`The katapi Psalter. The Common Worship Psalter with pointing is based upon the RSCM Common Worship Psalter with chants. The chants are as numbered in the RSCM Chant Book. The MID files are as listed at Ton Meijer's anglican chant website HERE. (this page prepared for katapi by paul ingram 2017.)
HOME | ↵ BACK | Anglican Chant | psalms: | ←75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 | 81 | 82 | 83 | 84 | 85 | 86 | 87 | 88 | 89 | 90 | 91 | 92 | 93 | 94 | canticle: Venite-ps.95 | psalm: 96 | 97 | 98 | 99 | canticle: Jubilate - ps.100 | psalm 101 → |
¶ When singing a psalm, the word 'blessed' is to be pronounced as two syllables: 'bless - ed'. Where spelled 'blest', the word is pronounced as one syllable.
¶ A double forward slash // marks the mid-point in each psalm verse where, traditionally, a pause is observed.
¶ A single forward slash / marks a bar-line of the chant. A dot · indicates the mid point of the bar, and the chord changes after the dot. Chord changes in words of more than one syllable are indicated by a dash.
¶ For those traditions which omit the word 'Alleluia' during penitential seasons, we have provided an alternative: 'Praise the Lord'.
¶ A verse printed in bold should be sung in unison.
¶ Each psalm or group of psalms may end with
to the Father and / to the / Son //
/ to the / Holy / Spirit;
it was in the be/ginning is / now //
shall be for / ever. / A/men.
RSCM CW Psalter--No.98. |
1 In Judah / God is / known; //
his / name is / great in / Israel.
2 At Salem / is his / tabernacle, //
and his / dwelling / place in / Zion.
3 There broke he the flashing / arrows · of the / bow, //
the shield, the / sword · and the / weapons of / war.
4 In the light of splendour / you ap/peared, //
glorious / from the e/ternal / mountains.
5 The boastful were plundered; they have / slept their / sleep; //
none of the / warriors can / lift their / hand.
6 At your rebuke, O / God of / Jacob, //
both / horse and / chariot fell / stunned.
7 Terrible are / you in / majesty: //
who can stand before your / face when / you are / angry?
8 You caused your judgement to be / heard from / heaven; //
the earth / trembled / and was / still,
9 When God a/rose to / judgement, //
to / save · all the / meek upon / earth.
10 You crushed the / wrath of the / peoples //
and / bridled the / wrathful / remnant.
11 Make a vow to the Lord your / God and / keep it; //
let all who are round about him bring gifts
to him that is / worthy / to be / feared.
12 He breaks down the / spirit of / princes //
and strikes / terror · in the / kings of the / earth.
RSCM CW Psalter--No.99. |
1 I cry a/loud to / God; //
I cry aloud to / God and / he will / hear me.
2 In the day of my trouble I have / sought the / Lord; //
by night my hand is stretched out and does not tire;
my / soul re/fuses / comfort.
3 I think upon God / and I / groan; //
I ponder, / and my / spirit / faints.
4 You will not let my / eyelids / close; //
I am so troubled / that I / cannot / speak.
5 I consider the / days of / old; //
I re/member the / years long / past;
6 I commune with my / heart · in the / night; //
my spirit / searches for / under/standing.
7 Will the Lord cast us / off for / ever? //
Will he / no more / show us his / favour?
8 Has his loving mercy clean / gone for / ever? //
Has his promise come to an / end for / ever/more?
9 Has God for/gotten · to be / gracious? //
Has he shut up his com/passion / in dis/pleasure?
10 And I said, 'My / grief is / this: //
that the right hand of the Most / High has / lost its / strength.'
11 I will remember the / works of the / Lord //
and call to mind your / wonders of / old / time.
12 I will meditate on / all your / works //
and / ponder your / mighty / deeds.
13 Your way, O / God, is / holy; //
who is so / great a / god as / our God?
14 You are the / God who worked / wonders //
and declared your / power a/mong the / peoples.
15 With a mighty arm you re/deemed your / people, //
the / children of / Jacob and / Joseph.
16 The waters saw you, O God;
the waters saw you and / were a/fraid; //
the / depths / also were / troubled.
17 The clouds poured out water; the / skies / thundered; //
your arrows / flashed on / every / side;
18 The voice of your thunder was in the whirlwind;
your lightnings / lit up the / ground; //
the / earth / trembled and / shook.
19 Your way was in the sea, and your paths in the / great / waters, //
but your / footsteps / were not / known.
20 You led your / people like / sheep //
by the / hand of / Moses and / Aaron.
RSCM CW Psalter--No.101. |
1 Hear my teaching, / O my / people; //
incline your / ears · to the / words of my / mouth.
2 I will open my / mouth · in a / parable; //
I will pour forth / mysteries / from of / old,
3 Such as we have / heard and / known, //
which our / forebears / have / told us. [ which / our fore/bears have / told us.]
4 We will not hide from their children,
but will recount to gene/rations to / come, //
the praises of the Lord and his power
and the / wonderful / works · he has / done.
5 He laid a solemn charge on Jacob
and made it a / law in / Israel, //
which he com/manded them to / teach their / children,
6 That the generations to come might know,
and the children / yet un/born, //
that they in turn might / tell it / to their / children;
7 So that they might put their / trust in / God //
and not forget the deeds of / God,
but / keep · his com/mandments,
8 And not be like their forebears,
a stubborn and rebellious / gene/ration, //
a generation whose heart was not steadfast,
and whose spirit / was not / faithful to / God.
9 The people of Ephraim, / armed · with the / bow, //
turned / back · in the / day of / battle;
10 They did not keep the / covenant of / God //
and re/fused to / walk in his / law;
11 They forgot what / he had / done //
and the / wonders / he had / shown them.
12 For he did marvellous things in the / sight of their / forebears, //
in the land of Egypt, / in the / field of / Zoan.
13 He divided the sea and / let them pass / through; //
he made the / waters stand / still · in a / heap.
14 He led them with a / cloud by / day //
and all the night / through · with a / blaze of / fire.
15 He split the hard / rocks · in the / wilderness //
and gave them drink as / from the / great / deep.
16 He brought streams / out of the / rock //
and made / water gush / out like / rivers.
17 Yet for all this they sinned / more a/gainst him //
and defied the Most / High / in the / wilderness.
18 They tested / God · in their / hearts //
and de/manded / food · for their / craving.
19 They spoke against / God and / said, //
'Can God prepare a / table / in the / wilderness?
20 'He struck the rock indeed, so that the waters gushed out
and the streams / over/flowed, //
but can he give bread or provide / meat / for his / people?' [ ... pro/vide meat / for his / people.]
21 When the Lord heard this, he was / full of / wrath; //
a fire was kindled against Jacob
and his / anger went / out against / Israel,
22 For they had no / faith in / God //
and put no / trust in his / saving / help.
23 So he commanded the / clouds a/bove //
and / opened the / doors of / heaven.
24 He rained down upon them / manna to / eat //
and / gave them the / grain of / heaven.
25 So mortals ate the / bread of / angels; //
he / sent them / food in / plenty.
26 He caused the east wind to / blow · in the / heavens //
and led out the / south wind / by his / might.
27 He rained flesh upon them as / thick as / dust //
and winged fowl / like the / sand of the / sea.
28 He let it fall in the / midst of their / camp //
and / round a/bout their / tents.
for he / gave them what / they de/sired.
30 But they did not / stop their / craving; //
their / food was / still in their / mouths,
31 When the anger of God / rose a/gainst them, //
and slew their strongest men
and / felled the / flower of / Israel.
32 But for all this, they / sinned yet / more //
and put no / faith in his / wonderful / works.
33 So he brought their days to an end / like a / breath //
and their / years in / sudden / terror.
34 Whenever he slew them, / they would / seek him; //
they would repent and / earnestly / search for / God.
35 They remembered that / God · was their / rock //
and the / Most High / God · their re/deemer.
36 Yet they did but flatter him / with their / mouth //
and dis/sembled / with their / tongue.
37 Their heart was not / steadfast to/wards him, //
neither were they / faithful / to his / covenant.
38 But he was so merciful that he forgave their misdeeds
and did / not des/troy them; // [ ... misdeeds / and · did not des/troy them.]
many a time he turned back his wrath
and did not suffer his whole dis/pleasure / to be / roused.
39 For he remembered that they / were but / flesh, //
a wind that passes / by and / does not re/turn.
40 How often they rebelled against him / in the / wilderness //
and / grieved him / in the / desert!
41 Again and again they / tempted / God //
and provoked the / Holy / One of / Israel.
42 They did not re/member his / power //
in the day when he re/deemed them / from the / enemy;
43 How he had wrought his / signs in / Egypt //
and his / wonders · in the / field of / Zoan.
44 He turned their / rivers · into / blood, //
so that they / could not / drink of their / streams.
45 He sent swarms of flies among them, / which de/voured them, //
and / frogs which / brought them / ruin.
46 He gave their / produce · to the / caterpillar, //
the / fruit of their / toil · to the / locust.
47 He destroyed their / vines with / hailstones //
and their / sycamore / trees · with the / frost.
48 He delivered their / cattle to / hailstones //
and their / flocks / -- to / thunderbolts.
49 He set loose on them his / blazing / anger: //
fury, displeasure and trouble,
a / troop of des/troying / angels.
50 He made a way for his anger
and spared not their / souls from / death, //
but gave their life / over / to the / pestilence.
51 He smote the / firstborn of / Egypt, //
the first fruits of their / strength · in the / tents of / Ham.
52 But he led out his / people like / sheep //
and guided them in the / wilderness / like a / flock.
53 He led them to safety and they were / not a/fraid, //
but the / sea · over/whelmed their / enemies.
54 He brought them to his / holy / place, //
the mountain which his / right hand / took · in pos/session.
55 He drove out the nations before them
and shared out to them / their in/heritance; //
he settled the tribes of / Israel / in their / tents.
56 Yet still they tested God Most High
and re/belled a/gainst him, //
and / would not / keep his com/mandments.
57 They turned back and fell away / like their / forebears, //
starting aside / like an un/strung / bow.
and provoked him to dis/pleasure / with their / idols.
59 God heard and was / greatly / angered, //
and / utterly re/jected / Israel.
60 He forsook the / tabernacle at / Shiloh, //
the / tent · of his / presence on / earth.
61 He gave the ark of his strength / into cap/tivity, //
his splendour / into the / adver·sary's / hand.
62 He delivered his / people · to the / sword //
and / raged a/gainst his in/heritance.
63 The fire con/sumed their young / men; //
there was / no one · to la/ment their / maidens.
64 Their priests / fell · by the / sword, //
and their / widows made / no · lamen/tation.
65 Then the Lord woke as / out of / sleep, //
like a warrior who had been / over/come with / wine.
66 He struck his enemies / from be/hind //
and put them / to per/petual / shame.
67 He rejected the / tent of / Joseph //
and chose / not the / tribe of / Ephraim, [ and / chose not the / tribe of / Ephraim.]
68 But he chose the / tribe of / Judah // [ But he / chose · the tribe of / Judah ]
and the hill of / Zion, / which he / loved.
69 And there he built his sanctuary like the / heights of / heaven, //
like the / earth · which he / founded for / ever.
70 He chose David / also, his / servant, //
and / took him a/way · from the / sheepfolds.
71 From following the ewes with their / lambs he / took him, //
that he might shepherd Jacob his people
and / Israel / his in/heritance.
72 So he shepherded them with a de/voted / heart //
and with / skilful / hands he / guided them.
RSCM CW Psalter--No.106. |
1 O God, the heathen have come / into your / heritage; //
your holy temple have they defiled
and made Je/rusalem a / heap of / stones.
2 The dead bodies of your servants they have given
to be food for the / birds of the / air, //
and the flesh of your / faithful · to the / beasts of the / field.
3 Their blood have they shed like water
on every / side of Je/rusalem, //
and / there was / no one to / bury them.
4 We have become the / taunt of our / neighbours, //
the scorn and derision of / those that are / round a/bout us.
5 Lord, how long will you be / angry, for / ever? //
How long will your jealous / fury / blaze like / fire?
6 Pour out your wrath upon the nations that / have not / known you, //
and upon the kingdoms that have not / called up/on your / name.
7 For they have de/voured / Jacob //
and / laid / waste his / dwelling place. [ and / laid waste · his / dwelling / place. (?) ]
8 Remember not against us our / former / sins; //
let your compassion make haste to meet us,
for / we are brought / very / low.
9 Help us, O God of our salvation, for the / glory · of your / name; //
deliver us, and wipe away our sins / for your / name's / sake.
10 Why should the / heathen / say, //
'Where is / now / their / God?'
10 Why / should the / heathen // say, /
'Where is / now their / God?' ]
11 Let vengeance for your servants' / blood · that is / shed //
be known among the / nations / in our / sight.
12 Let the sorrowful sighing of the prisoners / come be/fore you, //
and by your mighty arm
preserve those / who are con/demned to / die.
13 May the taunts with which our neighbours / taunted you, / Lord, //
return / sevenfold / into their / bosom.
14 But we that are your people and the sheep of your pasture
will give you / thanks for / ever, //
and tell of your praise from gene/ration to / gene/ration.
RSCM CW Psalter--No.107. |
1 Hear, O / Shepherd of / Israel, //
you that led / Joseph / like a / flock;
2 Shine forth, you that are enthroned up/on the / cherubim, //
before Ephraim, / Benjamin and Ma/nasseh.
3 Stir up your / mighty / strength //
and / come to / our sal/vation.
show the light of your countenance, / and we / shall be / saved.
5 O Lord / God of / hosts, //
how long will you be / angry · at your / people's / prayer?
6 You feed them with the / bread of / tears; //
you give them a/bundance of / tears to / drink.
7 You have made us the de/rision · of our / neighbours, //
and our / enemies / laugh us to / scorn.
show the light of your countenance, / and we / shall be / saved.
9 You brought a / vine · out of / Egypt; //
you drove / out the / nations and / planted it.
10 You made / room a/round it, //
and when it had taken / root, it / filled the / land.
11 The hills were / covered · with its / shadow //
and the cedars of / God / by its / boughs.
12 It stretched out its / branches · to the / Sea //
and its / tendrils / to the / River.
13 Why then have you broken / down its / wall, //
so that all who pass / by pluck / off its / grapes?
14 The wild boar out of the wood / tears it / off, //
and all the / insects · of the / field de/vour it.
15 Turn again, O / God of / hosts, //
look down from / heaven / and be/hold;
16 Cherish this vine which your / right hand has / planted, //
and the branch that you / made so / strong for your/self.
17 Let those who burnt it with fire, who / cut it / down, //
perish / at the re/buke · of your / countenance.
18 Let your hand be upon the / man · at your / right hand, //
the son of man you / made so / strong · for your/self.
19 And so will we / not go / back from you; //
give us life, and we shall / call up/on your / name.
show the light of your countenance, / and we / shall be / saved.
RSCM CW Psalter--No.108. |
1 Sing merrily to / God our / strength, //
shout for / joy · to the / God of / Jacob.
2 Take up the song and / sound the / timbrel, //
the tuneful / lyre / with the / harp.
3 Blow the trumpet at the / new / moon, //
as at the full moon, up/on our / solemn / feast day.
4 For this is a / statute for / Israel, //
a / law · of the / God of / Jacob,
when they came / out of the / land of / Egypt.
RSCM CW Psalter--No.109. |
6 I heard a voice I did not / know, that / said: //
'I eased their shoulder from the burden;
their hands were set / free from / bearing the / load.
7 'You called upon me in trouble and / I de/livered you; //
I answered you from the secret place of thunder
and proved you / at the / waters of / Meribah.
8 'Hear, O my people, and I / will ad/monish you: //
O Israel, if you / would but / listen to / me!
9 'There shall be no strange / god a/mong you; //
you shall not / worship a / foreign / god.
10 'I am the Lord your God,
who brought you up from the / land of / Egypt; //
open your mouth / wide and / I shall / fill it.'
11 But my people would not / hear my / voice //
and / Israel would / not o/bey me.
12 So I sent them away in the stubbornness / of their / hearts, //
and let them walk / after their / own / counsels.
13 O that my people would / listen to / me, //
that / Israel would / walk · in my / ways!
14 Then I should soon put / down their / enemies //
and turn my / hand a/gainst their / adversaries.
15 Those who hate the Lord would be / humbled be/fore him, //
and their / punishment would / last for / ever.
16 But Israel would I feed with the / finest / wheat //
and with honey / from the / rock · would I / satisfy them.
RSCM CW Psalter--No.110. |
1 God has taken his stand in the / council of / heaven; //
in the midst of the / gods / he gives / judgement:
2 'How long will you / judge / unjustly //
and show such / favour / to the / wicked?
3 'You were to judge the / weak · and the / orphan; //
defend the / right · of the / humble and / needy;
4 'Rescue the / weak · and the / poor; //
deliver them / from the / hand of the / wicked.
5 'They have no knowledge or wisdom;
they walk on / still in / darkness: //
all the foun/dations · of the / earth are / shaken.
6 'Therefore I say that though / you are / gods //
and all of you / children · of the / Most / High,
7 'Nevertheless, you shall / die like / mortals //
and / fall like / one of their / princes.'
8 Arise, O God and / judge the / earth, //
for it is you that shall take all / nations for / your pos/session.
RSCM CW Psalter--No.111. |
1 Hold not your peace, O God, do / not keep / silent; //
be / not un/moved, O / God;
2 For your enemies / are in / tumult //
and those who / hate you / lift up their / heads.
3 They take secret counsel a/gainst your / people //
and plot against / those / whom you / treasure. [ and plot a/gainst those / whom you / treasure.]
4 They say, 'Come, let us destroy them / as a / nation, //
that the name of Israel / be re/membered no / more.'
5 They have conspired together / with one / mind; //
they / are in / league a/gainst you:
6,7. The tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites, /
Moab · and the / Hagarenes, //
Gebal and Ammon and Amalek,
the Philistines and / those who / dwell in / Tyre.
and has lent a strong / arm · to the / children of / Lot.
9 Do to them as you / did to / Midian, //
to Sisera and to Jabin / at the / river of / Kishon,
10 Who / perished at / Endor //
and be/came as / dung · for the / earth.
11 Make their commanders like / Oreb and / Zeëb, //
and all their princes like / Zebah / and Zal/munna,
12 Who said, 'Let us / take · for our/selves //
the pastures of / God as / our pos/ session.'
13 O my God, / make them like / thistledown, //
like / chaff be/fore the / wind.
14 Like fire that con/sumes a /forest, //
like the / flame · that sets / mountains / ablaze,
15 So drive them / with your / tempest //
and dis/may them / with your / storm.
16 Cover their faces with / shame, O / Lord, //
that / they may / seek your / name.
17 Let them be disgraced and dis/mayed for / ever; //
let them be / put to con/fusion and / perish;
18 And they shall know that you, whose / name is the / Lord, //
are alone the Most High / over / all the / earth.
RSCM CW Psalter--No.112. |
1 How lovely is your dwelling place, O / Lord of / hosts! //
My soul has a desire and longing to enter the courts of the Lord;
my heart and my flesh re/joice · in the / living / God.
2 The sparrow has found her a house
and the swallow a nest where she may / lay her / young: //
at your altars, O Lord of / hosts, my / King · and my / God.
3 Blessed are they who / dwell in your / house: //
they will / always be / praising / you.
4 Blessed are those whose / strength is in / you, //
in whose / heart · are the / highways to / Zion,
5 Who going through the barren valley find / there a / spring, //
and the early / rains will / clothe it with / blessing.
6 They will go from / strength to / strength //
and ap/pear before / God in / Zion.
7 O Lord God of hosts, / hear my / prayer; //
listen, O / God / of / Jacob. [ listen, / O God / of / Jacob.]
8 Behold our de/fender, O / God, //
and look upon the / face of / your a/nointed.
9 For one day / in your / courts //
is / better / than a / thousand.
10 I would rather be a doorkeeper in the / house of my / God //
than / dwell · in the tents / of un/godliness.
11 For the Lord God is both sun and shield;
he will give / grace and / glory; //
no good thing shall the Lord withhold
from / those who / walk · with in/tegrity.
12 O Lord / God of / hosts, //
blessed are those who / put their / trust in / you.
RSCM CW Psalter--No 113. |
1 Lord, you were gracious / to your / land; //
you re/stored the / fortunes of / Jacob.
2 You forgave the of/fence of your / people //
and / covered / all their / sins.
and turned from your / wrathful / indig/nation.
4 Restore us again, O / God our / Saviour, //
and / let your / anger / cease from us.
5 Will you be displeased with / us for / ever? //
Will you stretch out your wrath from one gene/ration / to an/other?
6 Will you not give us / life a/gain, //
that your people / may re/joice in /you? [ that your / people / may re/joice in you? ]
7 Show us your / mercy, O / Lord, //
and / grant us / your sal/vation.
8 I will listen to what the Lord / God will / say, //
for he shall speak peace to his people and to the faithful,
that they / turn not a/gain to / folly.
9 Truly, his salvation is near to / those who / fear him, //
that his / glory may / dwell · in our / land.
10 Mercy and truth are / met to/gether, //
righteousness and / peace have / kissed each / other;
11 Truth shall spring / up · from the / earth //
and / righteousness look / down from / heaven.
12 The Lord will indeed give / all that is / good, //
and our / land will / yield its / increase.
13 Righteousness shall / go be/fore him //
and di/rect his / steps · in the /way.
RSCM CW Psalter--No 114. |
1 Incline your ear, O / Lord, and / answer me, //
for I am / poor / and in / misery.
2 Preserve my soul, for / I am / faithful; //
save your servant, for I / put my / trust in / you.
3 Be merciful to me, O Lord, for / you are my / God; //
I call up/on you / all the day / long.
4 Gladden the / soul of your / servant, //
for to you, O / Lord, I / lift up my / soul.
abounding in steadfast love to / all who / call up/on you.
6 Give ear, O / Lord, · to my / prayer //
and listen to the / voice of my / suppli/cation.
7 In the day of my distress I will / call up/on you, //
for / you will / answer / me.
8 Among the gods there is none like / you, O / Lord, //
nor / any / works like / yours.
9 All nations you have made shall come and / worship · you, O / Lord, //
and shall / glori/fy your / name.
10 For you are great and do / wonderful / things; //
you a/lone / are / God. [ for / you a/lone are / God.]
11 Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will / walk in your / truth; //
knit my heart to you, that / I may / fear your / name.
12 I will thank you, O Lord my God, with / all my / heart, //
and glorify your / name for / ever/more;
13 For great is your steadfast / love to/wards me, //
for you have delivered my / soul · from the / depths of the / grave.
14 O God, the proud rise up against me
and a ruthless horde seek / after my / life; //
they have not / set you be/fore their / eyes.
15 But you, Lord, are gracious and / full of com/passion, //
slow to anger and / full of / kindness and / truth.
16 Turn to me and have / mercy up/on me; //
give your strength to your servant
and / save the / child · of your / handmaid.
17 Show me a token of your favour,
that those who hate me may see it and / be a/shamed; //
because you, O / Lord, have / helped and / comforted me.
RSCM CW Psalter--No.115. | | or perhaps -- THIS hymn |
1 His foundation is on the / holy / mountains. //
The Lord loves the gates of Zion
more than / all the / dwellings of / Jacob.
2 Glorious things are / spoken of / you, //
Zion, / city / of our / God.
3 I record Egypt and Babylon as / those who / know me; //
behold Philistia, Tyre and Ethiopia:
in / Zion / were they / born.
4 And of Zion it shall be said, / 'Each one was / born in her, //
and the Most / High him/ self has es/tablished her.'
5 The Lord will record as he / writes up the / peoples, //
'This one / also was / born / there.' [better fit wording: That / this one / also was / born there. ]
6 And as they dance / they shall / sing, //
'All my / fresh / springs are / in you.' [ 'All / my fresh / springs are / in you.' ]
RSCM CW Psalter--No.116. |
1 O Lord, God of / my / salvation, //
I have cried / day and / night be/fore you.
2 Let my prayer come / into your / presence; //
in/cline your / ear · to my / cry.
3 For my soul is / full of / troubles; //
my life draws / near · to the / land of / death.
4 I am counted as one / gone down to the / Pit; //
I am like / one that / has no / strength,
5 Lost a/mong the / dead, //
like the / slain who / lie in the / grave,
6 Whom you re/member no / more, //
for / they are / cut off · from your / hand.
7 You have laid me in the / lowest / pit, //
in a place of / darkness / in the a/byss.
8 Your anger lies / heavy up/on me, //
and you have af/flicted me with / all your / waves.
9 You have put my / friends / far from me //
and made me to / be ab/horred / by them.
10 I am so fast in prison that I / cannot get / free; //
my eyes / fail from / all my / trouble.
11 Lord, I have called / daily up/on you; //
I have stretched / out my / hands / to you. [ I stretch / out my / hand to/ward you.]
12 Do you work wonders / for the / dead? //
Will the / shades stand / up and / praise you?
13 Shall your loving-kindness be de/clared · in the / grave, //
your faithfulness / in the / land · of des/truction?
14 Shall your wonders be / known · in the / dark //
or your righteous deeds in the / land where / all is for/gotten?
15 But as for me, O Lord, / I will / cry to you; //
early in the morning my / prayer shall / come be/fore you.
16 Lord, why have you re/jected my / soul? //
Why have you / hidden your / face / from me? [ Why / have you / hidden your / face from me?]
17 I have been wretched and at the point of death / from my / youth; //
I suffer your terrors / and am / no more / seen.
18 Your / wrath sweeps / over me; //
your / horrors are / come · to des/troy me;
19 All day long they come a/bout me like / water; //
they close me / in on / every / side.
20 Lover and friend have / you put / far from me //
and hid my com/panions / out of my / sight.
RSCM CW Psalter--No.117. |
1 My song shall be always of the loving-kindness / of the / Lord: //
with my mouth will I proclaim your faithfulness
through/out all / gene/rations.
2 I will declare that your love is es/tablished for / ever; //
you have set your faithfulness as / firm / as the / heavens. [ you have set your / faithfulness as / firm as the / heavens.]
3 For you said: 'I have made a covenant / with my / chosen one; //
I have sworn an / oath to / David my / servant:
4 ' "Your seed will I es/tablish for / ever //
and build up your throne for / all / gene/rations." '
5 The heavens praise your / wonders, O / Lord, //
and your faithfulness in the as/sembly / of the / holy ones;
6 For who among the clouds can be com/pared to the / Lord? //
Who is like the Lord a/mong the / host of / heaven?
7 A God feared in the / council · of the / holy ones, //
great and terrible above / all those / round a/bout him.
8 Who is like you, Lord / God of / hosts? //
Mighty Lord, your / faithfulness is / all a/round you.
9 You rule the / raging · of the / sea; //
you still its / waves when / they a/rise.
10 You crushed Rahab with a / deadly / wound //
and scattered your enemies / with your / mighty / arm.
11 Yours are the heavens; the earth / also is / yours; //
you established the / world and / all that / fills it.
12 You created the / north · and the / south; //
Tabor and Hermon re/joice / in your / name.
13 You have a / mighty / arm; //
strong is your hand and / high is / your right / hand.
14 Righteousness and justice are the foun/dation of your / throne; //
steadfast love and faithfulness / go be/fore your / face.
15 Happy are the people who know the / shout of / triumph: //
they walk, O / Lord, · in the / light of your / countenance.
16 In your name they rejoice / all the day / long //
and are ex/alted / in your / righteousness.
17 For you are the / glory of their / strength, //
and in your favour / you lift / up our / heads. [ and in your / favour you / lift · up our / heads.]
18 Truly the / Lord · is our / shield; //
the Holy One of / Israel / is our / king.
19 You spoke once in a vision and said to your / faithful / people: //
'I have set a youth above the mighty;
I have raised a / young man / over the / people.
20 'I have found / David my / servant; //
with my holy / oil have / I a/nointed him.
21 'My hand shall / hold him / fast //
and my / arm shall / strengthen / him.
22 'No enemy / shall de/ceive him, //
nor any / wicked / person af/flict him.
23 'I will strike down his foes be/fore his / face //
and / beat down / those that / hate him.
24 'My truth also and my steadfast love / shall be / with him, //
and in my / name · shall his / head be ex/alted.
25 I will set his dominion up/on the / sea //
and his / right hand up/on the / rivers.
26 'He shall call to me,/ "You are my / Father, //
my God, and the / rock of / my sal/vation;"
the most high a/bove the / kings · of the / earth.
28 'The love I have pledged to him will I / keep for / ever, //
and my covenant / will stand / fast with / him. [ and my / covenant / will stand / fast with him.]
29 'His seed also will I make to / endure for / ever //
and his / throne · as the / days of / heaven.
30 'But if his children for/sake my / law //
and / cease to / walk in my / judgements,
31,32. 'If they break my statutes
and do not / keep my com/mandments, //
'I will punish their offences with a rod
/ and their / sin with / scourges.
33 'But I will not take from him my / steadfast / love //
nor / suffer my / truth to / fail.
34 'My covenant will / I not / break //
nor alter / what has gone / out of my / lips.
35 'Once for all have I / sworn · by my / holiness //
that I will / not prove / false to / David.
36 'His seed shall en/dure for / ever //
and his / throne · as the / sun be/fore me;
the enduring / witness / in the / heavens.'
38 But you have cast off and rejected / your a/nointed; //
you have / shown fierce / anger a/gainst him.
39 You have broken the covenant / with your / servant, //
and have / cast his / crown · to the / dust.
40 You have broken down / all his / walls //
and laid his / strongholds in / ruins.
41 All who pass / by de/spoil him, //
and he has be/come the / scorn · of his / neighbours.
42 You have exalted the right hand / of his / foes //
and made / all his / enemies re/joice.
43 You have turned back the / edge of his / sword //
and have / not up/held him in / battle.
44 You have made an / end of his / radiance //
and / cast his / throne · to the / ground.
45 You have cut short the / days of his / youth //
and have / covered / him with / shame.
46 How long will you hide yourself so / utterly, O / Lord? //
How long shall your / anger / burn like / fire?
47 Remember how / short my / time is, //
how frail you have / made all / mortal / flesh.
48 Which of the living shall / not see / death, //
and shall deliver their / soul · from the / power of / darkness?
49 Where, O Lord, is your steadfast / love of / old, //
which you swore to / David / in your / faithfulness?
50 Remember, O Lord, how your / servant is / scorned, //
how I bear in my bosom the / taunts of / many / peoples,
51 While your enemies / mock, O / Lord, //
while they mock the / footsteps of / your a/nointed.
A/men and / A/men.
RSCM CW Psalter--No.119. |
1 Lord, you have / been our / refuge //
from one gene/ration / to an/other.
2 Before the mountains were brought forth,
or the earth and the / world were / formed, //
from everlasting to ever/lasting / you are / God.
3 You turn us back to / dust and / say: //
'Turn / back, O / children of / earth.'
4 For a thousand years in your sight are / but as / yesterday, //
which passes / like a / watch · in the / night.
5 You sweep them away / like a / dream; //
they fade away / suddenly / like the / grass.
6 In the morning it is / green and / flourishes; //
in the evening it is / dried / up and / withered. [ in the / evening · it is / dried up and / withered.]
7 For we consume away in / your dis/pleasure; //
we are afraid at your / wrathful / indig/nation.
8 You have set our mis/ deeds be/fore you //
and our secret / sins · in the / light of your / countenance.
9 When you are angry, all our / days are / gone; //
our years come to an / end / like a / sigh. [Better (ASB): and our years / pass a/way · like a / sigh.]
10 The days of our life are three score years and ten,
or if our strength endures, / even / four score; //
yet the sum of them is but labour and sorrow,
for they soon pass a/way and / we are / gone.
11 Who regards the / power of your / wrath //
and your indig/nation like / those who / fear you?
12 So teach us to number our days //
that we may ap/ply our / hearts to / wisdom.
13 Turn again, O Lord; how long will / you de/lay? //
Have com/passion / on your / servants.
14 Satisfy us with your loving-kindness / in the / morning, //
that we may rejoice and be / glad / all our / days. [Better (ASB): that all our days we / may re/joice and / sing.]
15 Give us gladness for the days / you have af/flicted us, //
and for the years in which / we have / seen ad/versity.
16 Show your / servants your / works, //
and let your / glory be / over their / children.
prosper our handiwork; O / prosper the / work · of our / hands.
RSCM CW Psalter--No.120. |
1 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the / Most / High // [ Whoever dwells in the / shelter of the · Most / High // ]
and abides under the / shadow / of the / Almighty,
2 Shall say to the Lord, 'My refuge / and my / stronghold, //
my God, in / whom I / put my / trust.'
3 For he shall deliver you from the / snare of the / fowler //
and / from the / deadly / pestilence.
4 He shall cover you with his wings
and you shall be safe / under his / feathers; //
his faithfulness shall / be your / shield and / buckler.
5 You shall not be afraid of any / terror by / night, //
nor of the / arrow that / flies by / day;
6 Of the pestilence that / stalks in / darkness, //
nor of the / sickness · that des/troys at / noonday.
7 Though a thousand fall at your side
and ten thousand at / your right / hand, //
yet / it shall / not come / near you.
8 Your eyes have / only · to be/hold //
to / see the re/ward · of the / wicked.
9 Because you have made the / Lord your / refuge //
and the / Most / High your / stronghold,
9 The Lord him/self · is your / refuge: //
you have / made the · Most / High your / stronghold. ]
10 There shall no evil / happen to / you, //
neither shall any / plague come / near your / tent.
11 For he shall give his angels / charge / over you, //
to / keep you in / all your / ways.
12 They shall bear you / in their / hands, //
lest you dash your / foot a/gainst a / stone.
the young lion and the serpent you shall / trample / under/foot.
14 Because they have set their love upon me,
therefore will / I de/liver them; //
I will lift them up, be/cause they / know my / name.
15 They will call upon me and / I will / answer them; //
I am with them in trouble,
I will de/liver them and / bring them to / honour.
and / show them / my sal/vation.
RSCM CW Psalter--No.121. |
1 It is a good thing to give / thanks · to the / Lord //
and to sing praises to your / name, / O Most / High;
2 To tell of your love / early · in the / morning //
and of your / faithfulness / in the / night-time,
3 Upon the ten-stringed instrument, up/on the / harp, //
and to the / melody / of the / lyre.
4 For you, Lord, have made me / glad · by your / acts, //
and I sing a/loud · at the / works of your / hands.
Your / thoughts are / very / deep.
6 The senseless / do not / know, //
nor do / fools / under/stand, [ and the / fool · cannot / under/stand,]
7 That though the wicked / sprout like / grass //
and all the / workers · of in/iquity / flourish,
8 It is only to be des/troyed for / ever; //
but you, O Lord, shall be ex/ alted for / ever/more.
9 For lo, your enemies, O Lord,
lo, your / enemies shall / perish, //
and all the workers of in/iquity / shall be / scattered.
10 But my horn you have exalted
like the horns of / wild / oxen; //
I am a/nointed with / fresh / oil. [ I am a/nointed / with fresh / oil.]
11 My eyes will look / down on my / foes; //
my ears shall hear the ruin of the evildoers
/ who rise / up a/gainst me.
12 The righteous shall / flourish · like a / palm tree, //
and shall spread a/broad · like a / cedar of / Lebanon.
13 Such as are planted in the / house of the / Lord //
shall / flourish · in the / courts of our / God.
14 They shall still bear fruit in / old / age; //
they shall be vigorous / and in / full / leaf; [ they shall be / vigorous and / in full / leaf; ]
15 That they may show that the /Lord is / true; //
he is my rock,
and there is / no un/righteousness / in him.
RSCM CW Psalter--No.122. |
1 The Lord is king and has put on / glorious ap/parel; //
the Lord has put on his glory
and / girded him/self with / strength.
2 He has made the whole / world so / sure //
that / it can/not be / moved.
3 Your throne has been es/tablished · from of / old; //
you / are from / ever/lasting.
4 The floods have lifted up, O Lord,
the floods have lifted / up their / voice; //
the floods lift / up their / pounding / waves.
5 Mightier than the thunder of many waters,
mightier than the / breakers · of the / sea, //
the / Lord on / high is / mightier.
6 Your testimonies are / very / sure; //
holiness adorns your / house, O / Lord, for / ever.
RSCM CW Psalter--No.123. |
1 Lord God to whom / vengeance be/longs, //
O God to whom vengeance be/longs, shine / out in / majesty.
2 Rise up, O / Judge · of the / earth; //
give the / arrogant their / just de/serts.
3 Lord, how / long · shall the / wicked, //
how / long · shall the / wicked / triumph?
4 How long shall the evil/doers / boast //
and pour / out such / impudent / words?
5,6. They crush your people, O Lord,
and af/flict your / heritage. //
They murder the widow and the stranger;
the / orphans they / put to / death.
7 And yet they say, 'The / Lord · will not / see, //
neither shall the / God of / Jacob re/gard it.'
8 Consider, most / stupid of / people; //
you fools, / when will you / under/stand?
9 He that planted the ear, shall / he not / hear? //
He that formed the / eye, shall / he not / see?
10 He who corrects the nations, shall / he not / punish? //
He who teaches the / peoples, does / he lack / knowledge?
11 The Lord knows every / human / thought, //
that / they are / but a / breath.
12 Blessed are those whom you / chasten, O / Lord, //
whom / you in/struct · from your / law;
13 That you may give them rest in / days of ad/versity, //
until a / pit is / dug · for the / wicked.
14 For the Lord will not / fail his / people, //
neither will / he for/sake · his in/heritance.
15 For justice shall re/turn · to the / righteous, //
and all that are / true of / heart shall / follow it.
16 Who will rise up for me a/gainst the / wicked? //
Who will take my part a/gainst the / evil/doers?
17 If the Lord / had not / helped me, //
my soul would / soon · have been / put to / silence.
18 And when I said, 'My / foot has / slipped', //
your loving / mercy, O / Lord, up/held me.
19 In the multitude of cares that / troubled my / heart, //
your comforts / have re/freshed my /soul.
20 Will you have anything to do with the / throne of / wickedness, //
which fashions / evil / through its / law?
21 They gather together against the / life · of the / righteous //
and con/demn the / innocent to / death.
22 But the Lord has be/come my / stronghold //
and my / God the / rock of my / trust.
23 He will turn against them their own wickedness
and silence them through their / own / malice; // [ ..... through / their · own / malice, ]
the Lord our / God will / put them to / silence.
ASB Psalter--No.1. | ![]() |
ASB Psalter--No.2. | ![]() |
ASB Psalter--No.3. | ![]() ![]() |
ASB Psalter--No.5. | ![]() ![]() |
PSALM 95 -- RSCM CW Psalter--No.124. | ![]() ![]() |
Book of Common Prayer |
ASB Psalter |
RSCM Common Worship Psalter |
(salisbury psalter ... ) 1 O come, let us / sing un·to the / Lord:
// 2 Let us come before his / presence · with / thanksgiving:
// 3 For the Lord / is a · great / God: // 4 In his hand are all the / corners · of the / earth: // 5 6 O come, let us worship / and fall / down: // 7 For he is the / Lord our / God: // (... new parish psalter ... ) 8 To-day if ye will hear his voice, harden / not your / hearts: // 9 When your fathers / tempted / me: // 10 Forty years long was I grieved with this gene/ration, and / said: // 11 Unto whom I / sware · in my / wrath : that they should not / enter / into my / rest. Glory be to the Father, and / to the / Son:
// as it was in the beginning, is now, and / ever / shall be:
// |
1 O come let us sing / out · to the / Lord: // 2 Let us come before his / face with / thanksgiving: // 3 For the Lord / is a · great / God: // 4 In his hands are the / depths · of the / earth: // 5 6 Come let us worship / and bow / down: // 7 For he is the / Lord our / God: // 8 If only you would hear his / voice to/day: // 9 He shall judge the / world with / righteousness: // Glory to the Father and / to the Son: // as it was in the be/ginning is / now: // |
1 O come, let us / sing · to the / Lord; // 2 Let us come into his / presence with / thanksgiving // 3 For the Lord is a / great / God // 4 In his hand are the / depths · of the / earth // 5 6 Come, let us worship and / bow / down // 7 For / he is our / God; // 8 O that today you would / listen · to his / voice: // 9 'When your forebears tested me, and / put me · to the / proof, // 10 'Forty years long I detested that gene/ration and / said, // 11 'So I / swore · in my / wrath, // |
RSCM CW Psalter--No. 125. |
1 Sing to the Lord a / new / song; //
sing to the / Lord, / all the / earth.
2 Sing to the Lord and / bless his / name; //
tell out his sal/vation from / day to / day.
3 Declare his glory a/mong the / nations //
and his / wonders a/mong all / peoples.
4 For great is the Lord and / greatly · to be / praised; //
he is more to be / feared than / all / gods.
5 For all the gods of the nations / are but / idols; //
it is the / Lord who / made the / heavens.
6 Honour and majesty / are be/fore him; //
power and / splendour are / in his / sanctuary.
7 Ascribe to the Lord, you families / of the / peoples; //
ascribe to the / Lord / honour and / strength.
8 Ascribe to the Lord the honour / due to his / name; //
bring offerings and / come in/to his / courts.
9 O worship the Lord in the / beauty of / holiness; //
let the / whole earth / tremble be/fore him.
10 Tell it out among the nations that the / Lord is / king. //
He has made the world so firm that it cannot be moved;
he will / judge the / peoples with / equity.
11 Let the heavens rejoice and let the / earth be / glad; //
let the sea / thunder and / all · that is / in it;
12 Let the fields be joyful and / all · that is / in them; //
let all the trees of the wood shout for / joy be/fore the / Lord.
with righteousness he will judge the world
and the / peoples / with his / truth.
RSCM CW Psalter--No.126. |
1 The Lord is king: let the / earth re/joice; //
let the multitude / of the / isles be / glad.
2 Clouds and darkness are / round a/bout him; //
righteousness and justice are the foun/dation / of his / throne.
3 Fire / goes be/fore him //
and burns up his / enemies on / every / side.
4 His lightnings / lit up the / world; //
the / earth / saw it and / trembled.
5 The mountains melted like wax at the / presence · of the / Lord, //
at the presence of the / Lord · of the / whole / earth.
6 The heavens de/clared his / righteousness, //
and all the / peoples have /seen his / glory.
7 Confounded be all who worship carved images
and delight in / mere / idols. // [ and de/light in mere / idols.]
Bow down be/fore him, / all you / gods.
8 Zion heard and was glad, and the daughters of / Judah re/joiced, //
be/cause of your / judgements, O / Lord.
9 For you, Lord, are most high over / all the / earth; //
you are exalted / far a/bove all / gods.
10 The Lord loves / those who hate / evil; //
he preserves the lives of his faithful
and delivers them / from the / hand · of the / wicked.
11 Light has sprung / up · for the / righteous //
and / joy · for the / true of / heart.
12 Rejoice in the / Lord, you / righteous, //
and give / thanks · to his / holy / name.
RSCM CW Psalter--No. 127. |
1 Sing to the Lord a / new / song, //
for / he · has done / marvellous / things.
2 His own right hand and his / holy / arm //
have / won for / him the / victory.
3 The Lord has made / known · his sal/vation; //
his deliverance has he openly / shown · in the / sight of the / nations.
4 He has remembered his mercy and faithfulness
towards the / house of / Israel, //
and all the ends of the earth have seen the sal/vation / of our / God.
5 Sound praises to the Lord, / all the / earth; //
break into / singing / and make / music.
6 Make music to the / Lord · with the / lyre, //
with the / lyre · and the / voice of / melody.
7 With trumpets and the / sound of the / horn //
sound praises be/fore the / Lord, the / King.
8 Let the sea thunder and / all that / fills it, //
the world and / all that / dwell up/on it.
9 Let the rivers / clap their / hands //
and let the hills ring out together before the Lord,
for he / comes to / judge the / earth.
10 In righteousness shall he / judge the / world //
and the / peoples / with / equity.
RSCM CW Psalter--No. 128. |
1 The Lord is king: let the / peoples / tremble; //
he is enthroned above the cherubim: / let the / earth / shake.
2 The Lord is / great in / Zion //
and / high a/bove all / peoples.
3 Let them praise your name, which is / great and / awesome; //
the / Lord our / God is / holy.
4 Mighty king, who loves justice,
you have es/tablished / equity; //
you have executed / justice and / righteousness in / Jacob.
bow down before his / footstool, for / he is / holy.
6 Moses and Aaron among his priests
and Samuel among those who / call upon his / name; //
they called upon the / Lord / and he / answered them.
7 He spoke to them out of the / pillar of / cloud; //
they kept his testimonies / and the / law · that he / gave them.
8 You answered them, O / Lord our / God; //
you were a God who forgave them
and / pardoned · them for / their of/fences.
for the / Lord our / God is / holy.
ASB Psalter--No.9. | ![]()
ASB Psalter--No.10. | ![]()
RSCM CW Psalter--No.207. | ![]()
RSCM CW Psalter--No.208. | ![]()
PSALM 100 -- RSCM CW Psalter--No.129. | ![]()
| |
New Parish Psalter (BCP) |
ASB Psalter |
RSCM Common Worship Psalter |
1 O be joyful in the Lord, / all ye / lands: // 2
Be ye sure that the Lord he is God: // 3
O go your way into his gates with thanksgiving,
and into his / courts with / praise: // 4
For the Lord is gracious, his mercy is / ever/lasting: // Glory be to the Father, and / to the / Son:
// as it was in the beginning, is now, and / ever / shall be:
// |
1 O shout to the Lord in triumph / all the / earth: // 2 Know that the Lord / he is / God: // 3 Come unto his gates with thanksgiving and into his / courts with / praise: // 4 For the Lord is good, his loving mercy / is for / ever: // Glory to the Father and / to the Son: // as it was in the be/ginning is / now: // |
1 O be joyful in the Lord, / all the / earth; // 2 Know that the / Lord is / God; // 3 Enter his gates with thanksgiving
and his / courts with / praise; // 4 For the Lord is gracious; his steadfast love is / ever/lasting, // Glory
to the Father and / to the / Son // as
it was in the be/ginning is / now // |