katapi bible resource pages
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COMMON WORSHIP LECTIONARY (with Bible Version & Lectionary Year Selection Options, Common Worship Psalms, CCP Canticles for Principal Service & Festivals.
REVISED COMMON LECTIONARY -- Years A, B, C, and Holy Days according to the use of the Episcopal Church.
MORNING PRAYER (BCP) ... with lectionary selection for lessons thoughout the year, also with sung responses, canticles and anthems from choirs around the world!
EVENING PRAYER (BCP) ... with lectionary selection for lessons thoughout the year, also with sung responses, canticles and anthems from choirs around the world!
TO BE A PILGRIM - first steps on the Christian journey—helps along the way.
..... more along the way..... | accentuate the positive | what the world needs now | psalm 51 | what FAITH is | Bread of Life |
HOLY LAND PANORAMAS: Jerusalem-Old City | Mount of Olives | ... but these panaramas were designed before Android was even thought of. So links not working on Android devices!
- liturgy -

katapi NEW STUDY BIBLE  with interactive study aids: Tip: Google based browsers have problems printing frames. For best printing, right-click on the bible link, and select 'Open link in new tab.'
HOLY BIBLE select-a-version PLAIN TEXT (no cross-references). (Includes Apocrypha-Deuterocanonical books in the KJV(AV), KNSB, and RSV.)
PARALLEL HOLY BIBLE select-2-versions (default version 2 — source language). (Default: NEW! katapi New Standard Bible) Includes Apocrypha-Deuterocanonical books in the KJV(AV), KNSB, and RSV.)
THE NEW ENGLISH BIBLE - full Canonical text (OT/NT).
THE BIBLE IN ORDER OF WRITING: OLD TESTAMENT | NEW TESTAMENT | (with version selection option), based upon The Bible in Order. Ed: J Rhymer, first published DLT 1975.
EUSEBIAN e-CANON Table. Synopsis of the Gospels. Sort by bible version, and compare 1-4 parallel passages side-by-side.
THE (BHS) HEBREW-ENGLISH & INTERLINEAR (ESV) OLD TESTAMENT (pdf): - with selection by book and selected passages ordered by OT | BHS canon. Otherwise as published at the Internet Archive.
OLD TESTAMENT IN GREEK (Swete)—NEW ENGLISH TRANSLATION COMPARED - pdf pages iframed in parallel from the Internet Archive with selection by Book.
THE OLD TESTAMENT IN GREEK—ENGLISH INTERLINEAR - (but only Gen to Malachi) - pdf with selection by book, otherwise as published at the Internet Archive.
PARALLEL OLD TESTAMENT IN GREEK AND ENGLISH (BRENTON) - (but only Gen to Malachi) - pdf with selection by book, otherwise as published at the Internet Archive.
THE OLD TESTAMENT IN GREEK by H B Swete DD - (pdf: with selection by book, otherwise as published at the Internet Archive )
| Volume 1: Genesis to 4 Kingdoms | Volume 2: 1 Chronicles to Tobit | Volume 3: Hosea to 4 Maccabees, Psalms of Solomon, Enoch, the Odes. |
THE INTERLINEAR GREEK-ENGLISH NEW TESTAMENT - pdf with select by book, otherwise as published at the Internet Archive.
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- bible -

light of the world

BIBLE & SPADE (Illustrated) by S L Caiger. First published Oxford University Press 1936.
OUR BIBLE AND THE ANCIENT MANUSCRIPTS (Illustrated with links to available digital mss & transcripts) by Sir Frederick Kenyon. (1895). 5th edition 1958, newly updated 2022.
by Philip Carrington, Archbishop of Quebec. (Illustrated.) First Published by Cambridge University Press, 1957.
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archaeology & history
THE BIRTH OF THE NEW TESTAMENT: by C.F.D. Moule, Lady Margaret's Professor of Divinity in the University of Cambridge. First published 1962.
COMPANION TO THE NEW TESTAMENT (NEB) by A E Harvey. First published OUP, CUP, 1970. (Although written for the NEB, This is an excellent general purpose commentary for New Testament studies. (illustrated & cross-referenced))
INTRODUCTION to the Books of the OLD TESTAMENT by Oesterley & Robinson. First published SPCK 1934.
INTRODUCTION to the Books of the APOCRYPHA by W O E Oesterley. First published SPCK 1935.
A HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION to the NEW TESTAMENT by Robert M Grant. First published by Collin's 1963.
INTRODUCTION to the NEW TESTAMENT by A H McNeile. First published Oxford University Press 1927.
THE TEXT OF THE GREEK BIBLE - a student's handbook (illustrated); by F G Kenyon. First published 1937. New Edition 1949. Reprinted 1953.
THE FOUR GOSPELS - a study of origins, by B H Streeter. First published by MacMillan & Co Ltd, 1924.
THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST by Père M-J Lagrange. First published by Burns Oates & Washbourne Ltd 1938.
THE LIFE OF CHRIST - COMMENTARY NOTES ON THE GOSPELS - by H A Guy. First published by Macmillan Education Ltd, 1951. Now with bible version selection, scripture cross-references, and interactive links to the katapi Bible Atlas.
The RIDDLE of the NEW TESTAMENT - by Sir Edwyn Hoskyns & Noel Davey. First published by Faber & Faber Ltd, 1931.
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bible study
ABBA (Illustrated, Multimedia) - meditations based upon the Lord's Prayer by Evelyn Underhill. First published by Longmans, Green & Co. 1940.
The HIDDEN ROMANCE of the NEW TESTMENT by By J A Robertson, M.A. Prof. NT Language, Literature and Theology, United Free Church College, Aberdeen. Published James Clarke & Co Limited (1917).
The LORD'S PRAYER - katapi Anthology.
The SCHOOL of CHARITY - a meditation on the Creed by Evelyn Underhill. First published by Longman's 1934.
RULE FOR A NEW BROTHER: Darton Longman & Todd | © 1973 Benedictine Priory 'Regina Pacis'
CHRISTIAN MEDITATIONS: Compilation of 25 years of Saturday Sermons by Dr W R Williams until 1973 as published in the Daily Telegraph.
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think on ...
13 centuries of ENGLISH CHURCH MUSIC (Illustrated, Multimedia) by W H Parry. First published Hinrichsen Edition Ltd 1946.
The MUSIC of the BIBLE (Illustrated, Multimedia) by John Stainer M.A. Mus.Doc. First published by Cassell, Petter, Galpin & Co, 1882.
The SINGING CHURCH (Illustrated, Multimedia) by C H Phillips. First published by Faber & Faber 1945.
MUSIC CHILL-OUT : Period music — instrumental / choral , and lots more besides!
katapi PSALTER WITH CHANTS (Common Worship psalms with chants and midi playback): [PRINT OPTIONS TIP: -- OPEN in a NEW TAB for correct page print display! ]
| Psalms: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | 101-125 | 126-150 & Canticles |
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- music -
An INTRODUCTION to the CREEDS by A E Burn. First published Methuen 1899.
CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY by the Rt Rev AC Headlam CH DD, Bishop of Gloucester. First published Oxford University Press 1934.
PROPHET & WITNESS in JERUSALEM (A study of the teaching of St. Luke): by Adrian Hastings. First published 1958.
The CHRISTIAN FAITH (Illustrated, Multimedia) by C B Moss. First published by SPCK 1943.
The ELEMENTS of MORAL THEOLOGY by R C Mortimer. First Published by A & C Black 1947.
THEOLOGY & SANITY by F J Sheed. First published Sheed & Ward 1947.
WHO MOVED THE STONE (Illustrated): by Frank Morison. IVP 1958. First published by Faber and Faber Ltd, 1930.
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- theology -
HANDBOOK of LATIN & GREEK PALAEOGRAPHY by Sir Edward Maunde Thompson. First published Kegan Paul 1892. (Illustrated)
BEDE: ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY - (Latin|English) B Colgrave & R A B Mynors (1969) | pdf with chapter selection, otherwise as published at the Internet Archive. NEW!!!
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This website makes available a number of notable works of reference which are no longer in print. Copyright permissions have been requested for those books that may not quite yet be in the public domain. If I have unwittingly infringed copyright, please let me know.
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