children;
18 On those who / keep his / covenant //
and re/member · his com/mandments to / do them.
19 The Lord has established his / throne in / heaven, //
and his kingdom has do/minion / over / all.
20 Bless the Lord, you / angels of / his, //
you mighty ones who do his bidding
and / hearken · to the / voice of his / word.
21 Bless the Lord, all / you his / hosts, //
you ministers of / his who / do his / will.
22 Bless the Lord, all you works of his,
in all places of / his do/minion; //
bless the / Lord, / O my / soul.
RSCM CW Psalter--RSCM Chantbook No 149. |
1 Bless the Lord, / O my / soul, //
and all that is within me / bless his / holy / name.
2 Bless the Lord, / O my / soul, //
and for/get not / all his / benefits;
3 Who forgives / all your / sins //
and / heals all / your in/firmities;
4 Who redeems your / life · from the / Pit //
and crowns you with / faithful / love · and com/passion;
5 (2nd part) Who satisfies / you with / good things, //
so that your / youth is re/newed · like an / eagle's.
6 The Lord / executes / righteousness //
and judgement for / all who / are op/pressed.
7 He made his ways / known to / Moses //
and his / works · to the / children of / Israel.
8 The Lord is full of com/passion and / mercy, //
slow to anger / and of / great / kindness. [ slow to / anger / and of great / kindness. ]
9 He will not / always ac/cuse us, //
neither will he / keep his / anger for / ever.
10 (2nd part) He has not dealt with us ac/cording to our / sins, //
nor rewarded us ac/cording / to our / wickedness.
11 For as the heavens are high a/bove the / earth, //
so great is his / mercy · upon / those who / fear him.
12 As far as the east is / from the / west, //
so far has he / set our / sins / from us. [ so far / has he / set our / sins from us. ]
13 As a father has com/passion on his / children, //
so is the Lord merciful to/wards / those who / fear him.
14 For he knows of what / we are / made; //
he re/members · that we / are but / dust.
15 Our days are / but as / grass; //
we / flourish · as a / flower of the / field;
16 For as soon as the wind goes over it, / it is / gone, //
and its / place shall / know it no / more.
17 But the merciful goodness of the Lord is from of old
and endures for ever on / those who / fear him, //
and his / righteousness on / children's / children;
18 On those who / keep his / covenant //
and re/member · his com/mandments to / do them.
19 The Lord has established his / throne in / heaven, //
and his kingdom has do/minion / over / all.
20 Bless the Lord, you / angels of / his, //
you mighty ones who do his bidding
and / hearken · to the / voice of his / word.
21 Bless the Lord, all / you his / hosts, //
you ministers of / his who / do his / will.
22 Bless the Lord, all you works of his,
in all places of / his do/minion; //
bless the / Lord, / O my / soul.
RSCM CW Psalter--No.134. |
1 Bless the Lord, / O my / soul. //
O Lord my God, how / excellent / is your / greatness!
2 You are clothed with / majesty and / honour, //
wrapped in / light as / in a / garment.
3 You spread out the heavens / like a / curtain //
and lay the beams of your dwelling place / in the / waters a/bove.
4 You make the / clouds your / chariot //
and / ride on the / wings · of the / wind.
5 You make the / winds your / messengers //
and / flames of / fire your / servants.
6 You laid the foun/dations · of the / earth, //
that it never should / move at / any / time.
7 You covered it with the / deep · like a / garment; //
the waters stood / high a/bove the / hills.
8 At your re/buke they / fled; //
at the voice of your / thunder they / hastened a/way.
9 They rose up to the hills and flowed down to the / valleys be/neath, //
to the place which / you · had ap/pointed / for them.
10 You have set them their bounds that they / should not / pass, //
nor turn a/gain to / cover the / earth.
RSCM CW Psalter--No.135. |
11 You send the springs / into the / brooks, //
which / run a/mong the /hills.
12 They give drink to every / beast · of the / field, //
and the wild / asses / quench their / thirst.
13 Beside them the birds of the air / make their / nests //
and / sing a/mong the / branches.
14 You water the hills from your / dwelling on / high; //
the earth is / filled · with the / fruit of your / works.
15 You make grass to / grow · for the / cattle //
and / plants to / meet our / needs,
16 Bringing forth / food · from the / earth //
and / wine to / gladden our / hearts,
17 Oil to give us a / cheerful / countenance //
and / bread to / strengthen our / hearts.
18 The trees of the Lord are / full of / sap, //
the cedars of / Lebanon / which he / planted,
19 In which the birds / build their / nests, //
while the fir trees are a / dwelling / for the / stork.
20 (2nd part) The mountains are a refuge for the / wild / goats // [ ..... a / refuge for the wild / goats // ]
and the / stony / cliffs · for the / conies.
RSCM CW Psalter--No.136. |
21 You appointed the moon to / mark the / seasons, //
and the sun / knows the / time · for its / setting.
22 You make darkness that it / may be / night, //
in which all the beasts of the / forest / creep / forth. [ ..... all the / beasts · of the / forest creep / forth.]
23 The lions / roar · for their / prey //
and / seek their / food from / God.
24 The sun rises and / they are / gone //
to lay themselves / down / in their / dens. [ to / lay them·selves / down in their / dens.]
25 People go / forth · to their / work //
and to their / labour un/til the / evening.
RSCM CW Psalter--No.137. |
26 O Lord, how manifold / are your / works! //
In wisdom you have made them all;
the / earth is / full · of your / creatures.
27 There is the sea, spread / far and / wide, //
and there move creatures beyond / number, both / small and / great.
28 There go the ships, and there is / that Le/viathan //
which you have / made to / play · in the / deep.
29 All of these / look to / you //
to give them their / food in / due / season. [ ..... their / food at the / proper / time.]
30 When you give it / them, they / gather it; //
you open your hand and / they are / filled with / good.
31 When you hide your face / they are / troubled; //
when you take away their breath,
they die and re/turn a/gain · to the / dust.
32 When you send forth your spirit, they / are cre/ated, //
and you re/new the / face · of the / earth.
33 May the glory of the Lord en/dure for / ever; //
may the / Lord re/joice · in his / works;
34 He looks on the / earth · and it / trembles; //
he touches the / mountains / and they / smoke.
35 I will sing to the Lord as / long as I / live; //
I will make music to my God / while I / have my / being.
36 So shall my / song / please him // [ So shall / my song / please him ]
while I re/joice / in the / Lord. [ for my / joy shall / be · in the / Lord.]
37 Let sinners be consumed / out of the / earth //
and the / wicked / be no / more.
37a Bless the Lord, / O my / soul.
Alle/luia, / Alle/luia. [or (RSCM): Praise the / Lord, / praise the / Lord.]
RSCM CW Psalter--No 138. |
1 O give thanks to the Lord and / call up·on his / name; //
make known his / deeds a/mong the / peoples.
2 Sing to / him, sing / praises, //
and tell of / all his / marvellous / works.
3 Rejoice in the praise of his / holy / name; //
let the hearts of them re/joice who / seek the / Lord.
4, 5. Seek the Lord and his strength;
seek his / face con/tinually. //
Remember the marvels he has done,
his wonders and the / judgements / of his / mouth,
6 O seed of / Abraham his / servant, //
O / children of / Jacob his / chosen.
7 He is the / Lord our / God; //
his / judgements · are in / all the / earth.
8 He has always been / mindful · of his / covenant, //
the promise that he made for a / thousand / gene/rations:
9 The covenant he / made with / Abraham, //
the / oath · that he / swore to / Isaac,
10 Which he established as a / statute for / Jacob, //
an everlasting / coven/ant for / Israel,
11 Saying, 'To you will I give the / land of / Canaan //
to be the / portion of / your in/heritance.'
12 When they were but / few in / number, //
of little account, and / sojourners / in the / land,
13 Wandering from / nation to / nation, //
from one / kingdom · to an/other / people,
14 He suffered no one to / do them / wrong //
and rebuked even / kings / for their / sake, [ and re/buked even / kings · for their /sake, ]
15 Saying, 'Touch not / my a/nointed //
and / do my / prophets no / harm.'
RSCM CW Psalter--No 139. |
16 Then he called down famine / over the / land //
and broke / every / staff of / bread.
17 But he had sent a / man be/fore them, //
Joseph, / who was / sold · as a / slave.
18 They shackled his / feet with / fetters; //
his / neck was / ringed with / iron.
19 Until all he foretold / came to / pass, //
the / word · of the / Lord / tested him. [he was / tested · by the / Lord's com/mand.]
20 The king sent / and re/leased him; //
the ruler of / peoples / set him / free.
21 He appointed him / lord · of his / household //
and / ruler of / all · he pos/sessed,
22 (2nd part) To instruct his princes / as he / willed //
and to / teach his / counsellors / wisdom.
23 Then Israel / came · into / Egypt; //
Jacob / sojourned · in the / land of / Ham.
24 And the Lord made his people ex/ceedingly / fruitful; //
he made them too / many / for their / adversaries,
25 (2nd part) Whose heart he turned, so that they / hated his / people //
and dealt / craftily / with his / servants.
26 Then sent he / Moses his / servant //
and / Aaron whom / he had / chosen.
27 He showed his signs / through their / word //
and his wonders / in the / land of / Ham.
28 He sent darkness and / it grew / dark; //
yet they / did not / heed his / words.
29 He turned their waters / into / blood //
and / slew / all their / fish. [ and / slew the / fish there/in.]
30 Their land / swarmed with / frogs, //
even / in their / kings' / chambers. [even the inner / chambers / of their / kings.]
31 He spoke the word, and there came / clouds of / flies, //
swarms of / gnats within / all their / borders.
32 He gave them / hailstones for / rain //
and flames of / lightning / in their / land.
33 He blasted their vines / and their / fig trees //
and shattered / trees a/cross their / country.
34 He spoke the word, and the / grasshoppers / came //
and young / locusts / without / number;
35 They ate every / plant in their / land //
and de/voured the / fruit of their / soil.
36 (2nd part) He smote all the firstborn / in their / land, //
the / first fruits of / all their / strength.
RSCM CW Psalter--No 140. |
37 Then he brought them out with / silver and / gold; //
there was not one a/mong their / tribes that / stumbled.
38 Egypt was glad at / their de/parting, //
for a / dread of them had / fallen up/on them.
39 He spread out a / cloud · for a / covering //
and a / fire to / light up the / night.
40 They asked and he / brought them / quails; //
he satisfied them / with the / bread of / heaven.
41 He opened the rock, and the waters / gushed / out // [ He opened the / rock, · and the / waters · gushed / out // ]
and ran in the dry / places / like a / river.
42 For he remembered his / holy / word //
and / Abra/ham, his / servant.
43 So he brought forth his / people with / joy, //
his / chosen / ones with / singing.
44 He gave them the / lands · of the / nations //
and they took pos/session · of the / fruit of their / toil,
45 (2nd part) That they might / keep his / statutes //
and faithfully observe his / laws.
/ Alle/luia. [or (RSCM): / Praise the / Lord.]
RSCM CW Psalter--No 141. |
1 Alleluia. [or (RSCM): Praise the Lord.] Give thanks to the Lord, for / he is / gracious, //
for his / faithfulness en/dures for / ever.
2 Who can express the mighty / acts · of the / Lord //
or / show forth / all his / praise?
3 Blessed are those who ob/serve what is / right //
and / always / do · what is / just.
4 Remember me, O Lord, in the favour you / bear · for your / people; //
visit me in the / day of / your sal/vation;
5 (2nd part) That I may see the prosperity of your chosen
and rejoice in the / gladness · of your / people, //
and ex/ult with / your in/heritance.
6 We have / sinned · like our / forebears; //
we have done / wrong and / dealt / wickedly. [ we have / done wrong / and dealt / wickedly.]
7 In Egypt they did not consider your wonders,
nor remember the abundance of your / faithful / love; //
they rebelled against the Most / High · at the / Red / Sea.
8 But he saved them for his / name's / sake, //
that he might / make his / power · to be / known.
9 He rebuked the Red Sea and it was / dried / up; //
so he led them through the / deep as / through the / wilderness.
10 He saved them from the / adversary's / hand //
and redeemed them / from the / hand of the / enemy.
11 As for those that troubled them, the waters / over/whelmed them; //
there / was not / one of them / left.
12 (2nd part) Then they be/lieved his / words //
and / sang a/loud his / praise.
RSCM CW Psalter--No 142. |
13 But soon they for/got his / deeds //
and / would not / wait · for his / counsel.
14 A craving / seized · them in the / wilderness, //
and they put / God · to the / test · in the / desert.
15 He gave them / their de/sire, //
but sent a / wasting / sickness a/mong them.
16 They grew jealous of / Moses · in the / camp //
and of Aaron, the / holy one / of the / Lord.
17 So the earth opened and / swallowed up / Dathan //
and covered the / company / of A/biram.
18 A fire was / kindled · in their / company; //
the / flame burnt / up the / wicked.
19 They made a / calf at / Horeb //
and / worshipped the / molten / image;
20 Thus they ex/changed their / glory //
for the image of an / ox that / feeds on / hay.
21 They forgot / God their / saviour, //
who had done such / great / things in / Egypt, [who had / done such / great things in / Egypt, ]
22 Wonderful deeds in the / land of / Ham //
and fearful things / at the / Red / Sea.
23 (2nd part) So he would have destroyed them,
had not Moses his chosen stood before him / in the / breach, //
to turn a/way his / wrath · from con/suming them.
24 Then they scorned the / Promised / Land //
and / would not be/lieve his / word,
25 But / murmured · in their / tents //
and would not / heed the / voice · of the / Lord.
26 So he lifted his / hand a/gainst them //
and swore to over/throw them / in the / wilderness,
27 To disperse their descendants a/mong the / nations, //
and to / scatter them through/out the / lands.
28 They joined themselves to the / Baal of / Peor //
and ate sacrifices / offered / to the / dead.
29 They provoked him to anger with their / evil / deeds //
and a / plague broke / out a/mong them.
30 Then Phinehas stood up and / inter/ceded //
and / so the / plague was / stayed.
31 This was counted to / him for / righteousness //
throughout all / gene/rations for / ever.
32 They angered him also at the / waters of / Meribah, //
so that Moses / suffered / for their / sake;
33 For they so em/bittered his / spirit //
that he spoke / rash words / with his / lips.
34 They did not des/troy the / peoples //
as the / Lord / had com/manded them.
35 They / mingled · with the / nations //
and / learned to / follow their / ways,
36 So that they / worshipped their / idols, //
which be/came to / them a / snare.
37 Their own / sons and / daughters //
they / sacrificed to / evil / spirits.
38 They shed / innocent / blood, //
the / blood · of their / sons and / daughters,
39 Which they offered to the / idols of / Canaan, //
and the / land · was de/filed with / blood.
40 Thus were they / polluted · by their / actions, //
and in their wanton deeds went / whoring · after / other / gods.
41 Therefore was the wrath of the Lord
kindled a/gainst his / people, //
and he ab/horred / his in/heritance. [ and / he ab/horred · his in/heritance.]
42 He gave them over to the / hand · of the / nations, //
and those who / hated / them ruled / over them.
43 So their / enemies op/pressed them //
and put them in sub/jection / under their / hand.
44 Many a time did he deliver them,
but they rebelled through their / own de/vices //
and were / brought down / through their / wickedness.
45 Nevertheless, he / saw · their ad/versity, //
when he / heard their / lamen/tation.
46 He remembered his / covenant / with them //
and relented according to the / greatness · of his / faithful / love.
47 He made them / also · to be / pitied //
by / all who had / taken them / captive.
RSCM CW Psalter--No 143. |
48 Save us, O / Lord our / God, //
and gather us / from a/mong the / nations,
48a that we may give thanks to your / holy / name //
and / glory / in your / praise.
49 Blessed be the Lord, the / God of / Israel, //
from everlasting / and to / ever/lasting; //
49a. and let all the / people / say, //
/ Alle/luia. [or (RSCM): / Praise the / Lord.]
RSCM CW Psalter--No.144. |
1 O give thanks to the Lord, for / he is / gracious, //
for his steadfast / love en/dures for / ever.
2 Let the redeemed of the / Lord / say this, // [Let the re/deemed · of the Lord / say this, ]
those he re/deemed · from the / hand of the / enemy,
3 (2nd part) And gathered out of the lands
from the east and / from the / west, //
from the / north and / from the / south.
4 Some went astray in / desert / wastes //
and found no / path · to a / city to / dwell in.
5 Hungry / and / thirsty, // [Hungry they / were and / thirsty, // ]
their / soul was / fainting with/in them.
6 So they cried to the Lord / in their / trouble //
and he de/livered them / from their dis/tress.
7 (Unison) He set their feet on the / right / way // [ He set their feet / on the · right / way // ]
till they / came · to a / city to / dwell in.
8 Let them give thanks to the / Lord · for his / goodness //
and the / wonders he / does · for his / children.
9 For he satisfies the / longing / soul //
and fills the / hungry / soul with / good.
10 Some sat in darkness and in the / shadow of / death, //
bound / fast in / misery and / iron,
11 For they had rebelled against the / words of / God //
and despised the / counsel · of the / Most / High.
12 So he bowed down their / heart with / heaviness; //
they stumbled and / there was / none to / help them.
13 Then they cried to the / Lord · in their / trouble, //
and he de/livered them from / their dis/tress.
14 (2nd part) He brought them out of darkness and out of the / shadow of / death, //
and / broke their / bonds a/sunder.
15 (Unison) Let them give thanks to the / Lord · for his / goodness //
and the / wonders he / does · for his / children.
16 For he has broken the / doors of / bronze //
and breaks the / bars of / iron in / pieces.
17 Some were foolish and took a re/bellious / way, //
and were / plagued be/cause of their / wrongdoing.
18 Their soul abhorred all / manner of / food //
and drew / near · to the / gates of / death.
19 Then they cried to the / Lord · in their / trouble, //
and he de/livered them from / their dis/tress.
20 He sent forth his / word and / healed them, //
and / saved them / from des/truction.
21 (Unison) Let them give thanks to the / Lord · for his / goodness //
and the / wonders he / does · for his / children.
22 Let them offer him / sacrifices of / thanksgiving //
and tell of his / acts with / shouts of / joy.
23 Those who go down to the / sea in / ships //
and ply their / trade in / great / waters, [and / ply their / trade in great / waters, ]
24 These have seen the / works · of the / Lord //
and his / wonders / in the / deep.
25 For at his word the stormy / wind a/rose //
and lifted / up the / waves of the / sea.
26 They were carried up to the heavens
and down a/gain · to the / deep; //
their soul / melted a/way · in their / peril.
27 They reeled and / staggered · like a / drunkard //
and were / at their / wits' / end. [ for / all their / skill was / gone // ]
28 Then they cried to the / Lord · in their / trouble, //
and he brought them / out of / their dis/tress.
29 He made the / storm be / still //
and the / waves of the / sea were / calmed.
30 Then were they glad because they / were at / rest, //
and he brought them to the / haven / they de/sired.
31 (Unison) Let them give thanks to the / Lord · for his / goodness //
and the / wonders he / does · for his / children.
32 Let them exalt him in the congre/gation · of the / people //
and praise him in the / council / of the / elders.
RSCM CW Psalter--No.145. |
33 The Lord turns rivers / into / wilderness //
and water springs / into / thirsty / ground;
34 A fruitful land he makes a / salty / waste, //
because of the / wickedness of / those who / dwell there.
35 He makes the wilderness a / pool of / water //
and water springs / out · of a / thirsty / land.
36 There he / settles the / hungry //
and they / build a / city to / dwell in.
37 They sow fields and / plant / vineyards // [ They sow fields and / plant their / vines // ]
and bring / in a / fruitful / harvest.
38 He blesses them, so that they / multiply / greatly; //
he does not let their / herds of / cattle de/crease.
39 He pours con/tempt on / princes //
and makes them / wander in / trackless / wastes.
40 They are diminished and / brought / low, // [They are di/minished · and brought / low, // ]
through / stress · of mis/fortune and / sorrow,
41 (2nd part) But he raises the / poor · from their / misery //
and multiplies their families like flocks of sheep.
42 The upright will see this / and re/joice, //
but all / wickedness will / shut its / mouth.
43 Whoever is wise will / ponder these / things //
and consider the loving / kindness / of the / Lord.
RSCM CW Psalter--No.146. |
1 My heart is ready, O God, my / heart is / ready; //
I will / sing and / give you / praise.
2 Awake, my soul; awake, / harp and / lyre, //
that I / may a/waken the / dawn.
3 I will give you thanks, O Lord, a/mong the / peoples; //
I will sing praise to / you a/mong the / nations.
4 For your loving-kindness is as / high as the / heavens //
and your faithfulness / reaches / to the / clouds.
5 Be exalted, O God, a/bove the / heavens //
and your glory / over / all the / earth.
6 That your beloved may / be de/livered, //
save us by / your right / hand and / answer me.
7 God has spoken / in his / holiness: //
'I will triumph and divide Shechem
and share / out the / valley of / Succoth.
8 'Gilead is mine and Ma/nasseh is / mine; //
Ephraim is my / helmet and / Judah my / sceptre.
9 (2nd part) 'Moab shall be my washpot,
over Edom will I / cast my / sandal, //
across Philistia / will I / shout in / triumph.'
10 Who will lead me into the / strong / city? // [ Who will lead me / into the strong / city? // ]
Who will / bring me / into / Edom?
11 Have you not cast us / off, O / God? //
Will you no longer go / forth / with our / troops? [ Will you no longer / go forth / with our / troops? ]
12 O grant us your help a/gainst the / enemy, //
for / earthly / help · is in / vain.
13 Through God will we / do great / acts, //
for it is he that / shall tread / down our / enemies.
RSCM CW Psalter--No.147. |
1 Keep silent no longer, O / God of my / praise, //
for the mouth of wickedness and / treachery
is / opened a/gainst me.
2 They have spoken against me with a / lying / tongue; //
they encompassed me with words of hatred
and fought a/gainst me with/out a / cause.
3 In return for my love, they set them/selves a/gainst me, //
even though / I had / prayed for / them.
4 Thus have they repaid me with / evil for / good, //
and / hatred for / my good / will.
5 They say, 'Appoint a / wicked man / over him, //
and let an accuser / stand at / his right / hand.
6 'When he is judged, let / him be found / guilty, //
and let his / prayer be / counted as / sin.
7 'Let his / days be / few //
and let an/other / take his / office.
8 'Let his / children be / fatherless //
and his / wife be/come a / widow.
9 'Let his children wander to / beg their / bread; //
let them seek / it in / desolate / places.
10 'Let the creditor seize / all · that he / has; //
let strangers / plunder the / fruit · of his / toil.
11 'Let there be no one to keep / faith / with him, // [ ..... no one / to keep / faith with him, // ]
or have compassion / on his / fatherless / children.
12 'Let his line soon / come · to an / end //
and his name be blotted / out · in the / next · gene/ration.
13 'Let the wickedness of his fathers
be remembered be/fore the / Lord, //
and no sin of his / mother be / blotted / out;
14 'Let their sin be always be/fore the / Lord, //
that he may / root out their / name · from the / earth;
15 'Because he was not minded to / keep / faith, // [ ..... was not / minded · to keep / faith, // ]
but persecuted the poor and needy
and sought to / kill the / broken/hearted.
16 'He loved cursing / and it / came to him; //
he took no delight in / blessing / and it was / far from him.
17 'He clothed himself with cursing / as · with a / garment: //
it seeped into his body like water
and / into his / bones like / oil;
18 'Let it be to him like the cloak
which he / wraps a/round him //
and like the / belt · that he / wears con/tinually.'
19 (2nd part) Thus may the Lord re/pay · my ac/cusers //
and / those · who speak / evil a/gainst me.
20 But deal with me, O Lord my God, ac/cording · to your / name; //
O de/liver me, for / sweet · is your / faithfulness.
21 For I am / helpless and / poor //
and my / heart · is dis/quieted with/in me.
22 I fade like a / shadow that / lengthens; //
I am / shaken / off · like a / locust.
23 My knees are / weak through / fasting //
and my / flesh is dried / up and / wasted.
24 (2nd part) I have become a re/proach to / them; // [..... a / reproach / to them; // ]
those who see me / shake their / heads in / scorn.
25 Help me, O / Lord my / God; //
save me for your / loving / mercy's / sake,
26 And they shall know that / this is your / hand, //
that / you, O / Lord, have / done it.
27 Though they curse, / may you / bless; //
let those who rise up against me be confounded,
but / let your / servant re/joice.
28 Let my accusers be / clothed · with dis/grace //
and wrap themselves in their / shame as / in a / cloak.
29 I will give great thanks to the / Lord · with my / mouth; //
in the midst of the / multitude / will I / praise him;
30 Because he has stood at the right hand / of the / needy, //
to save them from / those who / would con/demn them.
RSCM CW Psalter--No.148. |
1 The Lord said to my lord, / 'Sit at my / right hand, //
until I / make your / enemies your / footstool.'
2 May the Lord stretch forth the / sceptre · of your / power; //
rule from Zion / in the / midst · of your / enemies.
3 'Noble are you on this / day of your / birth; //
on the holy mountain, from the womb of the dawn
the dew of your / new birth / is up/on you.'
4 The Lord has sworn and / will not re/tract: //
'You are a priest for ever after the / order / of Mel/chizedek.'
5 The king at your / right hand, O / Lord, //
shall smite down / kings · in the / day of his / wrath.
6 In all his majesty, he shall judge a/mong the / nations, //
smiting heads over / all the / wide / earth.
7 (2nd part) He shall drink from the brook be/side the / way; //
therefore / shall he lift / high his / head.
RSCM CW Psalter--No.149. |
1 Alleluia. [or (RSCM): Praise the Lord.]
I will give thanks to the Lord with my / whole / heart, // [ ..... Lord / with my whole / heart, // ]
in the company of the faithful and / in the / congre/gation.
2 The works of the / Lord are / great, //
sought / out by / all · who de/light in them.
3 His work is full of / majesty and / honour //
and his / righteousness en/dures for / ever.
4 He appointed a memorial for his / marvellous / deeds; //
the Lord is / gracious and / full of com/passion.
5 He gave food to / those who / feared him; //
he is ever / mindful / of his / covenant.
6 He showed his people the / power · of his / works //
in giving them the / heritage / of the / nations.
7 The works of his hands are / truth and / justice; //
all / his com/mandments are / sure.
8 They stand fast for / ever and / ever; //
they are / done in / truth and / equity.
9 He sent redemption to his people;
he commanded his / covenant for / ever; //
holy and / awesome / is his / name.
10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom;
a good understanding have / those who / live by it; //
his / praise en/ dures for / ever.
RSCM CW Psalter--No.150. |
1 Alleluia. [or (RSCM): Praise the Lord.]
Blessed are those who / fear the / Lord //
and have great de/light in / his com/mandments.
2 Their descendants will be / mighty · in the / land, //
a generation of the / faithful that / will be / blest.
3 Wealth and riches will be / in their / house, //
and their / righteousness en/dures for / ever.
4 Light shines in the darkness / for the / upright; //
gracious and full of com/passion / are the / righteous.
5 It goes well with those who are / generous in / lending //
and order / their af/fairs with / justice, [ and / order · their af/fairs with / justice.]
6 For they will / never be / shaken; //
the righteous will be held in / ever/lasting re/membrance.
7 They will not be afraid of any / evil / tidings; //
their heart is steadfast, / trusting / in the / Lord.
8 Their heart is sustained and / will not / fear, //
until they see the / downfall / of their / foes.
9 They have given freely to the poor;
their righteousness stands / fast for / ever; //
their head will / be ex/alted with / honour.
10 The wicked shall see it and be angry;
they shall gnash their / teeth · in des/pair; //
the de/sire · of the / wicked shall / perish.
RSCM CW Psalter--No.151. |
1 Alleluia. [or (RSCM): Praise the Lord.]
Give praise, you / servants · of the / Lord, //
O / praise the / name · of the / Lord.
2 Blessed be the / name · of the / Lord, //
from this time / forth · and for / ever/more.
3 From the rising of the / sun · to its / setting //
let the / name · of the / Lord be / praised.
4 The Lord is high a/bove all / nations //
and his / glory a/bove the / heavens.
5 Who is like the / Lord our / God, //
that / has his / throne so / high,
5a. yet humbles him/self · to be/hold //
the / things of / heaven and / earth?
6 He raises the / poor · from the / dust //
and lifts the / needy / from the / ashes,
7 To / set them with / princes, //
with the / princes / of his / people.
8 He gives the barren woman a / place in the / house //
and makes her a joyful mother of / children.
/ Alle/luia. [or (RSCM): / Praise the / Lord.]
RSCM CW Psalter--No.152. |
RSCM CW Psalter--No.153. |
1, 2 When Israel came out of Egypt,
the house of Jacob from a people of a / strange / tongue, //
Judah became his sanctuary,
/ Israel / his do/minion.
3, 4 The sea saw that, and fled;
Jordan was / driven / back. //
The mountains skipped like rams,
the little / hills like / young / sheep. [ ..... the / little hills / like young / sheep.]
5 What ailed you, O / sea, · that you / fled? //
O Jordan, that / you were / driven / back?
6 You mountains, that you / skipped like / rams, //
you little / hills like / young / sheep? [you / little hills / like young / sheep? ]
7 Tremble, O earth, at the / presence · of the / Lord, //
at the / presence · of the / God of / Jacob,
8 Who turns the hard rock into a / pool of / water, //
the flint-stone / into a / springing / well.
RSCM CW Psalter--No.154. |
1 Not to us, Lord, not to us,
but to your name / give the / glory, //
for the sake of your / loving / mercy and / truth.
2 Why should the / nations / say, //
'Where is / now / their / God?'
3 As for our God, he is in heaven; //
he does whatever he pleases.
verses 2 and 3 --
2, 3 Why should the nations say,
'Where is / now their / God?' //
As for our God, he is in heaven;
he / does what/ever he / pleases.
4 Their idols are / silver and / gold, //
the / work of / human / hands.
5 They have mouths, but / cannot / speak; //
eyes have / they, but / cannot / see;
6 They have ears, but / cannot / hear; //
noses have / they, but / cannot / smell;
7 They have hands, but cannot feel;
feet have they, but / cannot / walk; //
not a whisper / do they / make · from their / throats.
8 Those who make them / shall be/come like them //
and so will / all who / put their / trust in them.
9 But you, Israel, put your / trust · in the / Lord; //
he is their / help / and their / shield. [ he / is their help / and their / shield.]
10 House of Aaron, / trust · in the / Lord; //
he is their / help / and their / shield. [ he / is their help / and their / shield.]
11 You that fear the / Lord, / trust · in the / Lord; //
he is their / help / and their / shield. [ he / is their help / and their / shield.]
12 The Lord has been mindful of us and / he will / bless us; //
may he bless the house of Israel;
may he / bless the / house of / Aaron;
13 May he bless those who / fear the / Lord, //
both / small and / great to/gether.
14 May the Lord increase you / more and / more, //
you / and your / children / after you.
15 May you be / blest · by the / Lord, //
the / maker of / heaven and / earth.
16 The heavens are the / heavens · of the / Lord, //
but the earth he has en/trusted / to his / children.
17 The dead do not / praise the / Lord, //
nor / those gone / down into / silence;
18 But we will / bless the / Lord, //
from this time forth for ever/more.
/ Alle/luia. [or (RSCM): / Praise the / Lord.]
RSCM CW Psalter--No.155. |
1 I love the Lord,
for he has heard the voice of my / suppli/cation; //
because he inclined his ear to me
on the / day I / called to / him.
2 The snares of death encompassed me;
the pains of / hell took / hold of me; //
by grief and / sorrow / was I / held.
3 Then I called upon the / name · of the / Lord: //
'O Lord, I / beg you, de/liver my / soul.'
4 Gracious is the / Lord and / righteous; //
our / God is / full of com/passion.
5 The Lord watches / over the / simple; //
I was brought very / low / and he / saved me. [ I was / brought very / low · and he / saved me.]
6 Turn again to your rest, / O my / soul, //
for the / Lord · has been / gracious to / you. [ for the / Lord · has been / gracious / to you.]
7 For you have delivered my / soul from / death, //
my eyes from / tears · and my / feet from / falling.
8 I will walk be/fore the / Lord //
in the / land / of the / living.
9 I believed that I should perish
for I was / sorely / troubled; //
and I said in my alarm,
/ 'Everyone / is a / liar.'
10 How shall I re/pay the / Lord //
for all the benefits / he has / given to / me? [better: for all the / benefits / he has / given to me? ]
11 I will lift up the / cup of sal/vation //
and / call upon the / name · of the / Lord.
12 I will fulfil my / vows · to the / Lord //
in the / presence of / all his / people.
13 Precious in the / sight · of the / Lord //
is the / death · of his / faithful / servants.
14 O Lord, / I am your / servant, //
your servant, the child of your handmaid;
you have / freed me / from my / bonds.
15 I will offer to you a / sacrifice of / thanksgiving //
and / call upon the / name of the / Lord.
16 I will fulfil my / vows · to the / Lord //
in the / presence of / all his / people,
17 (2nd part) In the courts of the / house · of the / Lord, //
in the midst of you, O Je/rusalem.
/ Alle/luia. [or (RSCM): / Praise the / Lord.]
RSCM CW Psalter--No.156. |
1 O praise the Lord, / all you / nations; //
praise / him, / all you / peoples.
2 For great is his steadfast / love to/wards us, //
and the faithfulness of the Lord endures for / ever.
/ Alle/luia. [or (RSCM): / Praise the / Lord.]
RSCM CW Psalter--No. 157. |
1 O give thanks to the Lord, for / he is / good; //
his / mercy en/dures for / ever.
2 Let Israel / now pro/claim, //
'His / mercy en/dures for / ever.'
3 Let the house of Aaron / now pro/claim, //
'His / mercy en/dures for / ever.'
4 Let those who fear the / Lord pro/claim, //
'His / mercy en/dures for / ever.'
5 In my constraint I / called · to the / Lord; //
the Lord / answered and / set me / free.
6 The Lord is at my side; I / will not / fear; //
what can / flesh / do to / me?
7 With the Lord at my / side · as my / saviour, //
I shall see the / downfall / of my / enemies.
8 It is better to take / refuge · in the / Lord //
than to put / any / confidence in / flesh.
9 It is better to take / refuge · in the / Lord //
than to put / any / confidence in / princes.
10 All the / nations en/ compassed me, //
but by the name of the / Lord I / drove them / back.
11 They hemmed me in, they hemmed me in on / every / side, //
but by the name of the / Lord I / drove them / back.
12 They swarmed about me like bees;
they blazed like / fire among / thorns, //
but by the name of the / Lord I / drove them / back.
13 (2nd part) Surely, I was / thrust · to the / brink, //
but the / Lord / came · to my / help.
RSCM CW Psalter--No. 158. |
14 The Lord is my / strength · and my / song, //
and he has be/come / my / salvation.
15 Joyful / shouts · of sal/vation //
sound / from the / tents · of the / righteous:
16 (2nd part) 'The right hand of the Lord does mighty deeds;
the right hand of the Lord / raises / up; //
the right hand of the / Lord does / mighty / deeds.'
17 I shall not / die, but / live //
and de/clare the / works · of the / Lord.
18 The Lord has / punished me / sorely, //
but he has not / given me / over to / death.
19 Open to me the / gates of / righteousness, //
that I may / enter · and give / thanks · to the / Lord.
20 This is the / gate · of the / Lord; //
the / righteous shall / enter / through it.
21 I will give thanks to you, for / you have / answered me //
and have be/come / my sal/vation.
22 The stone which the / builders re/jected //
has be/come the / chief / cornerstone.
23 (2nd part) This is the / Lord's / doing, //
and it is / marvellous / in our / eyes.
24 This is the day that the / Lord has / made; //
we will re/joice / and be / glad in it.
25 Come, O Lord, and / save us we / pray. //
Come, Lord, / send us / now pros/perity.
26 Blessed is he who comes in the / name · of the / Lord; //
we / bless you · from the / house · of the / Lord.
27 The Lord is God; he has / given us / light; //
link the pilgrims with cords
/ right · to the / horns · of the / altar.
28 You are my God and / I will / thank you; //
you are my / God and / I · will ex/alt you.
29 O give thanks to the Lord, for / he is / good; //
his / mercy en/dures for / ever.
RSCM CW Psalter--No.159. |
1 Blessed are those whose / way is / pure, //
who / walk · in the / law of the / Lord.
2 Blessed are those who / keep his / testimonies //
and / seek him · with their / whole / heart,
3 Those who / do no / wickedness, //
but / walk / in his / ways. [but / walk · in the / ways of · our / God.]
4 You, O / Lord, have / charged //
that we should / diligently · keep / your com/mandments.
5 O that my ways were made / so di/rect //
that / I might / keep your / statutes.
6 Then should I not be / put to / shame, //
because I have re/gard for / all · your com/mandments.
7 I will thank you with an / unfeigned / heart, //
when I have / learned your / righteous / judgements.
8 I will / keep your / statutes; //
O for/sake me / not / utterly. [do / not e/ver for/sake me.]
9 How shall young people / cleanse their / way //
to keep themselves ac/cording / to your / word?
10 With my whole heart / have I / sought you; //
O let me not go a/stray from / your com/mandments.
11 Your words have I hidden with/in my / heart, //
that I / should not / sin a/gainst you.
12 Blessed are / you, O / Lord; //
O / teach / me your / statutes. [ O / teach me / your sta/tutes.]
13 With my lips have / I been / telling //
of all the / judgements / of your / mouth.
14 I have taken greater delight in the / way of your / testimonies //
than / in all / manner of / riches.
15 I will meditate on / your com/mandments //
and / contem/plate your / ways.
16 My delight shall be / in your / statutes //
and I will / not for/get your / word.
RSCM CW Psalter--No.160. |
17 O do good to your servant that / I may / live, //
and / so · shall I / keep your / word.
18 Open my eyes, that / I may / see //
the / wonders / of your / law.
19 I am a / stranger · upon / earth; //
hide not / your com/mandments / from me.
20 My soul is con/sumed at / all times //
with fervent / longing / for your / judgements.
21 You have re/buked the / arrogant; //
cursed are those who / stray from / your com/mandments.
22 Turn from me / shame · and re/buke, //
for / I have / kept your / testimonies.
23 Rulers also sit and / speak a/gainst me, //
but your servant / meditates / on your / statutes.
24 For your testimonies are / my de/light; //
they / are my / faithful / counsellors.
25 My soul / cleaves · to the / dust; //
O give me life ac/cording / to your / word.
26 I have acknowledged my ways and / you have / answered me; //
O / teach / me your / statutes.
27 Make me understand the way of / your com/mandments, //
and so shall I meditate / on your / wondrous / works.
28 My soul melts away in / tears of / sorrow; //
raise me up ac/cording / to your / word.
29 Take from me the / way of / falsehood; //
be / gracious to / me · through your / law.
30 I have chosen the / way of / truth //
and your judgements / have I / laid be/fore me.
31 I hold / fast · to your / testimonies; //
O Lord, let me / not be / put to / shame.
32 I will run the way of / your com/mandments, //
when you have / set my / heart at / liberty.
RSCM CW Psalter--No.161. |
33 Teach me, O Lord, the / way of your / statutes //
and I shall / keep it / to the / end.
34 Give me understanding and I shall / keep your / law; //
I shall / keep it · with my / whole / heart. [ I shall / keep it · with / my whole / heart.]
35 Lead me in the path of / your com/mandments, //
for there/in is /my de/light.
36 Incline my / heart · to your / testimonies //
and / not to / unjust / gain.
37 Turn away my eyes lest they / gaze on / vanities; //
O / give me / life · in your / ways.
38 Confirm to your / servant your / promise, //
which / stands for / all who / fear you.
39 Turn away the reproach / which I / dread, //
be/cause your / judgements are / good.
40 Behold, I long for / your com/mandments; //
in your / righteousness / give me / life.
41 Let your faithful love come unto / me, O / Lord, //
even your salvation, ac/cording / to your / promise.
42 Then shall I answer / those who / taunt me, //
for my / trust is / in your / word.
43 O take not the word of truth utterly / out of my / mouth, //
for my / hope is / in your / judgements.
44 So shall I always / keep your / law; //
I shall / keep it for / ever and / ever.
45 I will / walk at / liberty, //
because I / study / your com/mandments.
46 I will tell of your testimonies, / even before / kings, //
and / will not / be a/shamed.
47 My delight shall / be in · your com/mandments, //
which / I have / greatly / loved.
48 My hands will I lift up to your commandments,
/ which I / love, //
and I will / meditate / on your / statutes.
RSCM CW Psalter--No.162. |
49 Remember your / word · to your / servant, //
on which / you have / built my / hope.
50 This is my comfort / in my / trouble, //
that your / promise / gives me / life.
51 The proud have de/rided me / cruelly, //
but I have not / turned a/side from your / law.
52 I have remembered your everlasting / judgements, O / Lord, //
and / have / been / comforted. [ and in / them · I have / found con/solation.]
53 I am seized with indig/nation · at the / wicked, //
for / they · have for/saken your / law.
54 Your statutes have / been like / songs to me //
in the / house / of my / pilgrimage. [in / the house / of my / pilgrimage.]
55 I have thought on your name in the / night, O / Lord, //
and / so · have I / kept your / law.
56 These blessings / have been / mine, //
for / I have / kept · your com/mandments.
57 You only are my / portion, O / Lord; //
I have / promised to / keep your / words.
58 I entreat you with / all my / heart, //
be merciful to me ac/cording / to your / promise.
59 I have con/sidered my / ways //
and turned my / feet / back · to your / testimonies. [ and / turned my feet / back · to your / testimonies.]
60 I made haste and / did not de/lay //
to / keep / your com/mandments. [to / obey / your com/mandments.]
61 Though the cords of the / wicked en/tangle me, //
I do / not for/get your / law.
62 At midnight I will rise to / give you / thanks, //
be/cause of your / righteous / judgements.
63 I am a companion of all / those who / fear you, //
those who / keep / your com/mandments. [ of ... those / who keep / your com/mandments.]
64 The earth, O Lord, is full of your / faithful / love; //
in/struct me / in your / statutes.
RSCM CW Psalter--No.163. |
65 You have dealt graciously / with your / servant, //
ac/cording · to your / word, O / Lord.
66 O teach me true under/standing and / knowledge, //
for I have / trusted in / your com/mandments.
67 Before I was afflicted I / went as/tray, //
but / now I / keep your / word.
68 You are gracious / and do / good; //
O / Lord, / teach me your / statutes. [ O / teach me / Lord your / statutes.]
69 The proud have / smeared me with / lies, //
but I will keep your com/mandments · with my / whole / heart. [ ..... with / my whole / heart.]
70 Their heart has become / gross with / fat, //
but my de/light is / in your / law.
71 It is good for me that I have / been af/flicted, //
that / I may / learn your / statutes.
72 The law of your mouth is / dearer to / me //
than a / hoard of / gold and / silver.
73 Your hands have / made me and / fashioned me; //
give me understanding, that / I may / learn · your com/mandments.
74 Those who fear you will be glad / when they / see me, //
because / I have / hoped · in your / word.
75 I know, O Lord, that your / judgements are / right, //
and that in very faithfulness you / caused me / to be / troubled.
76 Let your faithful love / be my / comfort, //
according to your / promise / to your / servant.
77 Let your tender mercies come to me, that / I may / live, //
for your / law is / my de/light.
78 Let the proud be put to shame, for they / wrong me with / lies; //
but I will / meditate on / your com/mandments.
79 Let those who fear you / turn to / me, //
even / those who / know your / testimonies.
80 Let my heart be / sound · in your / statutes, //
that I may / not be / put to / shame.
RSCM CW Psalter--No.164. |
81 My soul is pining for / your sal/vation; //
I have / hoped / in your / word. [ but my / hope is / in your / word.]
82 My eyes fail with / watching · for your / word, //
while I / say, 'O / when will you / comfort me?'
83 I have become like a wineskin / in the / smoke, //
yet I do / not for/get your / statutes.
84 How many are the / days of your / servant? //
When will you bring / judgement on / those who / persecute me?
85 The proud / have dug / pits for me //
in de/fiance / of your / law.
86 All your com/mandments are / true; //
help me, for they / persecute / me with / falsehood.
87 They had almost made an / end of me on / earth, //
but I have not for/saken / your com/mandments.
88 Give me life according to your / loving-/kindness; //
so shall I keep the / testi·monies / of your / mouth.
89 O Lord, your word is / ever/lasting; //
it ever stands / firm / in the / heavens.
90 Your faithfulness also remains from one gene/ration · to an/other; //
you have established the / earth and / it a/bides.
91 So also your judgements stand / firm this / day, //
for / all things / are your / servants.
92 If your law had not been / my de/light, //
I should have / perished / in my / trouble.
93 I will never for/get · your com/mandments, //
for by / them · you have / given me / life.
94 I am / yours, O / save me! //
For / I have / sought · your com/mandments.
95 The wicked have waited for me / to des/troy me, //
but I will / meditate / on your /testimonies.
96 I have seen an end of / all per/fection, //
RSCM CW Psalter--No.165. |
97 Lord, how I / love your / law! //
All the day / long it / is my / study.
98 Your commandments have made me / wiser · than my / enemies, //
for / they are / ever / with me.
99 I have more understanding than / all my / teachers, //
for your testimonies / are my / medi/tation.
100 I am / wiser · than the / aged, //
be/cause I / keep your com/mandments.
101 I restrain my feet from every / evil / way, //
that / I may / keep your / word.
102 I have not turned a/side · from your / judgements, //
for / you have / been my / teacher.
103 How sweet are your / words · on my / tongue! //
They are sweeter than / honey / to my / mouth.
104 Through your commandments I get / under/standing; //
therefore I / hate all / lying / ways.
105 Your word is a / lantern / to my / feet //
and a / light up/on my / path.
106 I have sworn and / will ful/fil it, //
to / keep your / righteous / judgements.
107 I am / troubled · above / measure; //
give me life, O Lord, ac/cording / to your /word.
108 Accept the freewill offering of my / mouth, O / Lord, //
and / teach / me your / judgements. [ and / teach me / your dec/rees.]
109 My soul is / ever · in my / hand, //
yet I do / not for/get your / law.
110 The wicked have / laid a / snare for me, //
but I have not / strayed from / your com/mandments.
111 Your testimonies have I claimed as my / heritage for / ever; //
for they are the / very / joy · of my / heart.
112 I have applied my heart to ful/fil your / statutes: //
RSCM CW Psalter--No.166. |
113 I hate those who are / double/minded, //
but your / law / do I / love.
114 You are my hiding place / and my / shield //
and my / hope is / in your / word.
115 Away from / me, you / wicked! //
I will keep the com/mandments / of my / God.
116 Sustain me according to your promise, that / I may / live, //
and let me not be disap/pointed / in my / hope.
117 Hold me up and / I shall be / saved, //
and my delight shall be / ever / in your / statutes.
118 You set at nought those who de/part · from your / statutes, //
for their de/ceiving / is in / vain.
119 You consider all the / wicked as / dross; //
there/fore I / love your / testimonies.
120 My flesh / trembles for / fear of you //
and / I am a/fraid · of your / judgements.
121 I have done what is / just and / right; //
O give me not / over / to my op/pressors.
122 Stand surety for your / servant's / good; //
let / not the / proud op/press me.
123 My eyes fail with watching for / your sal/vation //
and / for your / righteous / promise.
124 O deal with your servant according to your / faithful / love //
and / teach / me your / statutes.
125 I am your servant; O grant me / under/standing, //
that / I may / know your / testimonies.
126 It is time for you to / act, O / Lord, //
for / they frus/trate your / law.
127 Therefore I / love · your com/mandments //
above gold, / even / much fine / gold.
128 Therefore I direct my steps by / all your / precepts, //
RSCM CW Psalter--No.167. |
129 Your / testimonies are / wonderful; //
there/fore my / soul / keeps them.
130 The opening of your / word gives / light; //
it gives under/standing / to the / simple.
131 I open my mouth and / draw in my / breath, //
as I / long for / your com/mandments.
132 Turn to me and be / gracious / to me, //
as is your way with / those who / love your / name.
133 Order my / steps · by your / word, //
and let no wickedness / have do/minion / over me.
134 Redeem me from / earthly op/pressors //
so that / I may / keep · your com/mandments.
135 Show the light of your countenance up/on your / servant //
and / teach / me your / statutes.
136 My eyes run down with / streams of / water, //
because the wicked / do not / keep your / law.
137 Righteous are / you, O / Lord, //
and / true / are your / judgements.
138 You have / ordered · your de/crees //
in / righteousness
and / in great / faithfulness.
139 My indig/nation des/troys me, //
because my / adversaries for/get your / word.
140 Your word has been / tried · to the / uttermost //
and / so your / servant / loves it.
141 I am small and of / no · repu/tation, //
yet do I / not for/get your com/mandments.
142 Your righteousness is an ever/lasting / righteousness //
and your / law / is the / truth.
143 Trouble and heaviness have taken / hold up/on me, //
yet my de/light · is in / your com/mandments.
144 The righteousness of your testimonies is / ever/lasting; //
RSCM CW Psalter--No.168. |
145 I call with my / whole / heart; //
answer me, O Lord, that / I may / keep your / statutes.
146 To you I / call, O / save me! //
And / I shall / keep your / testimonies.
147 Early in the morning I / cry to / you, // [ Early in the / morning I / cry to you, // ]
for / in your / word · is my / trust.
148 My eyes are open before the / night / watches, // [..... open be/fore the / night watches. // ]
that I may / meditate / on your / word.
149 Hear my voice, O Lord, according to your / faithful / love; //
according to your / judgement, / give me / life.
150 They draw near that in / malice / persecute me, //
who are / far / from your / law. [ but / they are / far from · your / law.]
151 You, O Lord, are / near at / hand, //
and / all · your com/ mandments are / true.
152 Long have I / known · of your / testimonies, //
that you have / founded / them for / ever.
153 O consider my af/fliction · and de/liver me, //
for I do / not for/get your / law.
154 Plead my / cause · and re/deem me; //
according to your / promise, / give me / life.
155 Salvation is / far · from the / wicked, //
for they / do not / seek your / statutes.
156 Great is your com/passion, O / Lord; //
give me life, ac/cording / to your / judgements.
157 Many there are that persecute / and op/press me, //
yet do I not / swerve / from your / testimonies. [ yet / do I not / swerve · from your / testimonies.]
158 It grieves me when I / see the / treacherous, //
for they / do not / keep your / word.
159 Consider, O Lord, how I / love · your com/mandments; //
give me life ac/cording / to your loving/kindness.
160 The sum of your / word is / truth, //
RSCM CW Psalter--No.169. |
161 Princes have persecuted me with/out a / cause, //
but my heart / stands in / awe of your / word.
162 I am as / glad of your / word //
as / one who / finds great / spoils.
163 As for lies, I / hate · and ab/hor them, //
but your / law / do I / love. [ but your / precepts / do I / love.]
164 Seven times a day / do I / praise you, //
be/cause of your / righteous / judgements.
165 Great peace have they who / love your / law; //
nothing / shall / make them / stumble. [ and / nothing shall / make them / stumble.]
166 Lord, I have looked for / your sal/vation //
and / I have ful/filled · your com/mandments.
167 My soul has / kept your / testimonies //
and / greatly / have I / loved them.
168 I have kept your com/mandments and / testimonies, //
for / all my / ways · are be/fore you.
169 Let my cry come be/fore you, O / Lord; //
give me understanding, ac/cording / to your / word.
170 Let my supplication / come be/fore you; //
deliver me, ac/cording / to your / promise.
171 My lips shall pour / forth your / praise, //
when / you have / taught me your / statutes.
172 My tongue shall / sing of your / word, //
for / all · your com/mandments are / righteous.
173 Let your hand reach / out to / help me, //
for I have / chosen / your com/mandments.
174 I have longed for your sal/vation, O / Lord, //
and your / law is / my de/light.
175 Let my soul live and / it shall / praise you, //
and let your / judgements / be my / help.
176 I have gone astray like a / sheep · that is / lost; //
O seek your servant, for I do / not for/get · your com/mandments.
RSCM CW Psalter--No 170. |
Common Worship Psalter | The Parish Psalter (BCP) | Alternative Service Book 1980 |
1 When I was in trouble I / called · to the / Lord; // I / called · to the / Lord · and he / answered me. |
1 When I / was in / trouble
I called up/on the / Lord // and / he / heard / me. (Alternative pointing) |
1 I call to the / Lord in my / trouble // that / he may / answer / me. |
2 Deliver me, O Lord, from / lying / lips // and / from a de/ceitful / tongue. |
2 Deliver my soul, O Lord, from / lying / lips // and from a deceitful tongue. |
2 O Lord, deliver me from / lying / lips // and / from the / treacher·ous / tongue. |
3 What shall be / given / to you? // What more shall be done to / you, de/ceitful / tongue? |
3 What reward shall be given or done unto thee, thou / false / tongue // even mighty and sharp / arrows, with / hot burning / coals. |
3 What will he do to you, and what more will he do to you, O / treacher·ous / tongue? // you are sharp as the arrows of a warrior, that are / tempered in / coals of / juniper. |
4 The / sharp / arrows // of a warrior, / tempered in / burning / coals! |
4 Woe is me, that I am constrained to / dwell with / Mesech // and to have my habitation a/mong the / tents of / Kedar. |
4 Alas for me, I am like a / stranger in / Meshech // like one who dwells a/midst the / tents of / Kedar. |
5 Woe is me, that I must / lodge in / Meshech // and / dwell a· mong the / tents of / Kedar. |
5 My soul hath long / dwelt a/mong them // that are / enemies / unto / peace. |
5 My soul has / been too / long // among / those · who are / enemies · to / peace. |
6,7. My soul has dwelt too long with / enemies of / peace. // I am for making peace, but when I speak of it, / they make / ready for / war. |
6 I labour for peace, but when I speak unto / them / thereof // they / make them / ready to / battle. |
6 I am for peace, but / when I / speak of it // they / make them·selves / ready for / war. |
RSCM CW Psalter--No 171. |
RSCM CW Psalter--No 172. |
1 I lift up my / eyes · to the / hills; //
from / where · is my / help to / come?
2 My help / comes · from the / Lord, //
the / maker of / heaven and / earth.
3 He will not suffer your / foot to / stumble; //
he who watches / over you / will not / sleep.
4 Behold, he who keeps / watch · over / Israel //
shall / neither / slumber nor / sleep.
5 The Lord himself / watches / over you; //
the Lord is your / shade at / your right / hand,
6 So that the sun shall not / strike you by / day, //
nei/ther the / moon by / night.
7 The Lord shall keep you / from all / evil; //
it is / he · who shall / keep your / soul.
8 The Lord shall keep watch over your going out
and your / coming / in, //
from this time / forth for / ever/more.
RSCM CW Psalter--No. 173. |
1 I was glad when they / said to / me, //
'Let us / go · to the / house of the / Lord.'
2 And now our / feet are / standing //
within your / gates, / O Je/rusalem;
3 Jerusalem, / built · as a / city //
that is at / unity / in it/self.
4 Thither the tribes go up, the / tribes · of the / Lord, //
as is decreed for Israel,
to give / thanks · to the / name of the / Lord.
5 (2nd part) For there are set the / thrones of / judgement, //
the / thrones · of the / house of / David.
6 O pray for the / peace · of Je/rusalem: //
'May they / prosper who / love / you.
7 'Peace be with/in your / walls //
and tran/quillity with/in your / palaces.'
8 For my kindred and com/panions' /sake, //
I will / pray that / peace be / with you.
9 For the sake of the house of the / Lord our / God, //
I will / seek to / do you / good.
RSCM CW Psalter--No. 174. |
1 To you I lift / up my / eyes, //
to you that / are en/ throned · in the / heavens.
2 As the eyes of servants look to the / hand of their / master, //
or the eyes of a / maid · to the / hand of her / mistress,
3 So our eyes wait upon the / Lord our / God, //
until / he have / mercy up/on us.
4 Have mercy upon us, O Lord, have / mercy up/on us, //
for we have had / more than e/nough · of con/tempt.
5 (2nd part) Our soul has had more than enough of the / scorn · of the / arrogant, //
and / of the con/tempt · of the / proud.
RSCM CW Psalter--No. 175. |
1, 2. If the Lord himself had not been on our side,
now may / Israel / say; //
If the Lord had not been on our side,
when / enemies rose / up a/gainst us;
3 Then would they have / swallowed · us a/live //
when their / anger / burned a/gainst us;
4 Then would the waters have overwhelmed us
and the torrent gone / over our / soul; //
over our soul would have / swept the / raging / waters.
RSCM CW Psalter--No. 176. |
5 But blessed / be the / Lord //
who has not given us over to / be a / prey · for their / teeth.
6 Our soul has escaped
as a bird from the / snare · of the / fowler; //
the snare is / broken and / we are de/livered.
7 Our help is in the / name · of the / Lord, //
who / has made / heaven and / earth.
RSCM CW Psalter--No. 177. |
1 Those who trust in the Lord are / like Mount / Zion, //
which cannot be moved, / but stands / fast for / ever.
2 As the hills stand a/bout Je/rusalem, //
so the Lord stands round about his people,
from this time / forth for / ever/more.
3 The sceptre of wickedness shall not hold sway
over the land all/otted to the / righteous, //
lest the righteous / turn their / hands to / evil.
4 Do good, O Lord, to / those · who are / good, //
and to / those · who are / true of / heart.
5 (2nd part) Those who turn aside to crooked ways
the Lord shall take away with the / evil/doers; //
but let there be / peace / upon / Israel.